Save the Goddess System

Chapter 560 Symphony

It has already prepared for this Li Feng soon, so it is only a thrilling of the heart.

However, the Murong and Music in the living room were scared, these three people directly kicked the door, and they were not good.

What's more, the breath that they have come out is not weak in Li Feng. There are two people's breath or even in Li Feng without using the secret skills. It is not to say that these three people are entry into the powerful power, two of which are at least Enter the middle of the Sheng?

Lying in the trough, what can they do wrong, how can I get this kind of disaster?

For a time, Murong and Lejia family are in their hearts, very uneasy.

"You are Li Feng?"

The three people standing in the leftmost side looked at Li Feng and asked.

Li Fengbei picks: "Yes, who you are?"

Three-in-one strong, one-time, two of which were in the middle of the Sheng, and a large pressure on Li Feng.

Listening to this old man, they are rushing by them, Inthetic telling Li Feng, these three people come here to be related to Sun Xixiang.

It's just that Sun's family has only two kinds of powerful, Sun Xixiang is only one, is it two people who come to Sun Jia?

"Sure enough is you." The old man on the left is shrinking, and the murder of the body broke out.

The other two will also break the murder, but their murder relative to the left side of the old man is much better.

See this situation, Li Feng probably guess the identity of the old man on the left: "What is your relationship with Sun Xixiang?"

In the living room, Murong and Le stared at the left side of the old man looked for a while, and he glared behind him: "I know, he is Sun Xixiang's brother Sun Xiyi!"

When Murong and Music and Sun Xixiang negotiated two marriages, Sun Xixiang once took out a family of Sun's family to see him, which had Sun Xiyi.

However, when Murong and Le only looked at it, the impression was not very profound. When Li Feng asked, he reminded him.

Li Fengbei picks up, Murong and Jola said that he didn't see with him, but who is another older?

Sun Xi turned his head to Murong and Le: "Hey, Murong Lao Dog, our family is still seeing Murong Xue is the glory of your family, but you not only don't cherish it, but also the outsiders, and the big brother!"

"The pit is killed, you still don't hurry to escape, and dare to stay here, is it to think that the Sun Jia will be willing to sinister?"

The old man in the centrifock said: "Sun brother, what is wrong with them, first moved Li Feng wastefully, and clean up the Murong old dog!"

The old man standing on the right side smiled, and then said: "Yes, Sun brother, I am still waiting to take Murong Snow ... But then come back, I will take a woman in your family, Would you like me? "

When you come out, Murongxue has changed, and it is cold.

Murong Yu Zhi is shameless, and then goes to Murong Snow, protect her behind him.

Li Fengbei picks up, there is a cold light in the eyes, when his idea is hitting Murong Snow, no matter who this old is, you must die!

Sun Xiyi hit a haha, laughed: "Qin brothers please rest assured, you can help us Sun Jia reported that this feast is that Sun Jia Youn, a woman, how can we affect our feelings?"

"The surname Qin?" Li Feng's face was slightly changed, showing out: "You are Qin family?"

Murong and the wind have to give Murong Xue Xu Shi Shang, which is to combine Sun's family to fight Qin Jia. Now Sun Xiyi's two surnamed Qin, will it be the Qin family in Qin Hao?

Not only Li Feng thought of this possibility, but Murong and Music son also thought.

If these two are really Qin Yun's elders, the conflict between Murong Qing and Qin said is not an accident!

"Strap, we are all surnamed Qin, isn't Qin family? Is it your Li family?" The old man standing in the middle is talking.

His name is Qin Chengjie, is the Qin family, and enter the Sheng Shengzheng.

"Do you think about what is the relationship between Qin Yao?" Standing on the right side mockery.

His name is Qin, is a brother of Qin Chengji, in the early days.

Qin Chengye has always been like a bismuth. I think about Murong Snow before you came here. Now he is a bit can't wait.

"So, is you really Qin Ya's elders?" Li Feng brows wrinkled, and then he looked at Sun Xiyi: "You Sun Jia and Qin Jia jointly gave the Murongjia to Murong Home, for the Sun Zhishang to marry Xiaoxue?"

This time, Murong and music and others have changed.

If things are like Li Feng guess, the means of Sun's family is too dangerous!

"Haha, it seems that you are still not stupid." Sun Xiyi ridicule, cold tang: "Yes, starting from the beginning this is the timing of my big brother and Qin brother, for letting Zhishang successfully welcoming Murong snow."

Sun Zhi Shang likes Murong Xue, it is going to go to the devil. In order to improve the success rate of Sun Zhi Shang Ying Murong, Sun Xixiang came up with such a way to Wei Zhao.

I have never thought that people are not as good as the day, and Murong Snow brings Li Feng back home. Not only did Sun Zhishang married Murong Snow, but also put his own life into it, Sun Zhihang was also abolished by Li Feng. Dantian.

Yesterday, Sun Zhishang took Sun Xixiang's body back home, causing Sun's drama.

On the night, Sun Xiyi called Qin Jiye Brothers and asked them to help himself. To this end, Sun Xiyi has paid great consideration.

Qin and Sun two relationships are good. Sun Xiyi gives the conditions that make them feel moving. Plus the three-to-one is the winning bureau, Qin Jia brothers promised to help him to revenge.

"Do you seem to be very proud?" Li Feng looked at Sun Xiyi and smiled.

Sun Xiyi stunned: "What?"

Li Feng continued to be smirked: "I feel that your big brother is worthy of the counting of Qin,"

Sun Xiyi didn't talk, and the face became gloomy.

At first he did some proud, because this conspiration is really very good, the average person does not design, even if it is designed, it is difficult to implement.

But now he discovers his own behavior is a bit stupid. It is a good plan. The big brother will not only succeed, but the Sun Zhishang is not successful, and also tested his own life and Sun Zhishang's Dantian. The failure is a complete bottom.

Then he is still a fart!

At this time, Li Feng has ridiculed: "Do you think you are some silly 13?"

At this time, Sun Xiyi was completely angry: "Hey, I can win my big brother, can you don't put me in my eyes? Don't be naive, yesterday you can win because you used it. Secret skills! And the secret skills are weak! "

"Now, you kill my big brother. I haven't been in the past 24 hours. You must still be in the weak period, not only the secret skills can't be used. Even the realm will have a certain decline. We are 3 hits 1, today you will die! "

I heard this, Murong and music are all in the face!

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