Save the Goddess System

Chapter 576, a slap

The last sentence said that Tianxiang said in Huaxia, which makes the Suspera Yan Wei's Wei Yingqing suddenly surprised.

Is Fang Xiang that came to the source code for future clouds? There is also Chen Yuanfang, he ... he actually trying to her? !

Although it was shocked, Wei Yixi did not feel fear. She is also a strong man, although there will be no strong martial arts ... There is Liquan, which is a member of the dragon soul.

The most important thing is ... Li Feng is here, as long as Li Feng is, she is not afraid!

On the other side, Li Feng in the stealth state is murderous!

I dare to threaten his woman, this East is really unknown!

However, it is also very concerned that Li Feng is very concerned. This Dongpu is even a brother of the flowers and fragrance, and listening to him, their Master still has a big person?

Li Feng wanted to know who their Master is, but a pity that the woman is also printed with the fragrance of the flowers, which will not know this information directly from her mouth.

However, Li Feng did not feel discouraged, as long as Fuji Tianxiang caught, some information can be read by reading.

Just ... this time is the system not to release a task, do you have to do it for the other party, but the system does not respond?

Just when Li Feng couldn't help to appear, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded.

"Hey, host, you have a new task, do you look now."


"Task: Save the goddess Wei Bingqing (7)"

"Task Objective: Protecting Wei Shuiqing is not affected by Fuji Xiang, Chen Yuan's harm, if the task fails, deduct the host 500,000 system points for punishment."

"Mission Reward: 2500 Experience Value, 250,000 System Points."

"Task: Save the goddess flower and the fragrance (1)"

"Mission Objective: Protecting the goddess flower plot incense is not brought back to Dongpu by Fujiki, if the task fails, deduct the host 500,000 system points for punishment."

"Task Reward: 2500 Experience, 250,000 System Points, 20 Duan Ji."

"I rub, a last name released two tasks, and the rewards added to the reward of a task. Isn't this this?"

After Li Feng read the task introduction, I couldn't help but spit it.

With the toe, Li Feng also knows that the system is divided into two parts, as a reward for two tasks.

Save Wei Yingqing is also good, save the flowers and painting the fragrance, you need to kill or repel the Fujian Xiang, Chen Yuanfang, so do two people, but because the two gods are all, so the system is divided into two A task.

However, Li Feng has completely contributed to Wei Shuangqing, so save her system does not give a total service point, and he does not have any regular prostries between the fragrance of the flowers, so it can give 20 square servants after completing the task.

Thinking of this, Li Feng quits the system.

At a moment of Fujita Xiangxiang, the flowers were blocked in front of Wei Shi Qing, and they released their own breath.

Suddenly, a breath that belongs to the early post of Master is stirring in the living room!

At a moment of this breath, Fuji Tianxiang is not surprised!

If he is only 80% of the grasp of the grasping, Li Xiang is a flower, which is 100% at this moment!

The length can change, the sound can be changed, the taste of the body can change, but the martial arts will not change!

This breath is the flower in the flower, will not be wrong!

However, the flowers of the flowers have made a look at him, is she really crazy? Still ... she looked at Li Feng in the stepp on the secret?

Thinking of this possibility, Fujita Xiang is a flash, cold channel: "During the flower sauce, I didn't expect you to rely on the Chinese people, you really make me disappointed!"

"But do you think you can stop me with your strength? Childish! Don't forget that I have been introduced for 10 years earlier, my strength is not you can compare!"

In an instant of the voice, an extraordinary atmosphere is emitted from Fujita Xiang!

Fragrances in the flower change!

She is just the early days of the masters, and she has no resilience in the resilience than her high-level realm.

It is only an instant, and the flowers are calm down. The owner is still here, and the district is an extraordinary strength, but it is a master of the owner.

After the flowers of the flowers, Wei Yingqing is also a face, and it is obvious that she is also fully trust in Li Feng.

However, the two women are so calm but make Fuji Tianxiang a misunderstanding.

"Why don't you talk, is it frightened?" Fujita Xiang smirked.

In addition to Wei Shuangqing is frightened, Fuji Tianxiang can't think of other possibilities.

But there is not much meant to shake the wind with a woman ...

Thinking of this, Fuji Tianxiang said to the second floor: "Li Feng, I know that you are upstairs, when do you want to hide? Or do you say ... You are scared?"

Just now, he knew that Li Feng was here. As a result, Wei Bingqing was very stunned. Li Feng also had a very deeply affected.

Now he has to do it, Li Feng can't come out, shouldn't it be scared by him?

Fuji Tianxiang waited for a while, still did not see Li Feng's appearance, when you are smiling: "That said that Dragon Soul Li Feng is a murderer, 23 years old, stepped into the mid-term situation, but in my opinion. "

"I am 25 years old. I have stepped into the early days, and I am more stronger than you!"

"The boldness, I am more than you don't know how many times, I dare to raise the danger of nine deaths and life. I will come to Huaxia to find a small teacher, and you, even the courage to fight with me, it is really People don't want! "

Like the Dragon Soul of China, the Dark Shadow is a special department, and the ability to collect intelligence is very powerful.

After Li Feng, after Wei Jia's Old House, this news was sent back to the country by Shadow members, and passed to some young genius in the shadow, and there was Fuji Tianxiang.

At that time, Fujita Xiang was very disdainful to Li Fengwu's genius. If you think that there is a chance to meet Li Feng, let Li Feng know what is genius.

I have never thought that the two really met. Fujita Xiang naturally had to grasp the opportunity to humiliate Li Feng once.

Opposite, Wei Shuangqing's expression is a bit weird.

This Dongpu is actually thought that Li Peng was afraid of him, and would be afraid of super level? Funny!

She is going to see if Li Feng is out, and the Fuji Tianxiang will respond.

However, I said that I'm at this time, how did Li Feng can't come out, he is not afraid that she is controlled by Fujita Xiang?

"Do you think Li Peak is like a mouse?"

See Wei Yingqing's expression, and Fuji Tianxiang has produced misunderstanding.

Wei Siqing snorted, desidied: "Hey, you have no qualification to evaluate Li Feng, you don't know how powerful Li Feng."

"I am not qualified to evaluate Li Feng?" Fujianxiang directly pulled up the tone, and said that he didn't reply: "I am a super-level, Li Feng is only a master ..."


The Fujita Xianghua has not finished, a figure appears in front of two women, and at the same time, a breath that belongs to the sacred strongman has broke out from this figure!

"How is it possible to enter the sacred power ?!"

Fuji Tita Xiang is stunned!

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