Save the Goddess System

Chapter 581 Qinglong makes it

Dragon soul's speed is very fast, less than ten minutes, there are two cars to come to the door of Villa 6.

Then, the four black people got off the car, and after Li Feng allowed to enter the villa front yard.

The leader is a middle-aged man, the head of the Dragon Soul Pearl Division, although he did not reveal the breath, Li Feng broke him at least a S-class strong, or did he dare to find Fujita?

After a handover, they took Fuji Tianxiang and Chen Yuancheng left.

Packed up the scene, it was not early, Li Feng gave Wei Yingqing an eye, two people got on the second floor.

Early the next morning, Li Feng received the phone number of Jiang Yun bamboo: "What is Li Feng, what is the situation in the flower?"

Li Feng immediately expected the dragon soul to ask the flowers in the flower, but did not expect so fast, and let Jiang Yun bamboo ask, don't they know the relationship between Jiang Yunzhu?

Still ... it is because I know Jiang Yunzhu and his relationship, so let Jiang Yun bamboo ask him?

If this is the case, it will do it.

"I will influence the secret of the heart of others, I use this secret skill, I have modified the memory of the flowers of the flowers, let her recognize me."

In addition to helping Wei Yingqing lifted the realm last night, Li Feng was in thinking about how to explain the flowers in the flower.

Li Feng definitely can't expose the system, only one secret skill can be used, and it can be paid to it.

Of course, there is a certain risk, such as some people of the Dragon Soul, will have a greedy jade, and want to capture the secrets from him.

Therefore, Li Feng is also gambling. If you have a secret skill, it will only spread in a small range. For example, Jiang Yun bamboo reports to Qinglong, Qinglong put the secret, or only talk to the other three dragons with the faucet.

Like the faucet, the four dragons make such people, I have already seen the waves, and maybe they themselves have a secret skills that affect the hearts of others, so Li Feng is completely gambling they don't hit their own ideas.

Where is the secret skills? It is a secret, and Li Feng did not make a bad thing, the leader, the four dragons can't force him to say it?

Of course, all members of the dragon soul are also likely to know that Li Feng is also able to kill the sacred martial arts, except the leader, the four dragons, other dragon soul members really can really How is Li Feng?

After listening to Li Feng's story, Jiang Yunzhu has a short bit.

Let the memories of the mind and change your memory by affecting the hearts of others, let them know itself?

God, this kind of secret is really magical!

After shocked, Jiang Yunzhu hesitated: "Li Feng, Qinglong makes it very concerned about this, you have a secret thing, I am afraid I can't help you."

Jiang Yunzhu is Li Feng's woman who is not fake. But she is also a member of the dragon soul, since ancient times, the filial piety is full, although this is not applicable to Jiang Yunzhu, it can be different.

"I understand, you will report it," Li Feng said with a smile.

"Call." Jiang Yunzhu spit out a turbidity: "You can rest assured, Qinglong is not the kind of people who are smoke, the faucet is not the same as the other three dragons."

Just now, she is really afraid that Li Feng makes her secret, now it is good, and she is difficult.

"I know." Li Feng's mouth hook, taste: "I have already stepped into the context, as long as they wish to save, I should know that I am more important than a secret skill."

"Ah, really? When will you help me into the superfront?"

Jiang Yun bamboo is both shocking. She is shocked by Li Feng's immigration speed, and she has exceeded her imagination. She is happy is Li Feng into the sacred level, she can further become a superior force.

As for her main purpose, it is to cultivate "mutual benefit" and become a super-level force ... then only Jiang Yun bamboo knows.

Li Feng's mouth hook, taste: "Don't worry, one, wait for me to help Ice Qing, I will go to you after it is a super-level power."

The two said the session and then ended the call.

In the next few days, all the wind is calm, and the dragon soul has not let Li Feng go back to explain the secret skills, and did not let Li Feng will give the Dragon Soul.

With the help of Li Feng, Wei Yingqing took a smooth into the superfield.

In this regard, the flowers and fragrances expressed envy and hate. I remember that when Li Feng, Li Feng, Wei Yingqing was only an ordinary person.

But how long it is, Wei Yishi is superior, and she still stops in the early days of the masters, and it is really very distressed.

"It seems that every time the owner finds the profit of Wei, the strength of Wei's strength will break through, is this the legendary frost?"

When I think this may, the flowers of the flowers are more burning to Li Feng's eyes, just like hate the whole of Li Feng.

After the help of Wei Shiqing, Li Feng is ready to go to Jiang Yun bamboo, but Jiang Yunzhu gives him a call before him.

On the phone, Jiang Yunzhu told Li Feng. Qinglong made Li Feng one side, as for meeting what, Qinglong did not say, but Li Feng picked up a lot of mightyness.

For this meeting, Li Feng naturally won't refuse, he even expected.

Let him join the dragon soul is Qinglong to make one hand, and destroy Wang Cheng's trial is also the planning of Qinglong. Li Fengjun thought that Qinglong will meet him with him, and he did not want to drag it now.

"The poetry and men are in Beijing, rhyme, you don't mind, will I first help the poetry and men?"

Since I have to go to Beijing, I can't help Jiang Yun bamboo. In order to make full use of time, he can only go to Liu Shihan, I am afraid that Jiang Yunhu is so vinegar.

Jiang Yunzhu did a bit of vinegar, but it could not blame Li Feng, and only the vinegar can just depressed.

The next day, I went to Beijing, a taxi parked at the door of a four-in-court.

Green tree is shade street, the antique gate, come here, Li Feng seems to leave the bustling city, the soul is flat.

"Changsheng Street No. 1, really did not go wrong."

Li Feng looked at the house on the door, and the brows were slightly frowned.

Qinglong did not send people to pick up, but told Li Feng an address, Li Feng took a taxi to come here.

In Li Feng's imagination, like Qinglong, this big is at least in a single-family house, or it is to receive him in the office of the Dragon Soul, and he has never thought of it seems to be a worn four-in-nepper.

However, if you come back, people who live in villas may not live in the courtyard of Sihe ...


Press the heart and doubt, Li Feng sounded the door.


A majesty voice rang from inside, at the same time, the gate slowly opened.

Li Feng faces slightly.

The gate is the wooden door, there is no organ, no one after the door, that is, Qinglong will open the door to the airway, the key is that Li Feng did not feel the gas machine of Qinglong.

In other words, if Qinglong wants to kill him, he will not leave a perception of Li Feng at all!

"Strongfulness ... Sure enough!"

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