Save the Goddess System

Chapter 554, like me, such a good man

At a moment of breath, Murong and music can not help but change!

Even Murong and Feng Ye's grandchildren have changed their faces.

If they have not remembered, Sun Zhishang is only 30 years old this year? Such young is already superior, the martial arts talent is overflow!


Murong and wind and others turned to look at Li Feng, and the face on his face was bitter.

Compared with them, Sun Zhishang's martial arts talent is really enchanting, and you can use Li Feng, and Sun Zhishang's talents can only be described in garbage.

If Sun Xixiang is here, Sun Zhishang said that if he wants to kill Li Feng, it is a joke!

On the other hand, Sun Xixiang is a little comforted: "Men's Han Dao husband is to domineering, it is my grandson of my Sun Xixiang!"

After Sun Zhishang, he stared at Li Feng, hoping to see the fear or scared look from Li Feng, but let him down, Li Feng's face has no change, a quiet batch!

Suddenly Sun Zhi Shang is awkward, he also said that the horror breath also reveals, if it is a normal person, it should be afraid of Mao, is Li Feng?

Just then, Murong Snow was busy at Li Peak. "Mr. Sun, I have no feelings with you, please ask Mr. Sun to force, ok?"

She doesn't want Li Feng to conflict between Sun Zhishang. If she can solve it, it is best, so she wants to try to convince Sun Zhishang, let him take the initiative to give up.

Sun Zhishang's brow micro-wrinkle: "There is no relationship, we can slowly cultivate, but you have to marry me, because I like you, I like you when I see you, I like you. Don't marry. "

Sun Zhiji is unlike Han Han Shengwu, Sun Zhishang has talent, and will be hard, but also know how to enjoy.

Although the 35-year-old is still not married, the girlfriend of Sun Zhishang can make a strengthening, this is still a name, and a woman who is more unable to count.

When you have a marriage, you will have a marriage, and the family has always been a marriage. It happens that Sun Zhishang has seen the chocolate advertisement of Murong Xue's endorsement. I like to have an angel's face and have the Murong Snow.

Under his appeal, Murong family finally promised to give him Murong Snow, and Sun Zhishang thought that he would have to hold every person, and he didn't want to kill Li Feng in half.

He is very angry now, it is really angry, he can't wait to immediately kill Li Feng, will be broken by Li Feng, but before this, he must get Murong Snow.

play hard!

"A good kind of infatuation!" Murong and the wind were shunned, said: "Mr. Sun, I support you, bravely pursue my happiness!"

"Mr. Sun, you are more than 10,000 times in my heart than the surname Li!" Murong Qing also gave Sun Zhi Shang to fuel.

What is their purpose? It's coming to ignite! Only when I want to interact between Sun Zhishang and Li Feng, Sun Xixiang will start Li Feng.

In this way, they can report yesterday's humiliation!

"Mr. Sun, trouble, do you talk about it? Emotion is two people, I don't like you, why don't you marry you?"

Murong Xue is so angry, this person is really good to hate it.

Also ... he actually threatened her with Li Feng's life and death? Her most annoying is to be threatened!

"Because I can only match you." Sun Zhi Shang smiled and turned to Li Feng and asked: "Your surname Li?"

Li Fengbei picks up, no words.

"You are also a warrior?" Sun Zhishang asked again.

Li Feng nodded, still didn't speak.

"Since you are surname Li, it is still a warrior, then your life background is definitely not as good as me." Sun Zhishang is more concentrated.

"Oh?" Li Fengbei picks: "Why are you so confident?"

Sun Zhishang smiled and said: "As far as I know, the large ancient people in the Huaxia 's ancient Wu Shi with the top Guwu Shi's family, and our Sun Jia, is a large ancient Wu Shi!"

"In this case, I said that my life background is stronger than you, is it wrong?"

Li Feng is not a point to nod: "Oh ... you analyze this is a bit truth."

Murong and wind and others have not stopped nodding and Li Feng not only has no life background, or or is or something, it is not possible to compare with Sun Zhishang.

Sun Zhishang smiled, and then said: "Since you are a warrior, you should know how important the talent is more important to a military person."

"Of course, I know, just like me ..."

Li Fenggang has to blow it directly, but by Sun Zhishang directly cut: "You know, the martial arts talent, the same age is not much better than me."

In addition to Sun Xixiang, in addition to Sun Xixiang, the faces of others have become weird.

"Mr. Sun, your martial arts talent is very strong ..." Murong and wind cough, you will transfer the topic.

I am going, he is afraid that I will say this, and the face of Sun Zhishang will be swollen by Li Feng.

What is the martial arts? There is a martial arts in front of you in front of you!

However, Sun Zhishang does not give Murong and wind inserted chances: "Everyone knows that my martial arts is strong, but you know how much is my talent?"

Murong and the mouth of the mouth, shake his head.

"I am 16 years old, I will enter the superfield, 25 years old, 35 years old breakthrough as extraordinary, such tache can also be called the genius in the top ancient Wu Shijia."

Speaking of this, Sun Zhishang's proudness is almost cultivated, and writing a cattle on the face.

Not only is Sun Zhi Shang's face, but Sun Xixiang also hangs " "

Murong and the wind are all in the face, but the heart is not awkward, but the sun, Sun Zhishang is still silly.

You are better than what is better with Li Feng, it's better than the martial arts, this is not a light in Mao Pite, looking for death!

"So, only like the good man like me, can be able to match Mrs. Murong Snow so good woman, and you ... Is there anything to compare with me?"

"So if you know, you will leave Mrs. Murong Snow, otherwise ... You will die very hard."

When it comes, Sun Zhishang is murderous.

In the face of Sun Zhishang's threat, Li Feng did not move: "Sorry, I am really love for Xiao Xue, no one in the world can stop us, you can't."

Sun Zhijun is angry: "So you are iron, you have to die? Then I will fulfill you!"

The voice is falling, Sun Zhishang pushes a lot of Murong Snow, while a punch to Li Peak Gate!

"Don't!" Murong has no resistance to the side, while exclaiming.

In the distance, Murong and the wind are also can't help but become bigger!

Sun Xixiang is a hook in his mouth, and his face reveals a vulcanous smile: "Killing is decisive, it is my grandson of my Sun Xixiang!"

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