Save the Goddess System

Chapter 550 X Factor

Originally Murong and Le have a big rude back, the future is coming, and now I discovered ... This refund has broken the risk!

At this moment, Murong Yuxi suddenly said: "Dad, I think we don't have to worry, since we can think of this, the big Bo he must think of this is."

Murong and Le Tuan light are bright: "You are ... you really want to stop this, no longer interfere with Xiao Li and Xiaoxue?"

Murong Yuxi nodded: "It is very possible."

Murong and the wind are also an old fox. Li Feng is so enchanting, will definitely think of the elders behind Li Peak, as long as he thinks this, don't dare to play again!


"Li Feng, how many people know if you are orphan?"

Murong Yuxi suddenly thought of this, asked nervous.

Opposite, Murong Snow is not very happy: "Dad, don't ask again!"

Li Feng is an orphan. She really doesn't know, but if it is true, I don't have a happy thing for Li Feng. Dad should not always ask.

"Nothing." Li Feng shook his head and said slowly: "I am orphan thing is not secret."

If you put it in the past, others will definitely let Li Feng are not happy, but now ... I think that I can make enough 10 million system points, buy resurrection, Mom, Li Feng is only excited, where is it What is happy?

Because of the relationship between Osville, as long as the people are listening, they will know that his mother Li Yuan has taken Li Feng to spell, and there is no family in so many years.

After Li Yuan died in the death of the car accident in three years, Li Feng naturally became an orphan.

On the contrary, he is a prince's illegitimate child is a secret that only a few people know.

However, Murong's three brothers are an X factor. If there is anything happening here, the relationship between Murong Ce, then his relationship with Wang Sun, and he can't hold it.

Murong and music and Murong Yuxi glanced, all saw a little bit of bitterness from the opponent's face.

Just, they have chosen Li Feng, and regret it is late, can only take a step.

The next time, Murong and Music have asked Li Feng some problems that didn't hurt, and then a family went to the outside restaurant to have dinner.

After the guest house, everyone returned to the villa and chatted and returned to the house.

Murong and Le, Yuan Zhen couple first step on the second floor, returning to the bedroom.

When they walked, Luo Caiping said that he was deeply awkward to Murong Xue: "Snow, the bedroom, I have helped you pack it, you will take a break with Xiao Li early."

After the words were finished, Luo Qiping was going to pull the second floor of Murongyu Zhi.

Murong Xue first, then faced the face of red road: "Mom, I haven't developed with Li Feng ... did not develop to that step!"

Li Feng touched his nose. He nodded in smile. He couldn't say "the mother, we have not yet developed to that step, but I want to go out that has been thinking about it for a long time."

He wants to say so, Murong Xue may turn his face with him on the spot!

"You are still shy in front of my parents?" Luo Cai Ping took a pointer of the nose of Murong Snow, ridiculed: "Don't worry, my mother is a open person, you also arrived at the age of marriage, some things It is already possible. "

"But ..." Murong Snow still wants to explain a few words.

Luo Caiping will listen, when you are breaking: "Okay, time is not too early, you hurry to take a break with Li Feng back."

After that, she pulled Murong Yu Zhi on the second floor and returned to her room.

"It's miserable, they want to make the two bedrooms ..."

Murong Snow has some want to cry without tears. How can she forget this? I know that I should live outside with Li Feng.

However, Murong Snow turned to think that if she really lived outside with Li Feng, my parents would not doubt the relationship with Li Feng?

"What should I do next?"

Li Feng took a genuine barrier with his hand and asked.

Frankly, he is still very expected to live in a room with Murong, but Murong Snow should not be happy, people can be a yellow flower.

"I don't know what to do." Murong Xue smiled.

Since the mother has already opened, she must have a bedroom with Li Peak, otherwise it will certainly cause their doubts.

It's just that she is not a real couple with Li Feng, how can I stay in a room!

Li Feng is a little sinking, there is a decision: "This, I am s, you s bed."

Similar things he has experienced twice, and has already responded to experience.

"Ah? This is not very good ..." Murong Xue felt this to Li Feng unfair, Li Feng is here to help her, let Li Feng s one night floor ...

"Nothing is not good, my skin is thick, not in the case. Let's not argue again, lest them to have a suspicion, go back to the bedroom first."

After that, Li Feng withdrew the real air barrier, when he first walked on the second floor first.

Seeing Li Feng so insisted, Murong Snow did not say much, and quickly followed.

After a few minutes, the two returned to the bedroom.

This bedroom is the boudoir of Murong Snow, there is an independent bathroom.

After the two people have a simple wash, Li Feng is going to lay on the floor, where is Murong Snow? I quickly found a blanket on the ground from the wardrobe.

"Thank you." Li Feng's heart was warm, and he lie on the ground after coming.

"The person who said thank you is me." Murong Xueguan smiled and said: "If you are not your help, I will be forced to marry a stranger, which is more uncomfortable to me."

"Starting your hand, don't thank you, say, you are my employee, you have to help me make money, if you resign, it is also a big loss for me." Li Feng said half of it.

Murong Snow knows that Li Feng is not because of this to help him, but in order to cooperate with Li Feng, it is still not full: "It turns out that I am just a tool of making money in your eyes ?!"

Li Feng did not use the heart to Murongxue, but I thought that Murong Snow was really unhappy. I quickly explained: "No, I am joking with you, you are a good friend in my eyes."

"Is it just a friend?" Murong Snow dried his lips and asked soon.

Li Feng: "???"

No ... What does Murong Snow do this mean, is it hints that Xiaoyan?

Li Feng can be an old driver, which is extremely good at seizing the opportunity. When he found that there is something in Murong, he knew his chance!

"Of course, it is not only a friend. In fact, I like you very much." Li Feng said deeply.

Murong Snow is a shock, some can't believe in your ears.

How many women do not fantasize love? The big star Murong Snow is no exception.

In her fantasy, the man she wants to marry is a top hero. He can have no more colorful clouds at your feet, or you can have no money, rights, and strength, but must have a sense of justice. ability.

Of course, the appearance must be a handsome, and the woman is not very different from the man. It is the creature of his face ...

With the emergence of Li Feng, Murongxue found himself as if he found a man who met her fantasy, so she decided to take the initiative, and further the relationship between her with Li Feng further.

However, she just came out, Li Feng said like her, what should she do, saying that she also likes Li Feng?

God, really shy ~

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