Save the Goddess System

Chapter 563 Relationship

Murong and Leothy, Murong Yuxi, Murong Snow also stunned.

Murongshan three brothers actually appreciate Li Feng, and it seems that I am still awesome to Li Feng, what is this?

Murong and rushed the same, then went to ask: "Aishan Ahai Ahhe, you know him?"

Murongshan three brothers complex a nodded: "Dad, this is Li Feng, Li Xia, he is Osweil's old man ..."

He wants to talk about the other identity of Li Feng, such as members of the dragon soul, ready to return to Wang Sun's martial arts.

But he doesn't know if Li Feng has concealed his identity. I don't know if Li Feng is interested. I don't want to say more.

"Osweil's boss, isn't it the boss of Xiaoxue?"

Murong and rushing are not a person who does not smell the window, and Li Feng acquires the maturing and rush of Li Feng.

Although it is very curious that Li Feng is coming to the old three, but Murong and rush are extraordinary, and ordinary rich is not in the eyes of him.

Therefore, after Murongshan introduced Li Feng, Murong and rush were only a faint "oh", and did not take the initiative to say hello to Li Feng.

"I am three, what is going on?"

Murong and finger the three headless bodies on the ground and asked.

Murong and Chongqing have also killed people, facing the three headless bodies, and returned to the calm after the initial horror.

"This ... Hey, saying the length."

Murong and Leo came out of the living room, slowly said: "These three bodies are Sun Xiyi, Qin Jianji, Qin Chengge."

Murong and Chong: "???"

If he didn't listen to the wrong, the three people are the strong people who have a large ancient Wu Shi family and Qin family?

With the identity of Murong and Chong, it is naturally unqualified to meet the three people of Sun Xiyi, and the name of Sun Xiyi must have heard.

Just these three gods of the big figures will not have a head of the corpse? Who is bursting their heads?

Rely, the old three must be joking with him? It must be this!

At this moment, it was another engine roaring from the distance, followed by a Rolls-Royce phadate to the door of the villa.

The phantom stopped, Murong and Fengye walked off the bus.

"Big Brother!"

Murong and stamping the hearts of the heart, we must bring three grandsons to Murong and Feng.

Just getting over half of Murong and conflict disconnected.

The big brother looks so weak, not only the big brother, Yu Bo is very weak, but there is no power of the dragon row in front of the dragon.

Murong and the wind are complicated to Murong and rush: "Old second, come."

Seeing, Murong and rushes more doubtful, before he greeted, big brother is generally the "hmmity" of the nostrils, absolutely not so polite.

What happened to the big brother?

Murong and the wind will not see the doubts on the old two, and there is a bitter in his heart.

The fist decided to the air, now he is a wasteman who has been abolished, and I dare to arrive in front of this extraordinary medium.

However, Murong and the wind did not explain, he would say hello to the third three, but he went once and saw the three headless bodies of the villa front yard. He was in the scene.

"Big Brother, I'm said that this is Sun Xiyi, Qin Jianji, Qin Chengye's body, do you believe? I don't believe it anyway."

Murong and rushed to shake his head, the look on his face was very ridiculous.

Obviously, Murong and the roots do not believe in Murong and Le, and even he regards Murong and Le as a joke.

Murong and the wind are shocked, and the face is surprised to see Li Feng.

Yesterday, Li Feng was in front of their face, a punch burst the head of Sun Xixiang, today he broke Sun Xiyi, Qin Ji, Qin Chengye's three big brain? Do you want to be so fierce!

"Big Brother, should you not believe?"

Murong and rushing are not a fool, he has seen the exception of Murong and Feng expressions.

"Call" Murong and the wind spliced ​​a turbidity, nodded: "Letter, because I saw Li Shaoxiang, I saw Li Shaoxiang's head."

When you come out, Murong is rigging as a wooden chicken!

He can do not believe in the old three, but the words of the big brother must be believed.

A punch, Sun Xixiang's strong, but so young, his three grandson also respect Li Feng soared ... Is Li Feng other than other identities in Osweil's foreigners?

Murongshan three brothers couldn't help but live, once again realized the desperate experience of being dominated by Li Feng.

Murong Yubo's father and son paid a look at the eyes of the opposition.

After being abolished by Li Feng, they wanted to revenge and hate. Li Feng said today, I have exploded the head of the three-in-one strong, which let them know what is desperate.

At the time of the silence of everyone, Murong and Le suddenly said: "Little Li, although your combat power is strong, the two of the two of the two of Qin, but can't fall light."

Li Fengbei picks: "What is this?"

He really doesn't understand Murong and Le, the two strongest four people are all destroyed, and how many remaining members can be turned over?

Murong and the wind are first glance, then facing the face.

Many ancient Wu Shi family is an attachment. He has long heard that Qin family is very close to Wang Sun's family. It is possible that Qin family is attached to Wang Sunjia.

Now the strongest two of Qin family have been out of Li Feng, and Qin Jia can give a good break? Even if the remaining members are not the opponent of Li Feng, can they always ask Wang Sunjia?

Once Wang Sun, once she shot, Li Feng even more enchanting, the power is strong, but only into the holy strong, Wang Sun family will come to the respect of the honor, Li Feng is to be bombed to the slag.

At that time, their grandeur is also reported!

"Little Li, you don't know, Sun family doesn't matter. The relationship between the key Qin family with Wang Sun's family is not simple ..."

The current Murong and Le will tell his own analysis.

After hearing Qin family may ask Wang Sun's family asking for help, Li Feng has a weird color with Murong Mountain.

Murong Xueben thought that things have been completely solved. He didn't think about it again.

Murong and Fengye have a bitter, but the heart has been happy, and how is Li Feng still awkward!

"Hey, old three, you shouldn't let Li Shao do it in your home, this we have been very difficult here!"

Since Li Feng has more fierce, Murong and the rushing naturally dare to blame Li Feng, and the grievance can only sprinkle the old three Murong and Le.

Murong and Lejiabei Head have a slight wrinkle, have a heart refute, but it can't find a reason, and a little is a little fire.

Just then, Murong Mountain said: "The grandfather, Li Shao himself is a member of the dragon soul, but also the blood of Wang Sun, even if Qin Jia is really attached to Wang Sun's family, Wang Sun family will not be because Qin Jianji two brothers Looking for Li Jun. "

Murong and Chong: "???"

Murong and Wind: "???"

Murong and Le: "???"

other people:"???"

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