Save the Goddess System

Chapter 559 hits the door

Tianhai City Center, a single-family villa, Murong and the phone you have tied to Murong and Lepete.

"What, tomorrow to go home to meet ... Old three, what nerves do you send ... The big brother is going, you are sure? ... well, let's see you tomorrow."

Murong and punching the phone will fall into meditation.

In the phone, the old three speech is full, and there is a little bit of the power of the host, and the careful wings before him before, this makes Murong and rush are very surprised.

"Because Xiaoxue wants to marry, what is the big brother to the third promise?"

Murong and punched the chin dark.

Murong Snow is going to marry Sun Zhishang has spread all over the sky, and Murong Snow, Murong and Leona have a lot of Murong's status.

"It is necessary to blame the girl without girls, otherwise, such a good thing is to get him Murong and Le!"

After sighed, Murong and Chong also didn't think more, everything, I will arrive in Murong and Lejia since tomorrow.

The next morning.

Li Feng took one night on the floor, so in his strength, the body did not have any discomfort.

After eating breakfast, Li Feng was also went to the chess with Murong and Lera, this time Li Feng still did not intend to make Murong and music, and two will not leave Murong and music.

Murong and music are in a very happy, there is a kind of implying more and more brave, but Murong Snow on the side can't see it.

At the end of a plate, the two were temporarily resting, Murong Snow called Li Feng to the side, half a helpless half, complained: "Li Feng, can you let my grandpa wins a plate."

"Why? Purchasing the game is not all by this matter, how can I make it?" Li Feng asked.

"Going chess is all diplomatic things, but my grandfather is older, my brain is not as young, you will put it a little, let him win a happy time." Murong Xue said later and even a little bit of spoiled.

Li Feng dark music, in fact, I won Murong and Lele so many times, the grievances of the previous accumulated were almost the same, even if Murong Snow did not mention him, Murong and Le will win.

But since Murong Snow is mentioned, if he doesn't take the opportunity, isn't it a lot of opportunities?

I don't pick it out, I'm being lost!

I thought that Li Feng said it was difficult to say: "But I have no habit of fake."

Murong snow face, and some disappointed my heart.

At this time, Li Feng's words turned, play taste: "Of course, if someone gives me a little benefit, I can consider a fake once."

Murong Xue first, and then asked the face: "What benefits do you want?"

"Oh ... just want to eat a meal with someone, watch a movie, I don't know if someone doesn't give me this opportunity." Li Feng said with laughing.

I have been talking about the night before, the relationship between the two is incadentably, and Li Feng said that he can't accept it. He has already set the idea to take Murong Xue!

However, he can also see that Murongxue is not completely excluded, but hesitate to decide. In this case, then he takes the initiative to take a moment!

Murong Snow did not expect Li Shuhui to put forward this requirement, playing a pretty face in a moment, and the heart is "".

Is this what I want to talk to her? Then she is promised or ... promise?

The distance, Murong and music are drinking tea, from time to time, they look at them, and the smile on the face is quite play.

On the sofa, Murong Yuxi, Yuan Zhen, Luo Cai Ping also eared, from time to time, I saw a few eyes.

Their reaction made Murong Xue more panicked, and his face is warm.

"If I promise to eat movies with you, let me make my grandfather play?"

Murong Snow considers a long time and asked with a lip.

"Of course, I am talking to this person, I will see you will not be willing to make a sacrifice."

Li Feng is like laughing.

Murong Chou is not: "What is, some people ask someone to watch movies, I am happy, which is the sacrifice?"

Li Feng said so seriously, I don't know what PY traded with Li Feng!

Li Fengbei picks: "Do you agree?"

"Well, I promised, just tonight, then I will go back to Beijing tomorrow." Murong Xue is light forehead Liu Hai, and she has said that the wind is light and clouds. In fact, her heart has already been panicked ...

"Okay, just say this." Li Fengxun blinked blinking, then stepped down to Murong and Le, and started a new round of killing.

Half an hour later ...

"Jiang Jun!"

As the Murong and the shelf played the horse, this chess game finally ended his victory.

"Murong grandfather chess high, I lost." Li Feng face the color, sending a horse ass.

Murong and Lehaha smiled: "You are finally got to let me once."

Although he did not hear the dialogue between Li Feng and Xiaoxue, Li Feng's chess suddenly decreased that he was aware of his mind.

"Where is the grandfather of Murong, I obviously use the whole power to still lose to Murong Grandfather, or Murong Grandpa chess high." Li Feng shook his head sighed, it looked at the mouthfuls.

Li Feng is also selling, and didn't give the customer to the customer. His arrogant power is not equal.

Previously, Li Feng did not go to shoot Murong and Le. It is not cool Murong and music wall , now the overall situation has been fixed, then there are so many small air.

On the one, Murong Xue hear is cold, no matter how Li Feng is not a big radish, at least he is willing to give her family face, this will make her feel good.

Just said between everyone, the doorbell suddenly sounded.

"Big Brother, the second brother is coming so soon?"

Murong and music thought it were Murong and Feng, Murong and rushing, and now you have to get up.

Who knows that Li Feng took him: "Wait a minute, it may not be them."

After the doorbell rang, she was observed in the eyes of cautious Li Feng, and found that the door station is not the Murong and the brothers, but the three strangers.

The expression on these three faces is a bit cold, there is a kind of incomprehensible meaning.

"Well?" Murong and music were a bit surprised to look at Li Feng: "What do you feel?"

The perception of the sacred power is too much than ordinary people, so Murong and Leida will have this question.

"Nothing, you are waiting here, I will open the door."

The voice is falling, and Li Feng will go out to go out, after him, Murong and music are facing each other, and a tension is spread between them.

Just when Li Feng will come to the door ...


A loud noise, the gate was kicked from the outside, then, the three people wearing a robe came in.

At a moment they walked, the three-dimensional horror breath paved over the sky!

Suddenly Li Feng has a slight change: "Trinity into the sacred strongman ?!"

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