Save the Goddess System

Chapter 580 I admitted the wrong person.

Li Feng did not put the real air barrier. He was heard by the dialogue between Jiang Yunzhu, heard in Fujita, and suddenly shouted in the life of Fujita Xiang.

This is also a mistake in Li Feng. He is planning to take a call to kill Fujita Xiang, but there is no need to protect a dead person, have never thought ...

"It seems that there is no such thing in the flower, this is, so that the dragon soul knows the existence of the flowers in the flower, it is necessary to find a reasonable explanation for" slavery "..."

Wei Bingqing is now a + level, can step into the S-level in a few days, while the flowers are incense? Or A-level.

Previously, Li Feng was the name of the paint to protect the flowers in Wei Shi Qing. Now Wei Shuangqing's strength is already higher than the flower, and then let the flowers in the shade of the flowers are not suitable.

Can you treat the flowers in the flower, where can I go? I can't let her stay around yourself.

Although Li Feng is a bit confident to his own strength, it can be in the flower, the fragrance is a for him. It is not right. It is not only no fire, but it is still spent on his oil mist.

In case two people, the crowded fire ... cough.

Besides, he is also very busy. After a long time, you need to help the women to improve the strength, and there is always a lot of flowers in the body. It is always very inconvenient ...

It is better to have a semi-active exposure flower to the identity of the fragrance, see what the dragon soul is arranged for her. If you want to change her back to a few hostages, Li Feng is not able to agree, when it is the slavery, it is, anyway, these months He has never killed in the flower in the flower.

Key Dongpu Jian Sheng estimation has got news, the disappearance of the fragrance of the flower is related to him, then he continues to stay in the flower and the fragrance is also a hidden danger.

The problem now is that the system will let him get the flowers in the diacetale? Putting the flower dress in detail, but the system's idea!

"Watch a step ..."

Sleeks, Li Feng said: "People are in me, you send people to take them away."

After the conversation, Li Feng looked at Fujita Xiang: "Don't think that you can live in the dragon soul, even if you are swaping back to Dongpu, Xiaoyi wants to kill you can also go to Dongpu to kill you."

Fujita Xiangyu is picking up, and the eyes flashed a taunt.

If Li Feng is to the respect of the honor, then he will still have a good amount, but Li Feng is just in the early days, he will not care about it.

Although Dongpu has no strong Huaxia, you can also have a strong in the country, Li Feng dare to go to Dongyi, then you have to go to Dongpu!

Of course, Fuji Tianxiang is just a ridicule of Li Feng in his heart, but he dare not showing it. Of course, Li Feng makes Li Feng can't help but destroy him. He cried without a place.

Li Feng will not guess the idea of ​​Fuji Tianxiang, but he doesn't care, the lion will not care about the rabbit.

Now he may not be able to run to Dongpu to kill, you can go to the speed, maybe half of the year, he can step into the respect, become the power of the purple dragon.

At that time, cross-border killing is not to do ...

"And you, Chen Yuanfang, Fujita Xiang may be able to return to Dongpu as a transaction, but you have the value of the road to the road to completely trading, and the second half is in the prison."

Li Feng looked at Chen Yuanfang and said cold.

Chen Yuanfang's greatest value is his Huaxia 's body. If everyone knows him is a traitor, then his value is not much.

Of course, Chen Yuan, of course, knows this, a time in the face, rushing to Li Feng, ask for! "Li Xia, you have a lot, let me let me, I am willing to take 10 ... no, 10 billion, exchange Li Shao's understanding! "

10 billion yuan, this price is not necessarily unclear, if it is replaced with a general dragon soul member, it may be as comfortable.

But this person is Li Feng, is a master that is not lack of money.

That is, Jiang Yun bamboo is open, otherwise Li Feng can let Chen Yuan live out of the villa? Alarm!

Don't kill Chen Yuanfang is already the bottom line of Li Feng, how can Li Feng will release Chen Yuanfang for the "district"?

"Li Shao ..."

Chen Yuan also wants to say anything, Li Feng directly cut in his back neck, Chen Yuanfang didn't come and dizzy.

Fuji Tian Xiang's eyebrows are picking up, and there is a surprised color in the eyes.

100 billion Huaxia coins can not be a small number, Li Feng even if he doesn't want to let Chen Yuanfang, you can also feel with Chen Yuanfang with the snake, and wait for the money to say that it is, anyway, Chen Yuan is an ordinary person, I want to escape Huaxia is not so easy.

Can Li Feng actually rejected it, is he really vain money as a dung, still another plan?

Just on the occasion of Fuji Tianxiang, Li Feng looked at him, did not wait for him to respond, Li Feng cut it.


Like Chen Yuanfang, Fuji Tianxiang did not respond to Li Feng in the past.

After getting two people, Li Feng turned to look at Wei Bingqing: "Ice Qing, didn't you scare you?"

"No, I know that you are here, I haven't worried from my own security from the beginning." Wei Bingqing said seriously.

"That's good." Li Feng took Wei Bingqing into the arms and comforted for a while.

This makes the flowers of the flowers in the next side. If the owner can comfort me ... "

"Hey, congratulate the host, save the goddess Wei Bingqing (7) task is completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 2500 experience value, 250,000 system points reward."

"Hey, congratulate the host, save the goddess flower, Duxulu (1) task is completed, task rewards are released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 2500 experience, 250,000 system points, 20 conquers some rewards."

Host: Li Feng

Level: SS-level

Experience value: 40500100000

System Points: 8460000

Conquer point: 429

Skills: "Kunyuan Gong", "Qiankun 1", "Square", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", "Rage", "Exploration Hand" ...

Waiting to completed the task: Eight-party wind and rain for me

Look at the personal property, Li Feng exits the system.

"Li Feng, why are you calling Li Xianghua, what is the relationship between her?"

Wei Shiqing couldn't help but ask.

"This ..." Li Feng looked at the eyes, and I didn't know how to open it.

Li Xiang Eye is watching Li Feng, a pair of beautiful eyes are full of curious colors, clearly without the existence of Fujita Xiang in her memory, is Yote Tianxiang called her little teacher?

If it is just Fuji Tianxiang, it will be called her, and he can listen to the owner's meaning, it is a bit related to Fujita Xiang. What is this?

"Nothing, Fujita Xiang admits the wrong person."

Li Feng thought for a while, or decided to conceal the identity of the flowers in the flower, at least in the face of the flowers in the flowers.

"got the wrong person?"

The two women have a colorful color, although there is doubt, Li Feng said like this, they are not asked, they have to temporarily press the doubts.

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