Save the Goddess System

Chapter 544 is old

"Dad, Mom, Grandpa, I am back."

When I entered the door, Murong Xue shouted.

This situation, Li Feng could not be wet.

When he is still a teenager, I will call a "mother, I am back."

Today he has grown up, the mother is not ...

After a few seconds, the living room opened, two men and two women came out, they saw Murong Snow, Qi Qi showed a surprise look.

However, in the next second, they saw Li Feng with Murong Snow, and the color of the surprise quickly turned, and it was shocked.

"Small snow, who is he?" Murong Snow's grandfather Murong and Lee pointed to Li Feng, and the face is complicated.

"Grandpa, he is Li Feng, is mine ... My boyfriend." Say it, Murong Xue is shy low.

Murong and Le Four people have changed!

"Small snow, you must be right with us?" Murong Snow's mother Luo Ping quickly stepped forward, pulling Murong Snow's hand asked.

Murong and Le, Murong Snow's grandmother Yuan Zhen, Murong Snow's father Murong Yu Zhiqi nervously looked at Murong Snow, because Murong Snow's next answer will determine their destiny!

Murong Snow lied red lips and turned to look at Li Feng and took her nodded and gave her.

There is Li Feng to vent it, and Murong Xue's face is reorganized: "Mom, I am sorry, he is really my boyfriend ..."

Luo Springs have a shock, and the face has a little pale.

Even Murong and Le, Murong Yu Zhi have become a bitter.

They are still in strange, how do you say that Xiaoxue speaks home in advance? It turns out to give them a first time!

"Snow, you are together ... How long?"

Murong and music spit out a touch and asked slowly.

"Not long after, a month." Murong Snow said.

This is what she negotiated with Li Feng in advance. One month said that the length is not long, and it is not easy to reveal the horse foot.

"One month ..." Murong and Le Tuan are light, then try to speak: "Then there is no ... that is ...?"

In this way, the atmosphere in the clubs is weird.

In addition to Murong Snow, others are coming over, and I understand Murong and Le.

Murong Yu Zhi three is okay, after all, they know that now is a special period, Murong and Le Xi also asked only for concern, not for the old people.

Li Feng can't accept it, rely, this problem should be asked by Murong Snow's mother or grandmother, Murong and Le This is what is the grandfather to ask export? It's true for the old!

But he is just a fake boyfriend of Murong, can't say anything, can only endure.

"Grandpa, what do you say?"

"I ..." Murong and Le also found that he was a bit anxious, and quickly rushed Yuan Zhen, Luo Caixing made a face.

Under the two women, I asked Murong Sala to ask.

After half of the half, Yuan Zhen rushed Murong and music shook his head, Murong and Leon were relieved.

The two have not yet that, and there is still room for recovery!

"You go, our family doesn't welcome you." Murong and Legend said to Li Feng and the cold voice.

Li Fengbei picks up, just talk, but by Murong Xue timely interruption: "Give it to me."

Li Feng nodded. He came here to help Murong snow to solve the trouble, not to fight with Murong Snow, let Murong Snow will solve it. If Murong Snow is, he will come again.

"Grandpa, I am sincerely love with Li Feng." Murong Snow re-stepped to Li Feng, pulled Li Feng and Li Feng affectionately.

The two are pseudo-dressing, but the two-eyed has an invisible current, this current makes the two people are bound!

A researcher has found a record of 300 men and women. When men and women are in place, if the two have more than 8 seconds, they will wipe out the sparks, and they can make them further development.

Just now, Li Feng and Murong Snow has been opposed to 8 seconds. Murong Snow has always suspected that Li Feng is her true life, and Li Feng has been in powder.

In the case of each other, it will be over 8 seconds, and the spark of love is produced!

"" "" "" ......

Murongxue only felt that his own heart was hopped, panicked.

Li Feng also has some dry tongue, the throat is tight ...

The situation of the two seems to be in Murong and Le and others, it is full of love!

Murong and Le Cold, anger: "I really love you, you have been saved to Sun Zhishang, if we want to destroy, our home will suffer from the top disaster!"

"Small snow, parents don't want to interfere with your marriage, but Sun's family has opened, your grandfather has already checked, we are unable to fight!" Murong Yuxi bitterly persuaded.

Don't look at them is the most pro-friend of Murong, you can do things in Murong Snow's marriage. They say that there is no component, and Murong Snow's grandfather Murong and wind are the final plate.

"Yes, small snow, don't do a stupid thing."

"Small snow, if you are alone, the hide of this surname will die!"

Yuan Zhen and Luo Qiping also praised it.

"Oh?" Li Fengbei picks, pretending to be good: "The mother, you just said that I will die, really will be so serious?"

"It's so serious!"

"More serious than this!"

"Not only you will die, your family will have a danger of life!"

Murong and Le and others, you said.

How many exaggerated suspects in their words, but as long as Li Feng is scared to leave the snow, how is the words of words exaggerated?

"Oh ... I am not afraid of death." Li Feng crushed the little hand of the snow, with her deeply pair: "As long as you can be with the small snow, what is the fear of death ?!"

Although I know that Li Feng is playing, but Murong snow or I can't help my heart.

"If this is true ... How good." Murong Xueyou Panhua, secretly thought.

Murong and music and other people's mouth, I can't wait to leave two people.

No ... I know that you have good feelings. Can you not love in front of us, is it bad!

"Call!" Murong and Music spit out a turbidity, then she said: "Even if you are not afraid of death, do you always think about your family? Do you want to selfish to your own happiness, and put your family in Did you die? "

Li Fengbei picks, the face is cold: "Sorry, I am orphan, so this situation you said at all, and ... I am also the martial arts, your Murong Home, Sun Jia, Qin Jia also , All threaten me. "

This time, Murong and Le and others have a color!

At the same time, a shout from outside the villa: "Three brothers, put the wild man to me!"

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