Save the Goddess System

Chapter 553 Leaves her, otherwise killing you!

At noon, Murong Snow Home, the first floor living room.

Li Feng is accompanying Murong and Le Ling, on the other, Murong Snow bubbles with Kung Fu tea, poured water to the two people.

Not far away, Luo Cai Ping accompanys the mother-in-law Yuan Zhen said whispering, Murong Yuzhi took the newspaper and drinking tea, leisurely.

This scene is very warm, a family and harmony, which is envious.

It's just a long-lasting, a doorbell, and completely break the good atmosphere of the living room.

Murong and music let go of the chess pieces in his hand, and the face is denweant: "It's still coming."

"Since you can't hide, then you will face it." Li Feng smiled and jumped: "General, grandfather, you lose."

Murong and music mouth smoked, half-eyed, laughing: "You are stinking, don't know how to let me."

One morning, he lost to Li Feng five times, and he was willing to leave his psychological shadow.

It is strange that the future of others will be happy after the future of the women's people, they are as happy as possible, Li Feng can fell, and the next chess does not know that he is a grandfather.

On the side, Murong Snow can't help but laugh. She is also very wonderful. How did Li Feng know how to make Grandpa, is Li Feng's good winner, or after the communication last night, Li Feng broke the tanker, did not want to please her grandfather ?

Where did the two knew that Li Feng had already seen that Murong and Le had a disappointment, in this case, why should he still make Murong and Le?

I can't get angry and Murong and Music son, can't I win a lot of time?

I think so in my heart, but I can't say this.

I saw that Li Feng smiled slightly, and she said while packing the chessboard: "It is the old man deliberately let me."

"You Xiaozi ~" Murong and Le shook his head smile, then got up: "Let's go, let's go out to greet Sun's master."

After a morning, Murong and Lele have already thought about the countermeasures. When he saw Sun Xixiang, he kept neutral, let Sun Zhishang and Li Feng fight, who won him, who will give Xiao Xue. Who is it.

For this countermeasure, he can perform smoothly. He deliberately squatted to Murong Yuxi couple. When Luo Qiping pulled Xia Xue to the side, and Murong Yuxi will pull Li Feng to the side, so you can divide the two, not by Sun Xiang, two The relationship between people.

This is really shameless, Murong and Le do not want to do this, but do he have any other choice?

If Li Feng loses, he still disagree with Xiao Xue to marry Sun Zhishang. What will he do, what will their home?

It is necessary to blame him to be strong enough, we must blame, you can only blame Li Feng without a strong home background!

Under the leadership of Murong and Le, everyone went to the gate of the villa gate.

Murong Yuxi husband and wife did not bear the arrogance of Murong and Le, one person pulled Li Feng, Murong Sala.

After Murong and Le will open, Li Feng stands in the door, in addition to two unfamiliar people who have never seen, there are Murong and Feng Ye.

"Three brothers, how do you come to open the door so late?" Murong and the wind asked some dissatisfaction.

"Big Brother, I ..." Murong and Leon have a mouth, I don't know what to say.

He is very chaotic in his mind, very chaotic, how do you come with Sun Xixiang? What is the purpose of this big brother? Big Brother, will he take the relationship between Li Feng with Murong Snow?

Opposite, wearing a brown Tang, Sun Xixiang, smile, said: "Good Murong your brother, but you will not say that I have a family."

At the same time, Sun Xixiang looked at Li Feng next to Murongyu, and the eyebrows were ignored, and then quickly released.

In his way, Li Feng may be a guest who is just like Murong ...

Murong and the wind have smiled: "Sun brother said."

After the body, Murong Yuxi, Murong Qing Father and the two looks showed Li Feng and others, and there was a cold in his eyes.

Murong and music are slightly changed, and I am busy holding boxing: "I failed to go in time, I also hope that Sun Hao Haihan!"

"Where is the family, your family came out to meet, and I was enough for me. I was so happy." Sun Xixiang hit a haha, and then turned to Sun Zhishang: "Zhi Shang, you have been I want to come to see the small snow, I have seen it, why don't you talk? "

A white suit's Sun Zhishang has a red, followed by step forward to Murong Snow, from behind, take out the rose: "Miss Murong Snow, I will meet, I hope you can like it."

"This ..." Murong Snow, she did not expect Sun Zhihang to give her flowers under this occasion, and some don't know how it is good.

Opposite, Murong and Feng Ye Sun San people looked at Li Feng next to Murongyu, the expression is very taste.

On the way, they didn't point Li Feng's existence, just to see how Li Sum will choose when Sun's uniqueness.

Now Sun Zhishang has already tricks, Li Feng ... how do you deal with it?

On the side of the, Murong and Music, the people of Murong and music sweating, the eyes are constantly moving in Murong Snow, Sun Zhi Shang, Li Feng three people.

Little Snow will accept the flowers of Sun Zhishang? Lee Sum will not block blockage? If Li Feng blocks, the Sun Zhishang will respond, will Sun Xixiang will be angry on the spot?

Various questions in Murong and Music people's heart hovering, lingering, urgently they are like ants on the hot pot!

Just as everyone was in mind, Li Feng took a few steps in front of Murong Snow, reached out and took the flowers: "The flowers are very beautiful, I thank you for my girlfriend."

Sun Zhi Shang: "???"

No ... this little young says, thank you for your girlfriend? Who is his girlfriend, Murong Snow? Who is the special Laozi? Why is it here to come here?

Sun Xixiang also stunned, feeling this young man is not a guest who came to Murong, but Murong Snow boyfriend?

Murong and Feng Ye's grandchildren can't help but laugh, Li Feng really didn't let them disappoint, or so arrogant, then there is a good show!

Murong and music are only a black, almost closed!

Rely, Li Feng is still shot, and Sun Xixiang must have to worry, will Sun Xixiang concert them? Can Li Feng can't resist Sun Xixiang's anger? What will the end result?

At this moment, Murong and Music have a batch of people!

Just as the atmosphere is about to be nervous, Sun Zhishang deeply asked: "Miss Murong Snow, what does this mean, are you not always single?"

Murong snow noodles number number, finally biting his teeth: "Sorry Mr. Sun, I am with Li Feng, I am together."

At this time, Sun Zhi Shang's face change.

On the side, Sun Xixiang's face is blue, double boxing, so that the bones are awkward, these are enough to see how he is angry!

"Zhishang ..." Sun Xixiang is deeply sucking, and it is going to solve this thing.

Who knows Sun Zhishang to break the road: "Grandpa, I want to handle this thing."

Sun Xixiang Zhang Zhang did his mouth, and finally nodded: "Well, you can rest assured that you have to deal with it, everything has me."

Sun Zhishang nodded, and then he looked to Murong Xueyao: "Miss Murong Snow, as long as you break up with him now, and the public announced to marry me, I can do you, don't live together, otherwise ..."

Li Fengbei picks: "What?"

Sun Zhishang looked to Li Feng, cold channel: "I will kill you!"

The voice is falling, and one is a super-late breath rises from Sun Zhishang!

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