Save the Goddess System

Chapter 545 does not agree is death!

Murong and music face color: "Not good, is a big brother!"

The sound outside the sound is from his big brother Murong and the wind!

"How come big Bo?" Murong Yuxi's face has also become difficult to look.

"Small snow, do you have to see it?" Luo Zi Pei asked.

"Well, I just met Liu Ye sister when I came back." Said Murong Snow.

Liu Ye is the unmarried wife of Murong and Feng Da Murong Qing, and Liu Jia and Murong Xuejia are just neighbors ...

"After it is over, the big brother is definitely a guilty of Xingshi. How can this be good!" Murong and the era are like ants on the hot pot, come back in the front yard.

Murong Yu Zhi also said: "Bad is coming to an exclusive, he decided that there is no one can change. This time Xiaoxue came to the first step with him, and the big Bo is definitely angry!"

"It is directly to push the pot directly to Li Feng."

Just then, a light sound said.

Murong and Music son both glanced, out of mouth: "Yes, put the pot ..."

Didn't finish it, Murong and Music sons have all been observed, how can this voice sound like Li Feng's voice?

Thinking of this, the two turned to Li Feng, but he saw that Li Feng was smiling and looking at them: "Don't look, this sentence is what I said, you don't have the pot, this is a pot, this is a bow. "


Murong and Music son's face are somewhat embarrassed.

Murong Snow also touched slightly, some speechless again.

When all, Li Feng also had a joke, but this also proved Li Feng's calm from the side, so that Murong Snow was also relaxed.

"Dad, don't hesitate, press Li Feng to do it." Murong Yuxi said.

"Well, I understand." Murong and music nodded, in fact, even if Li Feng does not say, he also wants to put the pot to Li Feng, but ......

"You just said that you are also a martial arts? What is the realm?" Murong and Le Xi asked purely in curiosity, he did not expect Li Feng to play his big brother.

"I just stepped into the early days ago." Li Feng replied.

Murong and the wind's awareness nodded: "Oh, get to the beginning of the sacred ..."

Then, Murong and the style of the wind were like a lightning strike. "What do you say, enter the early days ?!"

Not only Murong and the wind, Murong Yuxi, Luo Caiping, Yuan Zhen three people are also.

What is the concept of entering the beginning of the sacred? What is the concept of the beginning of the twenty? If Li Feng is really a strong in the beginning of the Sheng, then he is not possible with Xiaoxue!

at the same time……


A loud noise, the villa gate was opened from the outside, and a Tang's old man walked in in the moon.

Tang suit is a Murong family's current owner of Murong and Wind. The few people standing behind him are his big son Murongbo, his grandchildren Murongqing, and Murongqing's fiancee will willow.

"Big Brother!"

Big Bo! "

Murong and Le and others can't ask Li Feng again, and quickly greeted it.

"Why don't you open the door for so long?" Murong and the style offended.

"This ..." Murong and Lee said that he looked at Li Feng standing on the side.

Murong and wind and others immediately followed his eyes to Li Feng.

"You are the wild man brought back from Snow?"

Murong and the eyes flashed a lot of colors and asked.

"Grandpa, Li Feng is my boyfriend, please respect him."

Murong Xue double boxing, holding it for Li Feng.

"Well?!" Murong and the wind are like electricity to Murong Snow, "Well" is like a thunder, and it is usually ringing with everyone.

"Small snow, you give me a chapter!"

"Small snow, stand behind me!"

"Small snow ..."

Murong and Le and others have worried, and they have been responsible for Murong Snow.

It is said that it is rebuked. In fact, their intentions still want to protect Murong Snow, so as to avoid Murong Xue more irritated and wind, so that it is difficult to expect.

It's just that Murong Snow is very embarrassed, standing in the place and Murong and the wind, there is no fear of fear in the eyes.

Regardless of the boyfriend in Li Feng, Li Feng always brought home. She can't watch Li Feng, who is humiliated!

"This stupid girl, I'm still talking about it ..."

Li Feng shook his head smiled, just stood up and confronted Murong and the wind.

Who knows Liu Ye, but he went to Murong Snow: "Small Snow, this is the matter between the men, our women are watching it while watching."

Murong Snow brow wrinkled, she has always advocated men and women equality, and what men doing things are watching, she is going to participate in!

"Liu Ye, don't pull me, this is my own thing, of course I want to solve myself."

Murong Snow is going to break free.

Who knows that Liu Ye is dead, she will kill her, and I smiled and said: "Murong Snow, I advise you to figure out something, Murong family can have today's status is because of the grandfather of Qing Dynasty!"

"Take again, Murong Grandpa is wrong? You have already set up with Sun's home, and now I have other men, this man is not a wild man?"

"Murong Snow, if you still have a bit of reason, you should take this man away, then marry Sun Jia!"

The Liu Ye Verses falls, and there is a short silence in the club.

Then, Murong Qing said the first clapping: "It is good! It is a woman I am in Murong Qing!"

"The little leaves are good, it is worthy of my Murong's future wife!" Murongyu's old comfort.

Murong and the wind also nodded: "The conclusion is generally, and the small leaves are better than Xiao Xue, I am so sweet!"

Murong and music are not embarrassed. When they put their daughter (granddaughter) in their faces, they will praise their own children (Sun) daughter-in-law? Don't be too shameless to do!

It's just that Murong and Le and others have no more cool. Who will make Murong and the wind be superior? Fist is hard to do!

Murong Xue was laughed: "You give me a consent to Sun Jia, can I have a consent? In your eyes, I am a product that can be traded. In this case, why should I think about Murong? "

If there is no help of Li Feng, maybe Mu Rongxue really recognizes to marry Sun Zhishang, since Li Feng has already showcase the ability to help her change fate, Liu Ye, Murong and the style is so hard, then why do she want to Accept fate?

She is a woman who is not fake, but she also has the right to pursue happiness!

Murong Snow's words have a sound, and the crowd has not been speechless.

After half of the half, Murong and the wind laughed, waiting until the laughter stopped, he looked to Murong and the music: "The three brothers, the good granddaughter you educated!"

Murong and music are red, holding boxing: "The big brother is sorry, I am not finger, I will let the snow will change."

"No!" Murong and the wind raised his hand and smiled: "The interests of the Murong family are so high, she must marry Sun Zhishang, otherwise ... it is dead!"

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