Save the Goddess System

Chapter 568, light, not afraid of wearing shoes

After an hour, Huang Rui sent such a Weibo.

"Have friends come from afar?

This morning, two friends came to my house. I would like to have everyone guessed that they are Ms. Song Xuemei, Miss Song, Ms. Feng Li.

I appreciate the singing level of Miss Song Xuemei, in my opinion, she is very hope to become a flagger in the next ten years of Huaxia music.

And I am a sick creator, tap the sound is my responsibility, I deliberately invite her to come to my house with her broker.

In order to help Song Xuemei grow up as soon as possible, I decided to write three songs for her. After writing these three songs, I temporarily pin this year. "

Below below, with a photo of Huangrui, Song Xuemei, Feng Li, in the Huangrui's living room.

In the end, Huangrui's shoes still fear Song Xuemei.

Soon this Weibo has also issued a clarified Weibo.

"The Weibo before I was too excited, I owe it, I have made a misunderstanding.

I respect the teacher of Huang Rui, in my eyes, Huang Rui teacher is like a father, so I will don't think more, thank you. "

This Weibo is also attached with a photo of the three people.

Once the two microblogs have been issued, discussions on the relationship between the network have been cooled.

"I will say, the teacher of Huang Rui is the old artist, this person is still a test."

"Big day, it is a three-person party, and Huang Rui should be innocent between Song Xuemei."

"Huang Rui teacher has been self-satisfied, scattered, it is spread."

"Wan Rui teacher should write three songs to Song Xuemei. After writing, this year is closed, what should we do if our small snow's new album?"

Huang Rui's fans have come to Huangrui to talk.

"Huang Rui teacher said that the future of the music people in the next ten years is Song Xuemei, then he put our small snow?"

"On the ability to achieve the potential of achievement, ten Song Xuemei added it nor the opponent of our small snow!"

"Song Xuemei is just a three-line singer, compared to our small snow!"

Murong Snow's fans couldn't sit, and they left a message to refute Huangrui's statement.

"Cut, that is, our family Xuemei has not been a good opportunity. If she is as much as Murong Xue, it is sure to be fireful than Mushang Snow!"

"You are embarrassed, Murong Snow can be so fire, isn't Hui Rui teacher wrote two songs? Now Huang Rui teacher wants to write three songs in Xuemei, our family, Xuemei soon It's more than Mu Rongxue! "

"Not only this, no teacher from Huang Rui helped to write songs, can Murong Snow still play a list? This year, this year, the popularity of Xuemei will surpass Murong Snow!"

Song Xuemei although the fans, there is no lack of fanatics, and the fans in the two are quarreled.

Over time, the ranking of this matter is rising from the rankings on the hot search, and So Song Ji is on top ten in the hot search.

A three-line singer, suddenly entering the top ten of Weibo hot search list, this is another kind of variety show in Song Xuemei, and there is still an effect!

The original Song Xuemei only has more than one million fans. After a few hours, Song Xuemei's fans exceeded 3 million. With the fermentation of the incident, her fans continue to rise.

Not only the fans of both fans pay attention to this, but the artists of the entertainment circle, the singer's singer is paying attention to this matter.

Some singers who have long been embarrassed to Snow have secretly sore, in which there are very good artists with the face of Murong Xue.

There is a saying that the literati is light, this sentence is also suitable in the entertainment industry. On the surface, the sister is mutually known, and there is still a thing in the back, do not say plastic sisters.

Without Huang Rui, everyone feels that Murongxue is going to cool.

Tang Tang Entertainment, a few female artists who have nothing notice are talking private words in the artist's special rest.

This lounge is built a bit like a bar, there are semi-closed private rooms, with a card, a bar, and a professional barteant behind the bar.

The light is soft and the music is soft.

This is a place specialist to relax. The private surname doesn't need to say, and the artist of Sheng Tang Entertainment will come here to sit here.

"This is going to be hit."

"She has a smooth shining, and it is also beneficial to eat a little loss."

"In this way, should the company be more than a point?"

Although everyone is a company's artist, there are so many resources. If Murong Snow is popular, the company will not continue to tilt the resources to her.

Then, the company saves the resources, they have the opportunity to use, of course, this is also a matter of diplomacy.

So don't look at them at this moment, I can make a rush of Murong Snow, maybe it will be big to fight for resources to fight for resources.

At this time, Murong Xue pushed the door.

"Little Snow Sister is good."

"Don't work today?"

"Wow, Xiao Xue sister, you are beautiful, the skin is good ~"

A few female artists who have just sang the snow, at this moment, they have become a good sister of Murong Snow, and the horsel is shocked, and the cold is cold.

Regardless of the future, Murong Snow, at least, at least one of the two major Taiwan pillars of Shengtang Entertainment, their three-line artists still have to bullion.

Come over these little sisters, Murong Xue came to the bar before sitting down, and he had a cup of cocktail.

Usually Murong Snow doesn't drink, I don't know how, she suddenly wants to drink.

After seeing the few ladies, this scene was even more firm and the minds of them were watching the snow.

This is alone to the lounge and drinking, it seems that Murong Snow also realized that he had to go downhill.

Just, where do they know that Murong Snow is not in the style of the melodity, she is not to worry about drinking their slope.

In the hearts of these female art, the door of the lounge was once again opened.

"Ah, it is Li!"

"Li, how do you come to the restroom?"

"Li Zhong ..."

These female artists saw that they were Li Feng first, then they went up and greeted them.

They are not the company's high-rise, and they are not welcoming the population of Li Feng a few days ago, but they have observed Li Feng, so Li Feng is recognized by them.

Suddenly, Li Feng felt that the strong aroma came, and then, these female artists took the arm of Li Feng.

For a time, Yan Yan Yan, cyclic and fat, and there is no way to say.

Murong Xue, who was boring in front of the bar, heard the movement and immediately looked back.

Coincidentally, Li Feng also showed her that there was a time, and there was an intangible current flashed between the two.

After a long time, Murong Snow was dodge the head to the side.

I think about Murong Snow, I don't dare to look with him. I didn't do anything, but I was Li Feng, I had a girlfriend, so I would like to make these little foxes to finish the arm?

Thinking of this, Murong Snow once again greet Li Feng's gaze.

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