Save the Goddess System

Chapter 561 is like a lightning

As Sun Xiyi said, the secret skills that enhanced war in any combat are in the weak period.

High-quality secret technology is short, and the realm of falling is small, but less less than 24 hours, the decline is at least a small stage.

According to high-quality secret skills, Li Feng must be in the weak period at this moment, even if the realm is still in the early days, the war has certainly cut a lot.

If Sun Zhishang is going home, it is extremely terrible to prevent Li Feng, in order to prevent accidents, Sun Xiyi will dare to kill the door, why bother to pay a huge price, please Qin family two brothers to help?

Now that they have two in the middle of the Sheng, one is in the early days, and it is all in full, and who is more than one who has lost his strength? I can think of Li Feng defeated with the head toe!

It is clear that Murong and Music are also expected to have this result, and once Li Feng defeated, what kind of end?

Others don't know, Murong Snow will definitely be very miserable, Qin Chengye, said he wants to take Murong Snow ...

Just saying is late now, Sun Xixiang is dead, Sun Zhishang has been abolished, they are not your death with Sun Xiyi, they can only pray that there is a miracle ...

Li Feng has no expression, even the brow is not wrinkled.

Secret skill? Intake period? Oh ... I don't exist for him ...

"Grandpa Murong, you are not said that Sun Jia two into the holy strong person, one into the Sanzhong, is it in the beginning of the sacred, how this is the old dog of the surname?"

Li Peak did not ask.

"I ... I don't know." Murong and Leyi face: "This news is still a grandson to tell me, will it be Sun Xiyi just broken?"

Opposite, Sun Xiyi laughed Yang Tian: "Murong Lao Dog, your brain is still very good, yes, I really have just broken! Stay this, I want to thank you."

In this way, Murong and music are more confused.

Breakthrough, breakthrough, what is the relationship with them, they didn't give Sun Xiyi, and didn't get angry with Sun Xiyi.

"I can't guess it?" Sun Xiyi smiled and said: "I have been in the early days of the sacred."

"I learned that my big brother was killed, and I was still abolished, let me anger to rush down, into the middle-aged bottleneck in the middle of the middle! I took this opportunity, and I successfully stepped into the Shengyuan!"

The higher the martial art, the harder breakthrough, but the breakthrough is not only to see talent, sometimes it is still mixed, some people have enough talent, but the life card is not allowed to enter a certain realm, and I can't take another step.

Just like Sun Xiyi break through the middle of the Sheng, if he didn't hear his big brother's death, he didn't know how long it took to successfully break through the middle of the Sheng.

It's really life.

"So ... your big brother's death is actually a good thing for you, right?" Said Li Feng's weird.

Sun Xiyi: "???"

No ... I didn't have this idea, how to let Li Feng said, I feel that this is quite reasonable?

But immediately after Sun Xiyi reacted, the cold voice said: "You are a kid, my big brother is dead, you still want to destroy our two brothers."

"Oh, I'm talking about this kid, first destroyed him again!"

Qin Chengye has always stared at Murong Snow. The more you see him, the more you can't wait, so he still has a heart to listen to Sun Xiyi than this than.

"Good!" Sun Xiyi also found that he is a bit, and what is the discovery of people who will die?

"Kid, stay with your good tooth, hell to talk to the king of Wang Laozi!"

The voice is falling, Sun Xiyi will kill Li Feng first.

"Li Feng is careful!" Murong Snow only came to this sentence, he was pushed inside her dad.

Murong and Le also even pushed Yuan Zhen, Luo Caiping pushed into it.

It is not a good time to play the Sales of the Sanctuary. They are still a little longer.

This is also the three people who have not put them in their eyes. If Sun Xiyi has a heart to pack them, how can they have the opportunity to withdraw?

Of course, they can only be retreat, avoiding the remaining waves to be paid by four people to be paid, and it is impossible to flee it. Sun Xiyi is not a chance to flee them at all!

Qin Jiji, Qin Chengye's two brothers came and smiled, and one left and right struck Li Feng.

"Sun brother, you can rest assured that we have given you a slap on the side."

"Don't let me down, grandchildren, I still want to keep it hard to clean up, hahaha."

The voice is falling, and the Qin Chengye's tempuy has echoed in the villa.

Hiding in the inside of the Murong Xue faced a little more pale, she was unable to imagine what the consequences will be lost after Li Feng, if Li Feng really defeated, she must commit suicide in the first time, do not give any opportunities for Qin Chengye!

In the face of the siege of the three people, Li Feng's expression is very calm: "I thought it was one of the three to win? Childish!"

The voice is falling, Li Peak will open the bottom card!



"Invincible Aura!"

"Time hourglass!"

"Boom" "Boom"

Two roars, the breath on Li Feng has skyrocketed, and it directly encounters the threshold of the future period!

At the same time, a faint golden light emerged in Li Feng!

This change has shocked the distant Murong and music, and the Sun Xiyi three people!

"This death, why is your breath so ..."

"Why can he use secrets ..."

"His realm did not decrease, he did not have a weak period, we were ..."

Previously, Sun Xiyi had vowed to say that Li Feng was in a weak period. As a result, Li Feng was not only weak, and the release of the release was not comparable, but also a bit more than they.

This is not just a problem, but is frightened!

Just when the three exclaimed, Li Feng used the fairy pedal, and a flashed will disappear from the place, and it has come to Sun Xiyi.


When Li Feng blew it, Sun Xiyi did not finish. When Sun Xiyi is not to finish, the hand is to resist Li Feng's fist.

It's just to Sun Xiyi, Li Feng's speed is like a lightning, a flash, his right hand has not lifted, Li Feng's fist has already hurt his face!


Just like a heavy hammer, Sun Xiyi's head is exploding!

Under the role of inertia, Sun Xiyi's hand finally lifted, and then Li Feng's figure has disappeared in the original place.

Sun Xiyi is not far away, Qin family two brothers only feel that the sweat is honest, and it is busy behind the back.

Lying in the trough, this young man is too fast, just like a lightning.

In their perception, Li Feng's speed has exceeded the mid-term or even into the sect of the future, and it is fast to respond.

If the person who just jeopched by Li Feng is two, their next estimates are the same as Sun Xi!

Just as the Qin family two brothers were afraid, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Qin Chengji.

It is Li Feng!

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