Save the Goddess System

Chapter 549 sitting on the mountain watching

Shortly after Murong and Wind, Murong and Le were holding boxing: "Li is, you will put them like it, will not be too light ..."

"Oh?" Li Feng turned his head to Murong and Le, the expression was a bit complicated.

Before Murong and Le, he said that he had to go, but now did not have anything like anything, and it is not obvious to him.

Let Li Feng surprised that listening to Murong and Le, he didn't want to put Murong and wind, Murong and the wind but his friend brother.

Murong and Lele are also old foxes, I will understand Li Feng's gaze. I explain it now: "Li Shao, I just got the best, I don't know if you enter the holy strong, if you have a definition, please see you in Snow Don't tell me this old man in the face. "

"Yeah, we are also good for small snow." Murong Yuzhi also explained before.

The fist can win respect, and this sentence is in all the sea.

Lee Feng did not show strength, Murong and Music son will not give him a good face. After Li Feng showed strength, Murong and Music sons should be cautious, and they are afraid of him.

It is really a lot to change before and after the attitude of the two.

"The two elders don't need to explain, these I understand, who doesn't want my child, do you want children? Also, you have called me Xiao Li." Li Feng did not hold big, but the posture is very low.

In my heart, he said that he had an idea for Murong Snow, so he must do a good job with Murong and Music, Murong Yizhi's relationship.

Listening to this words, Murong and Music sons are relieved. They are really afraid that they are angry with Li Feng, and they will not be able to recover each other. Now they are more concerned.

"Xiao Li can understand us." Murong and Le Laozhu comfort said.

"Hey, Xiao Li is a talent, and it is also a strong force. Our Xia Xue does not know what blessings in our last life, and even find Xiao Li to be a boyfriend."

"Small snow, you must get along with Xiao Li in the future, don't wait, do you know?"

Luo Caiping pulled Murong Xue to the side of it.

There is a sentence called the mother to see the female son, the more prominent eyes, Li Feng's appearance has not been said, handsome, straight, homework, strong personal strength, such son-in-law is very perfect.

Luo Qing Ping was afraid that Murong Snow couldn't hold Li Feng, this is only a look of Murong Snow.

Murong Snow: "???"

No ... Are you a mother, saying that I have a high climbing Li Feng?

However, the words come back, Li Feng is so good, she really has a little self-contained in front of Li Feng ...

If it is known to know that Murong Snow, it will be shocked by the chin.

Please, you can be a little behind the music, how many men in the dream of the goddess, will there be a man in front of a man?

However, Murong Xue is clear, like Li Feng, such a good man, will not lack the pursuit, others don't say, if the people of the ancient martial arts know that Li Feng's power, it will definitely rush to grab Li Feng, top Women in Wu Shi is no exception!

"The aunt said with a small snow, I have saved the Milky Way in my life."

At this moment, Li Feng suddenly said.

In this way, Murong and Music are like a brow, Luo Caiping is even more happy.

On the side, Murong Xue shame is full of powder, there is such a moment, she even forgot her love with Li Feng ...

After a commercial mutual blow, Murong and Le will pull back the most beginning: "Xiao Li, you may not know my big brother, he is not a man who is willing."

Although Murong and the wind are his big brother, Murong and Wind did not have seen him as younger brother, even so, Murong and Feng have never put him in the eyes!

At this point, you can take a twice from the previous Murong and the style.

In this case, how can Murong and Le and the wind as a big brother? What is it not guilty?

Li Fengbei picks: "Grandpa Murong is worried that he is biting me?"

"Yes." Murong and music have nodded, considering the language: "My big brother is the most good thing to do is a set of behind the surface."

Murong Yuxi also attached: "Yeah, don't read the big mistakes on his face, but also guaranteed that you don't interfere with the things between you and the snow, don't know how you think."

Li Feng's eyes flashed, secretly whisper: "No one knows what ..."

Murong and Music son did not know that Li Feng not only knows that Murong and the wind are behind a set, but also know the specific integration of Murong and wind.

Before Murong and Wind, Li Feng used him to read the heart, and the intention of Murong and the wind was a clear!

"I think that the big brother is most likely to do, that is, telling Sun's family with Xiaoxue, let Sun Jia to deal with you." Murong and music faces.

Li Fengbei picks up, Murong and Le are still right, just Murong and Wind are really thinking!

"If this is true, then you can be dangerous." Murong Yu's face also gained: "Sun's family has two sacred strong, Sun's family is in the middle of the Sheng, Sun Jia Lao second is to In the early days. Xiao Li, you are just in the early days, and they are somewhat dangerous to them. "

"Ah! Will it be like this?" Murong Snow screamed, then worried: "Is Li Feng not very dangerous?"

Murong and music have nodded, and the face is proudly said: "It is very dangerous, so ... Li Feng, you should tell your family, let your family go find Sun Jia's master talk."

Murongyu Zhihe and the road: "Yes, the family is not suggeting, if you can solve this thing with Sun Jia Peace, it is naturally it."

The voice falls, the two are full of expectations waiting Li Feng to give birth to reply.

Li Feng is so young, it is already a strong force, and he must be from which supercient Wu Shi, his home is willing to be more horrible.

At that time, Li Feng family shot, Sun Jia dare to say it? Not destroyed Sun Jiafu!

Just on the occasion of the two people, Li Feng said: "Oh ... Murong Grandpa, Murong, my father, I just said that I am orphan."

Murong and Le Xian are a glimpse, then no channel: "Xiao Li, you don't have a joke with us, I know that you are talking at that time."

Murong Yuzhi also attached to the head attached.

Li Feng smiled: "I really didn't joify you, I am really orphan, this small snow can testify me."


Murong and Music son turned his head to Murong Snow.

Where does Murong Snow know the family situation of Li Feng? However, for the trust of Li Feng, she still nodded.

Murong and music and Murong Yu tend to cry without tears!

No ... Li Feng actually is really an orphan, is he not a dead road? Li Feng loses, where can their end?

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