Save the Goddess System

Chapter 577 Dongpu Jian Sheng

This sudden appearance of people in front of two women is Li Feng.

Fujita Xiang is really a bit.

He didn't know Li Feng. He didn't have to have seen Li Feng, and he didn't have a photo of Li Feng, but he heard the description of others.

Because of the system intervention, the outside world does not have any photos of Li Feng, unless Li Feng let the system erase all people, otherwise the description of the description of his appearance is still doing.

After Li Feng appeared, Fuji Tianxiang found that this person did not consistent with Li Feng in the description, regardless of height, long phase, age or temperament.

Moreover, Chen Yuan also said that only Li Feng entered Wei Bingqing home tonight, who is Li Feng still?

But this is not scientific, and Li Feng is only the mid-term, even if Li Feng has broken again in these months, it is also a man's later period, and it is a half-step extraordinary.

What is the situation now, the breath of the sacred strong!

Bitter Master has two realm!

If this person is really Li Feng, Toy Tianxiang really wants to find a piece of tofu to kill himself.

Made, it's too shameful, shamed him to open the door, shameful home!

Just now, he still despised Li Feng in front of the two women, saying that Li Feng is just a mid-term, and he is already extraordinary.


The fog has a big jealous, and when Li Feng jumped out, he found that people were already in the sacred power!

This is a special face, screaming, and the face is swollen!

"Li Feng ..." Looking at the tall back in front of him, Wei Shuangqing's pair of beauty has started an inexplicable look.

She knows that Li Feng will not let him down, she knows that Li Feng will save her in time when you encounter any danger.

Not only Wei Shiqing caught in a state of flowers, but the flowers of the flowers also fell into the state.

The master is so handsome, the opportunity to appear is just right, the posture appears is handsome, if she is also the owner's woman.

For a time, the pretty face of the fragrance in the flower is popular, just like a ripe red apple.

Li Feng did not use the fragrance of the flowers in the flower, otherwise it will definitely be made by her.

"You just said that I am so timid, it is not tooth?" Li Feng looked at Fuji Tianxiang and said.

Strong is locked by a strong realm, and Fujita is talking about talking, it is already exhausted.

At this moment, there is still a proud mode before, the face is pale, the legs are not trembling, the big cold sweat falls from the forehead, and the cannot be.

On the side, Chen Yuan's performance is not.

He is an ordinary person. This time, it is a soy sauce, and it will take advantage of Wei Sibi.

The result is not only cheaper, but also kicked to the Tarat alloy plate!

Now he not only has the risk of harm, but also it is here, this is the old life!

"No, I have to think about the relationship with Fujita Xiang, otherwise, even if Li Feng doesn't kill me, I have to knew a lifetime!"

Chen Yuan is anxious, like the ants on the hot pot, and the small calculation of the small calculation is ringing.

However, although Chen Yuan is anxious, Li Feng is like he did not see him, he saw him from appearance, he was like a group of air, and he was directly ignored by Li Feng.

"I can't say that I can't say that I am talking about it? Oh, Dongpu's martial arts is tasty."

Li Feng ridicily smiled and put the breath.

He also wants some questions about Yita Tianxiang. If you don't pick up your breath, the Fuji Tianxiang said.

"Call" "call" "call" ...

At the moment of breath, Fuji Tianxiang breathed a big mouth.

It is like Li Feng's breath, it is like being pressed against the chest than the heavy object of the 10,000 pounds, almost dying him live!

Wanjin is not exaggerated, Fuji Tianxiang is extraordinary, power, body strength has long been more than ordinary people, thousands of pounds of weight, like dozens of pounds, want to cause harm to him, At least 10,000 pounds can be.

Although Li Feng scattered at the breath, Ed Yaxiang did not dare to have any act, he believes that as long as you have any power, Li Feng can kill him in an instant!

See Yixian Xiangxiang is usually shrunk in place, and Li Feng can't help but laugh: "Even the courage to fight with me, it is really no teeth."

The face of Fujita Xiang suddenly rose.

One, he took this way, he said Li Feng, and now he is returned by Li Feng's original, this face is playing ...

Li Feng shook his head smiles. He sat next to Wei Shiqing. It was so good to poured a cup of tea and launched the throat. He said: "Are you a Dark Shadow?"

While talking, he used the heart of Fujita Xiang.

Fujita Xiang's face is slightly changed. He didn't expect Li Feng to guess his identity.

"Don't talk, it is default." Li Feng said a flash, then asked: "Who is your master, it sounds very much."

Fuji Tianxiang can't help but laugh: "Hey, you are not qualified to know who my master is."

Although Fuji Tianxiang is arrogant, it is not lack of brains. He knows that it is more beneficial to this time.

As long as Li Feng wants to put out useful news from his mouth, he is safe. If he speaks Li Feng asked, he will lose the value of utilization.

"You have a hard power." Li Feng shook his head smiles, ridiculed: "You think you don't say that I can't guess who you are?"

Although Fuji Tianxiang did not speak, but the mocking expression on his face showed that he did not believe that Li Feng can guess who his Master is.

At this moment, Li Feng's tea cup was lively, "I heard that there are a lot of genius disciples under the east sword ..."

Under the study of the heart, any ideas in Fuji Tianxiang are nowhere.

When Li Feng asked the Master of Fuji Tianxiang, there was a four words in Toyota, and the words of Toyitu Xiangxi.

However, in order to cover yourself to read the heart, Li Feng wrapped around, and did not directly discontinue the Master of Tiantian Xiang.

In the heart of Fuji Tianxiang, there is no sound on the surface: "Coincidence, it must be coincidental, Li Feng is just right, and it is impossible to guess who my teacher is."

"Hey, it seems that you are the disciple of Dongpu Jian Sheng." Li Feng shook his head smiles, sighed: "There will be his disciples must have his Master, the disciples are so stupid, what is Master is also smart, it seems that the world's famous strong Dongpu Jian Sheng is just a foolkin that is unique. "

Li Feng certainly didn't know who Dongpu Jian Sheng, but from his name and cultivating the disciples of this extraordinary power, this extraordinary disciple can see that Dongpu Jian Sheng is certainly strong.

It is said that Dongpu Jian Sheng is definitely no fault in the world's famous strong.

At this time, Fuji Tianxiang finally couldn't help: "Let's go, do you dare to disrespect my Master, is there ?!"

Fujita Xiang is ready to have been in a long time, but Li Feng is too deceived, and he is humiliated him.

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