Save the Goddess System

Chapter 567, the most poisonous woman

The next afternoon, Huaxia, a city to travel to the international airport, a shared car is galloping.

The driver is Li Feng, which is Beethoven.

"If you arrive in Tianfu City, you will contact Xu Man, she will take you to the scene.

There is a contact with Xu Man, Meng Chao in this mobile phone. I can call me at any time when I encounter my own idea or solve the problem.

This bank card has 20 million Huaxia coins. I have sent a text message to your mobile phone through SMS. After remembering, I will delete the text message.

You are a star, acting in an inch, I have been in the past few days, I will choose a broker in the past to be responsible for your daily affairs. "

On the way, Li Feng took the thing of Beethoven to pay attention to the matter, and then sent him to the plane.

Beethoven is a super-net red in Weibo on Weibo. This goes to Tianfu City, will definitely cause the media reporter's madness.

Fortunately, he has a higher artificial intelligence, manner, and even thinking, communication skills are similar to adults.

Beethoven's learning, computational power is horrible, and it is not too much to use the supercomputer.

Coupled with his body is a biochemical machine, the defense is amazing, and there is no problem with some unexpected conditions, so Li Feng can rest assured that Beethoven will act outside.

"There is Beethoven with the men's one," the square "is definitely enough, as long as the script is strong, the special effects keep up, this movie is going to be no problem.

Xu Man is already superior, although there is no strong martial arts, it is enough to shock a general, and she can be fully assured in Tianfu City.

Next, it is to help Murong Snow production album, and add to Hibenqing who increase strength. "

On the way back, Li Feng is dark as a detailed action.

After breaking through the initial period of the Sheng, Due to the time relationship, Li Feng only helped Xu Man became a super-level force, which certainly did not work, he had to be quoted.

Li Feng didn't know, just when he sent Baixou on the plane, there was a lot of unclear things.

Said small, because people who introduced events are just a three-line female singer, it is because this is about the big character of the two entertainment circles - Huang Rui and Murong Snow.

At noon today, Song Xuemei sent a Weibo, which is mainly to show off, and the way is secretly degraded.

"God, @ teacher finally promised to write songs, and a last name to help me write three songs, so happy.

If I didn't remember the wrong, a predecessor is on the two songs written by Huang Rui, I hope that I will live with the cultivation of Huang Rui teacher, and look at the seniors.

Oh, it's right, or I am sorry, because Huang Rui teacher wants to write three songs, so I promise you that the first thing you may have to postpone, will not affect your new album? "

The following is attached to the surname of Song Xuemei in a room.

This Weibo started to have a lot of lotus, because all aspects, Huaxia Musicai no longer have a prosperity ten years ago, now it is like a green water, far without film and television circles.

What's more, Song Xuemei is just a three-line singer, paying attention to her fans only more than one hundred thousand, most of them still bought zombies powder ...

The situation changes with the forwarding of the dead flour of Murong Snow.

"That predecessor? Is it not what our small snow? If I didn't remember the wrong, Huang Rui did wrote two main songs for our small snow, and the time for our small snow is indeed invited to Huang Rui. .

So Song Xuemei, what do you mean, I feel that my family is Xiaoxue? If you really think so, then I advise you to quickly buy a mirror photo! "

After this fan forwarded the comment, the screenshot was sent into the fan group, and suddenly the forwarding and concern of many Murong snow fans, the heat was gradually.

On the other hand, Huangrui also has a lot of fans, soon, there is a selfie background with the eyes of Song Xuemei.

"I am going, this is not the living room of Huang Rui teacher, this sofa I remember too clear!"

A Huangrui's fans found a photo posted by Huangrui.

In contrast, people found that Song Xuemei sat in the sofa of Huang Rui's teacher's living room!

At this moment, Song Xuemei's Weibo was deleted, but the netizen has already shown this microblogging, so this Weibo still flows on the network.

Under the investigation of the eyes of the netizens, people who determined that Song Xuemei was really taken in the living room of the Huangrui.

For a time, people were madly guessing the relationship between Song Xuemei and Huangrui.

"Hey, what do you mean, do you want to be stinking?"

Pearl, in the single-family villa, Huang Rui pushed Song Xuemei on the sofa, evil.

Last night, he smashed some medicine, and he had tossed until the morning and four in the morning, so waking up is noon.

When he was completely awake after Song Xuemei's serving, he received a friend's phone and learned about Song Xuemei's Weibo.

At that time, Huang Rui was angry, almost gave the table!

When he pressed the fire to persuade Song Xuemei to delete Weibo, he couldn't press the heart and angry, and moved to Song Xuemei.

"Huang Ge, you don't want to be so fierce, people are too excited, so I didn't stand it for a while."

Song Xuemei didn't matter, anyway, what happened, Huang Rui dared to kill her?

"I didn't hold back in a moment? I see you are dying! Hurry up, say you are a guest with the broker, come to my house, hurry!"

Huang Rui pinchs Song Xuemei's wrist and said.

"The yellow brother is to let me lie? I didn't say this last night, I didn't do this ~

But it doesn't matter, as long as the yellow brother will help me write three songs, and I announce that I am more excellent than Murong Snow, I can do it according to the yellow brother. "

Song Xuemei was inserted by Huang Rui, and the face of his face was said.

Huang Ruiming is a sinking: "You are threatening me ?!"

Huang Rui is not a silly egg. When he thinks, he guesses the purpose of Song Xuemei.

Huang Rui is married, his wife children are abroad, and now there is a PY transaction between him with Song Xuemei.

This kind of has exposed, he will be destroyed once!

If you want to clarify this matter, he will send a statement with Song Xuemei. If Song Xuemei doesn't care about his reputation, if you don't send a statement, then the reputation of Huangrui is completely stinking.

Song Xuemei? She is just a three-line singer, it is destroyed, nothing big, compared with Huang Rui, the cost of Song Xuemei pays small.

"I can't talk about threats. I really like the yellow brother. If the yellow brother is willing, I can accompany you to hobs."

Song Xuemei flashed in the eyes of the placard, proud to say.

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