In the evening, two people returned to Beijing.

Without the "supervisory" of Murong and Music, it would not be "squeezed" one house tonight, Murong Snow returned her in the apartment in Beijing, and Li Feng opened the presidential suite in the hotel near the apartment.

Take this opportunity, Li Feng picks up nine-year-old mall, which is suitable for Murong Snow, and you will sleep.

On the other hand, the high-end apartment.

"How did I suddenly be a bitter?"

Washing, Murong Xue, who is wearing a taxi skirt, I feel somewhat uns, and I can't think of it.

After a long time, Murongxue looked at the eye floor. This discovered that after two nights, she was accustomed to Li Feng lying on the floor.

"It must be a good rest for these two days."

Murongxue did not want to admit that he was thinking about Li Feng, silently gave himself an excuse.

These two nights did not have a good rest, which is lying on the floor of the boudoir, I am afraid it is difficult to rest well, let alone, she is still so meaningful to Li Feng.

"Still first call Mr. Huang Rui."

Murong Snow whispered, took out the phone allocated a call.

Huang Rui is a famous manglean creator in Huaxia. He created a lot of singers, including more female singers.

Murong Xue is two years, a total of two albums, and each album's main song is from Huang Rui.

It can be said that Murong Snow is now achieved today, and Huangrui has played a lot of role in these two songs that are tailored to her.

This year, Murong Snow is also a new album. For this reason, she invited the Huang Rui for a long time, Huang Rui also acts in writing songs again, but I have not moved long time.

Today, Li Feng said that he wants to write her ten songs, and the quality is similar to "Meet" as if she seems to have written songs, she will call Huang Rui, I also want to say this.

The phone is connected, and the phone came from a deep and magnetic voice: "Hey, I am Huang Rui."

"Hello Huang Rui teacher, I am Murong Xue." Murong Snow sat straight, and said respectfully.

Huang Rui is very high in the music, even if Murong Snow is the new Jin Xiaotian, it is necessary to pay tribute to him.

Huang Rui is like this, knowing that Murong Snow is called him: "Oh, is Xiaoxue, is this point to call me what is urged?"

"I just want to talk to you the last time, I didn't bother you?" Murong Snow is sinking.

Because the plane is already unleasing, go back to the apartment to wash, just 9 o'clock in the evening, this point is really late.

However, Murong Snow is also no way. This kind of thing is better, in case she didn't play tonight, it happened that Huang Rui was inherently explosing songs. That's not enough!

"If it is someone else, I will definitely feel that I have been disturbed, but people who call me are Xiaoxue ... I not only didn't feel that I was disturbed, and my mood is still a little, you are the most appreciated woman in these two years. Singer. "

Huang Rui said.

Murong Xue Xuebei is slightly wrinkled, although Huang Rui said that it is praising her, but she always feels some uncomfortable, is she too sensitive?

"I didn't bother to Huang teacher." Murong Snow lost his heart and smiled: "It's such a teacher, I have recently thought of the new album, then ..."

"Let me write a song is? No problem, I am planning to write a song, but I haven't been inspired by it recently, so I am not sure when I can help you write a good song."

"You also know, I am a song creator responsible for the singer, writing songs must be written in accordance with your temperament and deep songs, otherwise I will write a smell of salvation without connotation, will only harm you, right?"

Huang Rui interrupted her directly and said.

Murong Snowpot Head: "Yes, I just want to ..."

Huang Rui once again interrupted her: "I want to write it out soon? It is not ok, but I need to see you with you."

"Ah? Why?" Murong Snow.

Not ... Why do you want to write songs to meet her, what is this?

"This requires you to understand, I want to call me."

After that, Huang Rui hangs up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone in the phone, Murong Xue's face.

She just wants "I don't invite the song with you", this simple thing she didn't have the opportunity to finish?

Also ... what is Huang Rui teacher mean, let her realize what?

Pearl City, a single-family villa, a living room on the first floor.

I just took the call with Murong Snow, I sat on the sofa and smashed the cigar. After him, a beautiful woman wearing a cool woman was kneading his shoulders.

If there is anyone here, it will find that the beauty is also a singer, and it is a singer who is in the same period with Murong Snow.

Her name is Song Xuemei, participate in the draft show, and the body has a magnitude with Murong, but it is also a beautiful woman. It is also very attractive after dressing.

Because of the fact, luck, etc., Song Xuemei's development of Muri's snow is a level.

Murong Snow is already a small day, and the concert will not open 32 games, and Song Xuemei is just a three-line small singer ...

"Huang teacher, you have to write songs to Murong Snow, you are very good to her."

Song Xuemei kneaded his shoulders while he was embarrassed.

"You are this small, what is it?" Huang Rui holds Song Xuemei's little hand and tastes.

"No, people are curious." Song Xuemei is smiled, but the eyes flashed a disgust.

Huang Rui is very music talents, but his appearance does not dare to compliment, and Huang Rui has stepped into middle age, usually don't pay attention to the body management, the abdomen is, and the handsome, handsome is not sneak.

If you don't have to ask Huang Rui, Song Xueme will give him a shoulder back? Will you hold hands? Do dream!

"If she is like you, I will naturally write a song, if she is a high, then she is afraid that she is going to make a small day."

Huang Rui said deeply.

Song Xuemei was light: "The woman is very high, and you are afraid of being disappointed."

"Well?" Huang Rui is cold: "You are looking forward to her, so I replaced her in the music position?"

So Song Xuemei, which was the real thoughts in Huang Rui, so soon she took the arm of Huangrui, and walked into the low level of the water to the height. I want to replace Murong Xue and is not wrong. Let's talk about it ... "

"Although I don't have Murong Xueqing, beautiful, I will please man, Huang Ge, as long as you write a few good songs, I must have a good time, good ~"

Huang Rui eyebrows, flashing in the eyes: "Let me see how you serve people, I think about it. Do you want to write a few songs more songs ..."

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