Save the Goddess System

Chapter 564, marriage

No ... Is Li Feng not Osweil's boss, when you turn into a member of the Dragon Soul?

Li Feng is a member of the dragon soul, and it is even if it is a blood of Wang Sun. This is a lot to pull again!

If you talk about his most loved grandson, Murong and Xiang have to smoke a slap, and then ask a sentence. "Your brain is not into the water"!

"Li Lee, I said your identity, you will not mind."

Murongshan is now a batch of nervousness.

After the observation of just now, Murongshan can see that Li Feng did not tell Murong and Le.

Original Murong Mountain didn't want to say, after all, Li Feng did not say, maybe it is intentionally concealed. He said that it will stop Li Feng unhappy.

You can ask your own grandfather to ask the teacher to ask the meaning. Although the surface rushes to Murong and Le, who can't see the grandfather's true dissatisfaction person is Li Feng?

Do Murongshan dare to let Grandpa Lee Feng? He can only say Li Feng's identity, let Grandpa will refund ...

Everyone looked at Li Feng and wanted to see what answer he made.

Li Feng browned microstruns: "It doesn't matter, anyway, they will know one day, but I have to remind you, I have no relationship with Wang Sun's family. It is the wish to return to Wang Sun. I don't want to go back."

Li Feng is not a human person. He is willing to use all the conditions that can be used to bring an advantage, but he will not take the initiative to refer to his relationship with Wang Sun.

Even if he is in mind, he will not admit that he has a relationship with Wang Sun's family, as for others to think ... that is not that he can control.

Murong and Feng three brothers are more pressing!

It doesn't matter with Wang Sun's family? Is Wang Sunjia's wishful wish to let Li Feng go back? This is a bit too mad!

However, they changed, with Li Feng's martial arts talent, Wang Sunjia must be angry, and Pakistan must not let Li Feng join Wang Sunjia.

And they also listened, Li Feng did not deny that he was a bloody person, so it seems that Murongshan did not say a lie.

The war is far more than the mid-St. Mid-term, which is both a member of the Dragon Soul and a bloody, and Li Feng is going to fight against the sky!

If you know that Li Feng has these identities, don't say that Murong and the wind do not dare to come to Li Feng, Sun Xixiang does not dare to tell Li Feng!

Moreover, Qin Jianji's two brothers will die, Wang Sun's family will never go to the Qin family, Li Feng is safe, Murong and Le are safe!

Murong and Lejia family were also shocked, and it was excited after shocking.

Originally, they thought that Li Feng "just" personal strength is strong. I have never thought about the background of terror, what is it? You must give Xiao Xue to Li Feng, and you have to marry!

"A Mountain, why don't you say it earlier, I misunderstood your three grandfather."

Murong and the grievances.

Murong Mountain mouth smiled, smiled: "I am not afraid that Li Shao is not happy ..."

"Well, you are right, next time you must manage your mouth, don't talk, don't talk."

Murong and Chongchunched Murong Mountain for a while, then he also looked at Murong and Lusong: "Three brothers, just I have a wrong you, please ask the third brother to blame me." "

If you put it before, don't say that he is just right, even if you do something wrong, you don't have to follow Murong and Le.

Strong people have never apologized with the weak, let alone he is still Murong and music.

It can be different now, although Murong and music do not say more, it can be judged from the known situation, Murong and Rushing. The relationship between Li Feng and Murong Snow.

Li Feng must have an leg between Murong Snow, or why he is coming to the old three, why do you want to kill Sun Xixiang?

Guess this, the big brother is so polite today, and the big brother is also wanting to please third!

"Rely, the old three gave birth to a good granddaughter, and the Murong family will change."

Murong and rush don't have a feeling.

"The second brother said, you are also thinking about our Murong, this I can understand."

"Gossip less, today put the big brother, the second brother, mainly to discuss the reselection of the monks."

Taking advantage of Li Feng's power is in fullness, Murong and Le intends to enter the topic directly.

Murong and the first shock, then look at Murong and Feng: "Big Brother, do you know this?"

Whether Murong and Wind have long you know that this is very important. I know that it is coming here, it means that he will give you the master's position by default.

If your big brother is like him, it is a temporary knowledge ... The result will not be different, but the process must have a slightly, even the situation of brother Yan Wall.

"Well, I knew yesterday." Murong and the style nodded, bitterly laughed.

"I will know yesterday?" Murong and eyebrows were wrinkled, and now he found that he didn't seem to miss anything important.

Just then, Murong and the laughed: "Hey, two brothers, I can't think about it. Yesterday, the big brother they embradeed Li Lee, and I was abused by Li Shaotian."

Murong and Chong: "???"

Murongshan three brothers: "???"

No ... Li Feng burst that Sun Xixiang's head is still there, how can you play it too?

You can tell them that they will guess that Murong and the wind are definitely very disrespectful to Li Feng, and they will make such evil.

It is no wonder that Murong and Fengye have not been like today, it turns out to be abolished. Dantian ...

"Cough, in this case, the big brother is indeed not suitable for the owner, I recommend the three brothers to become a new owner."

Murong and rushing, even if it is stupid, know what to say in this case, let alone he is not stupid?

"I have known the second brother, I recommend the three brothers to become a new home." Murong and the wind also thought, since he is now the waste people, Li Feng is so strong, then die of the heart of the revenge, and the ordinary people of An An Xinxin Bar.

I want to see the old three in the blood, and they will protect the one of them.

Although Murong and Music have already expected this result, it is still very excited at this moment.

The master of the Murong family, this is not imagined before, but now it is so easy to get him, from now on, they will finally make eye eyebrows!

Although excited, Murong and Music still did not lose rationality, he knows that all of this is leaning on Li Feng, and now he only wants that Xiao Xue will marry Li Feng as soon as possible, so that he can get his status.

The next time, Murong and Le have a good time when it is a homeowner. After that, he will make Murong Xun Sun four people pack the scene, and then send these two people.

"Xiao Li, you are so hard."

In the living room, Murong and Leico have poured a cup of tea in Li Feng, and said.

Li Feng's mouth smokes, and I just smiled: "I just feel that there is no need to say these, if Murong Grande is angry, then I am really sorry."

"Hey, Xiao Li said where, how can I get you angry? You are the granddaughter of my future, we are a family." Murong and Le Yang smiled, then turned to see Murong Xue: "Xiao Li." When do you plan to marry the snow? "

Li Feng: "???"

Murong Snow: "???"

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