Save the Goddess System

Chapter 574 will count

When the flowers were in the flower, Wei Shuangqing was completely released.

After a long time ...

"I broke through, I will help you into the superfield."

After a mutual integrity, the two came to the living room, just sat down, Li Feng said.

"Ah, really." Wei Bingqing shouted, and his face was full of surprises.

With the help of Li Feng, she has already stepped into the late stage of the master, although not like Li Feng, there is a variety of strong martial arts skills, and the power change is still a little fascinating.

How can I have to step into a higher level of realm?

"Of course, I really scam you?" Li Feng scraped Wei Yingqing's Qiong Nasal, smiled: "Are you still can't wait?"

Wei Siqing first glanced, and then pretty face: "What, what is the meaning of people."

If she is at home, I don't mind trying to practice with Li Feng now. Li Xiang is here, where is she is very interesting!

What's more ... Tonight, guests have to come over, how can she practice with Li Feng now?

"I have a little." Li Feng smiled and said: "Your strength is too low, I am not too relieved by your side, so I have to help you break through the superfield as soon as possible."

The voice is falling, and Li Feng is going to take Wei Shuangqing to the second floor bedroom.

Calculate the time, he hasn't met with the cold president, miss the tight, do not hurry to practice "mutual benefit"

"Wait a minute." Wei Bingqing faced the color, said: "" Chen Yuan, who is in the evening, wants to come to the house, wait for him to take it again ... Is it? "

"Well?" Li Feng brows smashed, Chen Yuanfang also came over ... She didn't say it before calling with Cold and Yan President.

"Don't use this kind of eye to see me, when you call me Chen Yuan, I haven't given me a call, wait for him to call me, I will call you again."

Wei Bingqing was afraid that Li Feng was mistaken, and even quickly explained.

When I heard this, Li Feng understood: "What he is doing, is it your pursuit?"

That is, he has probably guess the purpose of Chen Yuanfang, and incense!

Only, this is not aware of this, Li Feng still doesn't think about it. If you don't think about the identity of the fragrance of the cold, you can only pretend that Chen Yuan is here.

"Feel the pressure?" Wei Bingqing said.

"Sliced, a Chen Yuan is still not worth it to make me feel pressure." Li Feng disdain.

Chen Yuanfang is a middle-aged uncle, the body, the appearance, the potential, and the personal strength is not more than him. What pressure does he have?

"Self-love ~" Wei Yingqing turned over white, and he was very happy.

Li Feng said this, one is confidence, but is confident in her, such an emotional state does not have a problem.

"If you don't live in love, you can catch the first beauty of the Mingz City?" Li Feng boasted, and he didn't forget to praise the Golden President.

Wei Shiqing is naturally extremely useful, but she said on her mouth: "You are not afraid to let the sister heard the sister, then he is angry?"

"Cough, side first." Li Feng's old face is red, transferring the topic: "You haven't said that Chen Yuan is here."

Chen Yuan is willing to speak straightforward, it is necessary to find an excuse to find an excuse.

So Li Feng is very curious, what kind of excuse is to make the glamorous president promise him to come to the family.

Wei Shuangqing glanced back and watched his eyes. After determining that Li Yan did not sneak and attached it to Li Feng's ears: "This is the case, his secretary Fang Xiang feels Li Wei good, want to contact her more contact, so ..."

"So Chen Yuanfang makes you help from China?" Li Feng's face was very different. He didn't think that Chen Yuan will think of such a leaving excuse!

I saw a side today, and then I saw Li Siang? Is the fate suddenly? !

Key Frames, in the case of the white skin mask, the people who are very ordinary, will not let people look at the kind of thing in the population, of course, Li Xiang's figure is unable to cover up ...

Do not rule out that some men only look at the body, don't look at the face, such words, Li Xiang's appeal is really large.

"You are so smart." Wei Shiqing gave Li Feng a vice of appreciation, then the voice said: "I know that Li Xiang is your colleague, so I have said to Li Ziang."

"She agreed?" Li Feng was surprised.

I went, since I used a woman in the flower, after using the female and printed, the flowers of the flowers were only close to him, and they excluded other men.

Therefore, Li Feng is hard to imagine that the flowers in the flower will be with the other party "blind date"!

Wei Shi Qing shook his head: "She certainly disagree, but I am not good to return to Chen Yuanfang, and I will have Li Xiang's business."

"Let them come over tonight, then let Li Xiang refused to refuse Fang Xiang, which neither affects the cooperation between the future group with the distant group, and does not bring trouble to Li Wei."

Li Feng nodded: "Your thoughts are very good, I support."

In fact, he did not support at this moment, and the wood has become a boat. He can't always be against it, is it a heart of the cold?

Moreover, he also wants to see each other, you can see the best tonight, so take the opportunity to figure out the other party's identity, the provincial night long dreams.

At this moment, a blue phantom is galloping on the road to the star of the Star Hui Community.

"Fujita Jun, received the latest news, Osweil's boss Li Feng has just arrived at No. 6 Xinghui Community."

On the car, Chen Yuan hangs up the phone, and the face is weird.

"Oh?" The Fujita Xiangyu, the driving, a quiet road: "In addition to him, there is anyone else to enter the Star Hui Community?"

"No." Chen Yuan is very sure: "Our people have been staring around, only to see Li Feng into it."

"Hey ... If he is just a person returned, then the problem is not big." Fujita is nodded, Shen Wei said: "For more than five months, Li Feng is just a strong A level, now the day is a + level, I One hand can explode him. "

More than five months ago, Li Feng was in the Weijia Old House, with a self-cultivation of Wei Yang, Huang Bin, two big, external Mushan three brothers.

Let those who take the opportunity to tear a piece of meat from Weijia.

At that time, the people on the top of the pearls knew that Li Feng is not only the boss of Osweil, but also a mid-term force.

Not only that, Li Feng is the news of the Dragon Soul, and the news of the king of the king of the king is also exploded.

Since then, no one dares to hit Weijia's idea!

Obviously, Fujita Xiang's strength knows Li Feng's strength, it is related to this matter.

Intercontinental vinting

Chen Yuanfang flashed a evil light: "At that time, they were , can only let us play! At that time, I hope that Fuji Tianjun can speak, let me ..."

Fuji Tianxiang is flashing, and the evil smirks: "Reassure, as long as you can save my little teacher, Wei Yingqing is disposed of you!"

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