Save the Goddess System

Chapter 575 showup

At 7 o'clock in the evening, a Blue Rolls-Royal Phantom slowly passed to the door of the No. 6 villa.

After the villa door slowly opened, the blue phantom sailed into the villa front yard, Wei Shuangqing, and the flowers have come to the door.

When Chen Yuan is getting off with Fujita Xiang, two women greeted.

"Well?" Fujita Xiang pupil, secretly whisper: "How only they have, where is Li Feng?"

Chen Yuan also discovered this problem, secretly guess: "Don't he hide not coming out? Do you want people to know him?"

"Chen, Fang Secretary, welcome to welcome."

At the time of the two people, Wei Yige came over.

After a cold, the four people walked into the living room, and the flowers were in the flowers into the cup in front of the two.

"Thank you, Miss Li."

After Keji Xiang, I have been staring at the flowers in the gates, and the slap is like really looks.

The flowers were seen very uncomfortable in the flower, and they couldn't help but rush to the vines.

That is, she must give the owner's woman a face, or she has already slapted the surname, and she dares to hit her idea. I really don't know the life!

Fuji Tianxiang is not changing, but he has made a mutter.

In Yixianxiang, the flowers in the flowers are poisoned or threatened, so they don't dare to recognize him. Where can he think that the flowers in the flowers are in the middle of the women, don't know him at all?

Therefore, the thinking of Fuji Tianxiang's thoughts, the flowers, the white eyes, hint what he is.

On the side of it, Chen Yuan is pulled with Wei Bingqing, while sneaking around the surrounding environment.

Li Feng did not come out to greet them, let Chen Yuanfang have some no bottom, but he can also observe that there is no hiding in the living room, so Li Feng can't hide in the living room to teach them to talk.

The biggest possibility is that Li Feng hides the second floor bedroom, but why he wants to hide, he is not a secret between the relationship between Wei Shuangqing!

"Hey, how is it, there is Mr. Fujita, Li Feng can't play a wave! When I arrived in Li Feng, I will take Wei Sibiqing, I must have a taste!"

When you think of this, Chen Yuan is convenient to receive his eyes, staring at Wei Shiqing.

When Wei Fu was in charge of the future group, he had several cooperation with Chen Yuanfang, so Chen Yuan is an old friend of Wei Jia.

When Wei Shuangqing is still in high school, Chen Yuan has seen her, when he got a magenta, but because of various reasons, he has not found the opportunity to do Wei Yingqing.

After graduating from college, I returned to Pearl. Wei Shuangqing was called the first beauty of Pearl. Now I have a love of love, and the charm has increased many, more and more beautiful.

Therefore, Chen Yuanfang is, the more you look more ...

Chen Yuan did not know that Li Feng, who is hiding in the second floor bedroom, is using a stealth, and the taste is standing aside, and he is observed with Fujita.

When Chen Yuan's eyes reveal the evil light, Li Feng's eyes also flashed a cold light!

Chen Yuan is talking to Wei Yishi for a while. See Yixianxiang just staring at Li Xiang, but does not speak, can't help but laugh: "Fang Xiang, you have always want to see Li Xiang, now, why don't you see it? Talk? "

They came here, not really come true, Fujita Xiang is not talking to it, does not have a few mean? He is still waiting for Wei Yingqing!

Fujita Xiang's tea cup and a little bit, this said: "I am observing."

At the same time, the temperament of Fuji Tianxiang also changed, before he played the role of the secretary very in place, at this moment he looks more like the boss than Chen Yuanfang.

Not only that, Fujita Xiang also exudes a dangerous breath, just like a beast who wants to choose people!

Suddenly, Wei Yixi felt this dangerous breath from Fujita Xiang, and the pretty face slightly changed.

The flowers in the flowers are slightly changed, and the feet are moving in front of Wei Shi Qing, and I look at Fuji Tianxiang: "What do you want?"

Fuji Tianxiang is hysterested, and the face does not dare to confuse the color: "Astroned sauce, I am coming to save you, why do you want to protect me, protect this Huaxia woman?"

Fuji Tianxiang said Dong Yi language, Wei Yixi did not learn Dongpu, so I don't know what Fujita Xiang wants to express, but she has read something in the expression of Fujita Xiang.

So ... Fang Xiang is Dongpu, and I have known Li Wei?

The flowers in the flower, the fluffy, the flour, cold, say: "Full of the mouth, I don't know you at all!"

Wei Siqing changed, and the flowers in the flower, although it was a Chinese language, but she could give an answer to explain what she listened to the east.

However, Wei Shiqing turned to think, the flowers in the flower are the members of the dragon soul, and I don't know how many languages ​​are also in common sense.

Fuji Tianxiang is a few times, and finally shook his head and smiled: "I wore a person's skin mask, you naturally don't know me, but you can't hear it!"

"Demand sauce, don't be afraid, I observed here in advance, here only you, Wei Bingqing, Li Feng three people, and I brought a single-level signal shield, anything happened here."

The voice falls, Fuji Tianxiang raises his hand gently on his face, and a man skin mask is revealed by him, revealing a handsome face.

"Ah, human skin mask?" Wei Shuangqing still saw someone used a human skin mask, which was very surprised.

Xiangtian Xiang watched the eyes Wei Yingqing, then said to the flowers between the flowers: "During the flower sauce, now you should know me?"

During the flower, the fragrance stared at Fujita Xiang, and finally. He finally said: "Don't know, I don't know who you are, I don't want to know who you are, you are best to leave here, don't force me."

In the flower, the fragrance is not a fierce woman. She detects that Fuji Tianxiang is very dangerous. I am worried that I am not the opponent of Fujita Xiang, so I can't take the initiative to take my portals. I dare to use the language.

Listening to this words, Fuji Tian Xiang brow wrinkled.

He also understood the words, the human skin mask also revealed, and the flowers and fragrances also said that he didn't know him. Is it because Li Feng is here?

No, it's not right, the flower is in the flower, and the area is not in the district, and the area is not allowed to let him put into the eyes.

In this case, then she is definitely a ban on the poisonous and poisonous, and she has to say this for self-protection.

However, he can understand that people don't want to have a lot of them, and I will not have a joke with my own life.

"Demand sauce, are you a poisonous drug, so there is a hard sentence? It doesn't matter, as long as you return to Dongpu, you can help you suppress your toxin, you can't get free medicine. "

In this case, Fuji Tianxiang will no longer go to the flowers of the flowers.

Anyway, this time I have to save the flowers in the sky, no matter whether she agrees!

Fuji Tianxiang also looked to Wei Shuqing: "Wei Shuiqing, the source code of the future cloud, I can spare you, otherwise ... Chen Yuanfang can take you."

I heard this words, Wei Yingqing's face!

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