Save the Goddess System

Chapter 551 speaks straightforward

Just as I thought about Murong Xue, Li Feng said: "When I had a time, I have to listen to your song every night."

Before you get the system, Li Feng's mental stress is very large, and the insomnia all night.

Once an accidental opportunity, Li Feng heard the exhibition song of Murong Snow, attracted by her emotional voice.

Since then, Li Feng has always been relying on Murong Snow song to make yourself sleep.

Murong Xue is more shy, Li Feng speaks well, so warm, let her heart jump, the little face is hot.

"He said so much, should he be confess to me? If he is with me, I promised him or ... promise him?"

Murong Snow kneaded his neighborhood and shy thought.

Murongxue didn't know that Li Feng has used her mind to she, and her inner thoughts have been read by Li Feng.

"It seems that Murong Xue, the girl has been in the heart of Xiaoyang ... Then do I want to grasp this opportunity, take Murong Xue?" Li Feng secretly smirked, and finally smirk.

Win? How can I get? He hasn't told Mu Rongxue to have a number of girlfriends.

Although Li Feng's principle is all, he can't use the means of pit and deceived. It must be in the case of each other, you can make a choice.

Of course, before this, he can strive to make Murong Xue to have a good impression on himself. Otherwise, there is no feeling, let people know that he is a lotus radish, it is not a self-ended road!

Opposite, Murong Xue, etc., I haven't waited for Li Feng to confess to myself. It is a little anxious. Is it ... Li Feng is just a simple song, don't like her?

At this moment, Li Feng suddenly asked: "That ... Xiaoxue, you should have a lot of boys?"

Murong Snow has never passed the gossip, and through today's observation, Li Feng felt that Murong Snow is not like a person with a boyfriend.

If Murong Snow has a boyfriend, it is impossible to see a few times a day.

Murong Xue is red and red, saying down: "Yes, there is no favorite ..."

"Oh?" Li Fengbei picks up, pretending to be curious: "Is your eyes too high."

"No, it is the fate." Murong Snow knead his corner, it looks very shy. "

The fate, this thing can't see, but it is best to take the back pot. If a woman wants to reject a man, you can take the fond, what is no longer, what is the fate, no one,

If a woman likes a man, you can also take the fond, what is "so clever, I encountered you, there is really fate between us."

What is actually? In order to this "encounter", some people have done a lot of ready to work.

"Oh ... fate, it is really a very wonderful thing." Li Feng said with a feeling.

When he was the oldest, the fate never found him. When he got the systematic counterattack, he could meet the fate ...

"Li, then you ... you ..." Murong Snow looked up to Li Feng and said.

"What happened?" Li Feng guess what Murong Xue wants to ask, but he can't say it directly, it is interesting to be a little.

"Just ... you ... have you have a girlfriend?"

Murong Snow used a lot of strength to say this. After I finished, she was ashamed, and she continued to knead the corner.

"Yes, there is more than one." Li Feng said easily.

"Ah ?!" Murong Snow directly at the scene.

After a long time, Murong Snow is not natural: "Li, you must be joking with me?"

Just now Li Feng talking, it sounds like a joke, which is the last hope of Murong Snow.

"I didn't have a joke, I really don't only have a girlfriend, and they all know each other's existence."

Two hands of Li Feng, said complex tone.

Murong Snow still can't believe: "So ... have you have a few girlfriends?"

"Nine letters ..." Li Feng's old face was red, said.

If you count the words of Xiao Ling, he is indeed nine women.

Murong Snow: "???"

No ... There are nine girlfriends, this nine women also know each other's existence, is they living in ancient times?

At this moment, Murong Xueru was shocked by lightning, and the mind was embarrassed, consciously gotting almost lost thinking.

Just then, Li Feng said: "You must think that our behavior is very absurd?"

Murong Xiaowei nodded down, this is a ridiculous, it is a short Y!

Now I have a wife, and Li Feng actually intends to gather in nine girlfriends. It is simply ridiculous!

"But I don't think my own behavior is ridiculous. On the contrary, I feel that my behavior is very powerful." I only listened to Li Feng to say.

Murong Snow is a face!

What is it? Find nine girlfriends is not absurd, but it is quite courageous?

Murong Xue saw the golden gold in his face, I have never seen such a golden gold!

At this moment, Murong Snow is a good and funny, and it is a bit sad. How can she have a good feeling about Li Feng, a big radish, and almost fall in?

Even now she has a fantasy to Li Feng? She must be crazy!

After a long time, Murong Xue is deeply sucking: "Why do you think your own behavior is very powerful?"

She can listen, how Li Feng is argued for her own behavior!

Li Feng shrugged and smiled: "Because I didn't deceive them, I will tell my girlfriend's things before I establish a relationship, and I will choose themselves."

"Lucky or unfortunately, I am too good, in addition to I can't like other men, I can only choose to be with me."

"And I also made a promise to them, I will definitely take them home, I believe that this goal can not be used for too long."

After listening to Li Feng's story, Murong Xueba is tight.

Have to say that Li Feng said as if there is still a good reason?

If you do other men, will he say what other girlfriends have other girlfriends before establishing a relationship? Very general, it is possible to establish a relationship and find a chance to say, and even conceal it.

Moreover, I promise to take my girlfriend to go home ... This promise sounds, but it is not possible, after all, there is still a husband in the world.

As for Li Feng, he is too good ... Murong Snow is deeply recognized.

Just like now, she has been moving to Li Feng, and other men are not easy to enter her.

It is like you have lived in a rich life, then lower your life quality, you are definitely not happy, a truth.

Now the problem is coming, the excavator is not right, what should she face Li Feng?

From then on, I thoroughly cut her love between her and Li Feng, or ... like Li Feng's girlfriend, accept each other's existence?

For a time, Murong Snow fell into a huge entanglement ...

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