Save the Goddess System

Chapter 555 Back to the horse gun

Just at Sun Zhishang's fist is about to slam on the door of Li Feng, a hemity is coming out of Li Feng!

The moment of breath, Sun Zhishang is in a face, and at the same time uses the whole body to try to recover his fist.

In the distance, Sun Xixiang also has the same completion, and the foot is rushing to Li Feng, while a boxing of Li Feng.

However, his reaction is fast, Li Feng's movement is faster, before Sun Zhishang recovered his fist, Li Feng lost his hand and buckled his wrist, then slammed back!

In the moment, Sun Zhi Shang was pulled by Li Feng to you!

At the same time, Sun Xixiang's punch just wanted to stand, see, he didn't care about the risk of anti-anthropide, and he was revoked by this punch.

On the side, Murong and Music people's mouths have been "O" type!

All this is very slow, it is actually what happened in an instant, from Sun Zhishang, to Li Feng grabbed him, never in a second!

"Damn, you ... how can you be a strong in the stomach ?!"

Even if I was made by Li Feng, Sun Zhishang's most concerned is the realm of Li Feng.

Into the border, it is a big realm than him. Key Li Feng look much more than him, this is too magical, this is not scientific!

Now I think about what he said before, Sun Zhihang only feels a special joke!

Who didn't be a few talents than him, the god is beautiful, in front of Li Feng, his talent is the drag!

The face hurts, my face is really special!

If the two words written by Sun Zhishang's face are the cow 13, then it is stupid that is written on his face!

Similarly, Sun Xixiang's feelings don't go, before, he still felt that his grandson was a cow 13. He suddenly felt that his grandson was a little stupid 13 ...

But Sun Zhishang is still stupid 13. It is also his grandson of his grandson, he can't see death.

Thinking of this, Sun Xixiang is deeply sucking, and Li Feng holds boxing: "Mr. Li, I have more sinful, and I will ask Mr. Li to not remember the little person, let go of Zhishang once."

"As long as you let go of Zhishang, we will go right away, never affect your love!"

I heard this, Murong Xue immediately fell to the color, if the two did not have conflicts, peacefully solved this matter, it is really good!

On the side, Murong and Feng Ye's grandchildren's faces.

Hey, what they want is not this result. If this time, Sun Xixiang does not kill Li Feng, that is unlucky, it is these three people!

Confused by Murong and Music, they were very happy to see this result. From the heart, they even hope that the snow is happy, not the victim of the marriage of interest.

Li Fengbei picks: "This is true?"

"When I really, I can swear!" Sun Xixiang said with his fingers, solemnly: "My Sun Xixiang swear here, if Li Mr. Li releases the Zhishang, I immediately brought the leaving here, if there is a vow, I Sun Xixiang hit five thunders, not good! "

Sun Xixiang rose, and it is serious, and it does not look like a fake.

Li Feng's eyes flashed: "Sun Zhishang, can you be willing?"

Sun Zhi Shang's face change several times, and finally said: "I am willing, I am in the mouth!"

"Good! In this case, then you will go back." Li Feng fruit is really loosened.

Sun Zhi Shang's complex looks complicated Li Feng, and then quickly went to Sun Xixiang to stand in front: "Grandpa, sorry, I will give you a shame."

While talking, he turned his eye to Li Feng, Sun Xixiang made a look.

He ate such a big loss in the hand of Li Feng, where is you willing to go? He is now separated from danger, just wants Sun Xixiang to take Li Feng out.

Who knows that Sun Xixiang is like a small movement of Sun Zhishang, sighed, and the shoulders of Sun Zhishang said: "Eat a long wisdom, since then you have to remember this truth - there are people outside the sky, don't Big. "

Sun Zhihang said despite inexpliches, it still said: "Yes, Zhishang Keep Master's teachings!"

Sun Xixiang nodded and then swept from Murong and Wind and other people, holding boxing: "Everyone, speaking!"

The voice is falling, Sun Xixiang turned to go outside.

Sun Zhihang despite dissatisfaction in his heart, he is not Li Feng's opponent, can only bite the teeth.

When the two move, the pressure was all coming to Murong and the Heart of Sun.

"That ... Li Lee, if this is just a misunderstanding, do you believe?"

Murong and the wind said.

What is the stealing chicken, don't erode me, this is called stealing chicken, don't erode me!

Originally, he would give Sun Xixiang to pack Li Feng. As a result, Li Feng ran the Sun Xixiang grandson.

Key his purpose is too obvious, is Li Feng easy to spend him?

After Murong and the Head, Murong Yubo, Murong Qingfang two gods, the calf belly is shaking.

If Li Feng does not believe in Murong and the explanation of Murong and the wind, they will have a killer, they all have an opportunity to resist!

I know that there will be such a result, they said nothing to call Sun Xixiang!

Li Fengbei picks up, keeps sweeping on them, and they are getting tense.

Just when Murong and Feng Ye's grandchildren have to suffocate, Li Feng has a smile: "I believe ..."

Murong and Feng Ye Sun San people suddenly showed.

"... you are gui!" Li Feng said.

Murong and Feng Ye's grandchildren's face will fall!

Murong and Le: "..."

No ... He just worried that Li Feng will let go of Murong and the Feng Ye, and he didn't want Li Feng to talk.

I said before, Murong and Leidong Murong and Wind Although the brothers, Murong and Le Extend were very dissatisfied with Murong and wind this big brother, Murong and Le Tong want to take this opportunity to make Li Feng packed Murong and the wind.

Of course, after all, it is a brother, Murong and Music, I don't want Li Feng to kill Murong and the wind, but the Dantian who can abolish Murong and the wind is better, so that he will not be suppressed everywhere in Murong!

Among the giants, the brothers Yan wall is not only the legend.

"Li Lee, this time is me wrong, please Li Shao again, I will not give Li Shao to Li Shao!"

Murong and wind said with a cry.

Li Feng laughed: "Do you think I will believe in your ghost?"

"Li Xia ..." Murong and the wind shaking a shock, you must find a way to flee this place.

Who knows that Li Feng shook his head and laughed: "But now it is not to pack you, let me go, wait for me to clean up Sun Xixiang's old dog, then pack you."

At this time, Murong and Feng Ye's grandchildren were confused.

Not only they are confused, Murong and music are also stunned. Sun Xixiang is not gone, Li Feng dry said this?

Besides, Sun Xixiang is in the middle of the Sheng Sheng, Li Feng is just into the early days, how to clean up Sun Xixiang?

Just as they were confused, a figure suddenly rushed into the villa!

"Li Feng, your little hybrid, Nash!"

It is Sun Xixiang!

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