Save the Goddess System

Chapter 565 Returning

"We plan ... I plan ... that, small snow, when are you going to marry me, I listen to you."

Li Feng did not stop Murong Snow, he was very wary of marriage with Murong Xue, but he also had to agree.

Murong Xue wants to cry without tears!

She is a fake couple with Li Feng, what is going on? Li Feng also said that she listened to her, this is clear that it is good!

The surroundings, Murong and music are very satisfied with Li Feng's reaction.

If you are not a big man, you know how to ask for a woman, this shows that Li Feng is a good man who hurts his wife.

Although they are because of Li Feng's identity, strength, I hope that Xiao Xue will marry Li Feng. Can Li Feng loves to love Xiaoxue is not better?

"I ... I haven't thought about it yet."

Under the eyes of everyone, Murong Snow is tangled.

"What is idea, I feel that the choice is not as good as the day, you will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau today to lead the certificate, then pick a Huangdao Ji Japan to do the wedding."

Murong and Le Da Hand, said.

Murong Snow: "???"

Not ... Are you my grandfather, so urgently married me?

Besides, how much is Li Feng, I am not afraid that he has a criticism? I am going to the sacred strong, this is to play a woman, don't you get a meat?

If Li Feng knows that Murong Snow's thoughts, he must vomit her face, the young master can be a good man, don't say to the woman, you are not willing, your love is still too late!

"Small snow, I think your grandfather is reasonable."

Murong Yuxi took the lead and said to Luo Caiping: "Calling, you will take the account this, let the two children go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to lead the certificate."

"Okay!" Luo Cai Ping got up to go to the second floor bedroom to take a certificate.

Li Feng: "..."

Murong Snow: "..."

No ... I really let them go to the certificate, too fast?

"Li Feng, you are talking."

Murong Snow hare, she hasn't thought about how to face Li Feng, this is a big radish. This is really taking Li Feng, and is too cheap?

"Cough." Li Feng did a cough, smiled: "That ... I haven't thought about getting married with Xiao Xue, and I said ... I haven't worked with you."

"So ... Murong Grandpa, can you give me a little time with Xiao Xue, let us consider this problem?"

Li Feng speaks naturally, Murong and music are urgent, but only nod to say: "Yes, young people don't give it, but I hope you can give Xiaoxue as soon as possible. Minute."

He was sitting on the place of his owner with the help of Li Feng. Once Li Feng and Xiaoxue broke up, he was learned by the big brother, the second brother, and he had to let the master of the master.

The big brother is abolished, and the second brother is still a super-mid-term strong, he can't let Li Feng also abolished the Dantian of the second brother?

Don't say that he has this kind of heart, Li Feng can not agree to say, and then, once the Murong family encounters trouble, he also needs to be solved by the buddy.

Although Li Feng's realm is enough to be small, it can't gain a thirst, and he can't always point to Li Feng.

These are all the problems that Murong and music need to consider, as long as Li Feng is married to Xiao Xue, these issues are all solved.

"Please feel free to worry, as long as the snow is willing to marry me, I will definitely marry her."

Li Feng said seriously.

"He is serious, or in order to cope with my family?"

Murong Xue Fangxin jumped, couldn't help but think.

Murong and Le and others nodded, they can see that Li Feng did not lie, because Li Feng's tone is very sincere.

Xiao Xue is looking for people this time!

At this time, the system prompts the audio.

"Hey, congratulations to the host, the task 'Save the goddess of the snow (2)', the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 10,000 experience value, 1 million system points, 20 conquers some rewards."

"Call, finally finished."

Li Feng was in a hurry, killing Sun Xixiang yesterday, abolished Sun Zhishang's Dantian, the mission is not completed, and Li Feng is worried, he thought that the completion of the task must kill Sun Zhishang.

Host: Li Feng

Level: SS-level

Experience: 30500100000

System Points: 7467000

Conquer points: 389

Skills: "Kunyuan Gong", "Qiankun 1", "Square", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", "Rage", "Exploration Hand" ...

Waiting to completed the task: Eight-party wind and rain for me

"I don't know when I can put the wind and rain building ..."

Looking at this task to be completed, Li Feng thought of the scene with Xiao Ling.

"I still have to take Xiao Ling, this woman will take it, in order to indirectly income the wind and rain buildings, but Xiao Lingha is a wild horse, not tame it."

Li Feng secretly sinks a little, and I can't think of the way to take Xiao Ling. I have to take the thoughts first.

The next time Li Feng also accompanied the conversation, and then he had something to excuse the company and wanted to leave.

Murong and music are naturally struggling, but they see Li Feng's denying, so that Murong Snow leaves Li Feng.

I naturally won't be opposed to this Murong Snow. In fact, she doesn't want to stay at home, she is reluctant to ask the family to ask the West ...

On the way to the airport, Murongxue is still afraid.

In just two days, Li Feng has solved her for a long time in the near future. She is very grateful to Li Feng.

In addition, Murong Snow also discovered his love for Li Feng, and Li Feng want to get her anacies.

It's just that Li Feng girl is too much, so that Murong Snow has not been determined ...

"Thank you Li Feng. If you don't have you, I am afraid I have been forced to meet with Sun Zhihang."

Murong Snow pressed his mind and said.

"Don't thank you, I also left outstanding talents to the company, we are all taken, so really don't thank." Li Feng opened a sharing car and laughed.

Murong snow faces, slightly changed, and said: "Is it just to leave outstanding talents to the company?"

"What?" Li Feng heard, just pretending to hear, because he didn't know how to answer it.

"Nothing ..." Murong Xue shook his head, then said: "Do you agree to help me out of the album, is it?"

Li Feng nodded: "Count, must count, wait until I go back, I will write the remaining nine songs."

Murong Snow: "???"

Not ... she is what the word song is the good song, not the kind of smear song that has no new meaning, Li Feng said too easy?

"Doubt my strength?" Li Feng's mouth hook, play taste: "Do not worry, the remaining nine songs Quality with that" Meet "can be said to be a difference as if it is as if it is as if it seems

There is a system, and another gold song in parallel world is not asking him.

In addition to writing songs in Murong Snow, Beethof Founded Movie has also been promoted as soon as possible.

"Go back and do it!"

In this way, Li Feng stepped into a foot throttle, and shared the car to gallop the airport.

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