Save the Goddess System

Chapter 562, ten times

At this moment, Qin Chengji's death is full!

There is Sun Xiyi's front car test, Qin Jianji did not dare to raise his hand to stop, but continued to burst back.

At the same time, Qin Yaoji should use the secret skills and forcibly improve the combat power, and the hard work is hard.

Opposite, Qin Cheng Industry did not dare to neglect, and also used secret skills to help him brother after enhanced war.

However, the Qin Chengji's reaction is fast, Li Feng's speed is faster, and Li Feng has a punch to his face.

Under the influence of time hourgur, Qin Jianji has been in the second second of Li Feng for 10 seconds. In other words, Li Feng's speed is ten times!

In the same level, the speed is not big, and the one suddenly increases ten times, and there is a must kill skills such as "Qiankun," there is only one result ... spike!


When Qin Chengji had a backward trend, Li Feng's fists bombarded the Qin Chengji's head!


Like Sun Xi, Qin Jianji's head is exploding!

"Big Brother!"

Opposite, Qin Chengge has just used the secret skills, and the realm is also enhanced from the beginning of the sacred. However, his war has just improved, and he saw this scene. For a time, the Qin undertaker is a desire!

That's a big brother, when he was in front of his face, the head was exploding, so the impact gave the Qin Chengge crazy!

"Li Feng, I want to kill you!"

Qin Chengge sounded, then turned to go out.

This scene makes Murong and Le and others!

No ... I shouted to kill Li Feng, but I ran, this is a few mean?

Li Feng also had a moment of ignorance, but immediately returned to God: "You are not only good, it is very shameless, the big brother died in front of you, I don't want to revenge for him, like you. Insulting this world more than one day. "

In order to ensure that his voice is made to understand, Li Feng deliberately slowed down, for this, he did not make a challenge while talking.

Li Feng's words did not let Qin Chengye angry, but let Qin Chengye's heart happily, and the Li Feng "idiot".

Li Feng is so fierce, a punch is died in a mid-term strong, Qin Chengge does not have any confidence in Li Feng at all, when do you not run more?

It can be seen from Li Feng's stable tone. Li Feng is standing in the original place. In order to succeed, the tongue is fast, let him escape, this is not an idiot?

What is asleep, what don't want to revenge for the big brother, now it is the most important thing.

After the body, Murong and the foot of the foot.

Such a good chance Li Feng does not hurry to take the Qin undertaker, and it is not a show that Li Feng is not teased in it.

Is it difficult to listen to it again?

If the Qin Chengge has escaped, will then revenge next time, will it be six holy strong people, or even please come to a strong force?

Being a supreme, the supreme strong person is the world's highest in the world.

The entire Huaxia, known to the Supreme strong people only have the top four top ancient Wu Shi and the dragon soul, so that there is no other hidden world, Murong and music don't know, it is not qualified.

In short, once the respected strong people come, Li Feng even has a death!

When Li Feng said, Qin Chengye has ran out the door of the villa and rushed out of six or seven.

As long as I give Qin Cheng Industry a little time, he can escape the sky, although Li Feng's speed is very fast, but that is only a short outbreak speed, the long-term running Qin undertaker does not think that Li Feng can strong, so the initial lead is very important!

Just as the Qin Chengye's happiness, Murong and Lexus, Li Feng suddenly took a step forward.

It is this step, the 100-meter distance is easily across Li Feng, and the blink of an eye has come to Qin Chengye's not far away.

The Qin Heathering, who is running, only feels in front of you, and there are more shadows in the line of sight.

"What the hell?!"

Qin Chengge is directly forced!

No ... Laozi just not already a long distance from six or seventy meters, how to blink Li Feng appeared in front of him, Li Feng should I change it? !

On the occasion of Qin Chengge, Li Feng raised his hand and buckled the neck of Qin Chengye. It did not give the Qin Chengye's opportunity!

Qin Chengye is shocked, raising his hand is a punch to Li Feng's chest.

This is the play of life, Qin Chengge wants to use this way to force Li Feng Song's hand, just in the Qin Chengye expects, Li Feng not only did not do the movement of the block, but also did not pinch his neck.

"Does Li Feng suddenly shorted?"

This idea just rosted from the Qin Chengge's mind. His fist was bombarded in the chest of Li Feng.


A sudden sound!

Qin Chengye is essay!

This punch he uses full, even if Li Feng's war is more stronger than him, this punch, Li Feng, is also unlikely.

However, the next instant is not too strong, and Li Feng's murderer is not depressed, even the clothes do not have any damage!

"How could this be?"

Qin Chengge can't understand, why can't he have a punch to bring Li Feng, this is not scientific!

At the same time, Li Feng took a step forward. Next moment, Li Feng raised Qin Chengge to return to the villa front yard.

"You ... what do you want?"

Looking at the handsome face close at hand, Qin Chengye is halaw.

At this moment, Li Feng is not a person at the eyes of Qin Chengge, but a beast from unknown time and space.

Li Feng has too many unreasonable things!

Li Feng Chongqin undertaker hooks his mouth, then a punch: "Qiankun is a punch."

Qin Chengye has long been to prevent Li Feng suddenly moved, only the 10 seconds of time hourglass have not yet passed, and the relative speed of Li Feng is ten times in normal state.

Qin Chengye just had to resist, Li Feng's fist has grown on his head.


Watermelon explosion ...

In the living room, Murong and Lejia family have a mouthful of mouth, and there is no exception to Murong Xue after Xiaotian.

At first, Sun Xiyi said that the words of Murong and music were very desperate. They thought that this time Li Feng defeated, they will still fall in hell.


From the beginning to the present, the time has passed in the past seven or eight seconds? Li Feng took a three-person three-in-law, and the three punches were exploded.

Before the cow, Sun Xiyi, Sun Xiyi, is not the enemy of Li Feng.

This is too big, it's too big. !

Just as the Five of Murong and Lejia fought in the living room, the roar of an engine came from the distance.

Soon, a Bentley Musi arrived at the door of the villa, and after stopping, Murong and rushed to get off with three young people and walked into the villa front yard.

When they saw the three heads of the villa's front yard suddenly shocked, the three young people saw Li Feng in proudly.

They first looked with the eyes, just like to be afraid that they were wrong, then the three came to say Qi Qi: "Li ... Lee ?!"

Li Feng turned to look at them, seeing the three people, Li Peak is slotted: "It is you."

These three are the three brothers who have been packed by Li Feng.

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