Save the Goddess System

Chapter 582, I saw that I asked

Deep sucking, Li Feng slowly entered the door.

Entering, facing a shadow wall of nearly three meters, painting a mountain water painting on the shadow.

On the side of the shadow, it is a small road in the green brick. The hospital around the small road is full of flowers, and the green is hit, and the flowers are fragrant.

After walking on the trail, Li Feng saw the middle hall behind the shadow wall, the middle hall door opened, placed in an antique furniture, eight fairy table, Taishi chair, bamboo bench, famous paintings hanging on the wall, no trace of modern breath.

Li Feng did not dare to look at it, and quickly came to the door to the door, stopped his body and said: "Dragon Soul Li Feng, seeking Qinglong to make adults."

This set is Li Feng to come before Jiang Yun bamboo teaching, Qinglong makes one of the five giants of the Dragon Soul, and I don't know where to find Li Feng. At this time, Li Feng attitude is only good.

"Come in."

After about three seconds, a low but majesty sound loud to Li Feng.

Li Feng deeply took a sigh of mouth, and lifted his feet into the middle hall. The light was dark.

"So fast!"

Li Feng pupil minus.

This figure is as if it appears in the Taishi Chair, there is no sign, and there is no movement, and even if there is no empty voice!

Such speed, the ability to reactors hidden, if they have murder Li Feng, Li Feng does not live anything, even if it is invincible, the opportunity to transfer is not!

It's terrible!

After surprised, Li Feng began to count the other party.

It looks at the forties bout, the nationalcy face, short hair, medium body, wearing a green dress, the chest is above the dragon, sitting there, sitting there, not angry.

I don't know if I can know that this middle-aged people are Qinglong to make Mo I will undoubtedly.

When Li Feng did not ask the day, Mo asked the sky and Li Feng, but there was no expression on the face, and even the eyes did not change, and people can't see what.

These are slow, and the fact is just a moment of occurrence. After Li Feng stood, he will hold his fist: "Take Li Feng, see Qinglong to make adults!"

Mo I nodded, this is only possible to ask: "In the early days of the Sheng?"

"Qinglong makes adults good eyesight." Li Feng did not dare to conceal, nodded.

Mo I asked the right hand, the tea cup on the table flew to him, and after a little bit, I said that I said: "If I have not remembered the wrong, you are only a mascode before, but You are just an ordinary person before a year. "

"The speed of your realm is too fast, so get better than a cognition of everyone in the Huaxia's ancient military, soon, let everyone feel afraid."

"You have already attracted many people's attention, some people even doubt that you are heavy, and some people do what people do, do you understand what I mean?"

After knowing that Li Feng has broken through the sacredness, Mo asked the sky, I was shocked, I didn't go back.

In the past year, this is too exaggerated!

After discovering this talent in the beginning, I asked Tianzhi to think that Li Feng encountered a hidden man under the opportunity, but now he found that things were not so simple.

There is a saying that Master will take the door to practice in individuals, Master's level is high, and it is impossible to make a person grow up from an ordinary person in a year.

Unless this high person knows the law of the roof, and will pass the life to Li Feng!

Or Li Feng has got some kind of opportunity, such as some kind of inheritance or heaven, this situation has happened in the past few hundred years, and more than once.

However, this kind of thing will cause the heart to cause the heart to launch a champion of getting the opportunity to get the opportunity to get a championship, and there have been two examples in history.

Li Feng, such as the rise of comet, has already attracted the attention of people, and even the ancient martial arts has a variety of artistic words. If Li Feng is a member of the dragon soul, he is also a bloody, and he is afraid that it is to find the door.

Li Fengbei picks up, and there is a small wind wave in his heart.

He is expected to cause someone to pay attention, but no one has no secret, even those people pay attention to it, and can also study him?

He really didn't expect someone who thought he was heavy ...

"Rely, heavy treasure is not, there is one, and those people have the ability to grab."

Li Feng took a slim in his heart and then said: "Qinglong makes adults, can't have your own secrets."

"If someone will chase it for a selfishness, but hurt a member of the dragon soul, will the dragon soul will support this member?"

Mo asked the sky, laughed: "As long as you don't do harmful countries, you can have your own secrets."

"Since the founding of Dragon Soul, there have been several members who have been hidden, and those murderers have also been punished."

"Although the deterrence of the dragon soul is very strong, it does not rule out some people, so the high person will give you a lot of effort to you."

Li Feng first stunned, then played: "Is this really good?"

It is worthy of the four dragons. Even the reasons why the high-person pop-up will be thought of. After the saying is promoted, there will be a few people will play his idea?

What is the top people? In reality, Li Feng has never seen it. It has been seen several times in TV. It is a high person who has a deep skill. It is transmitted to the future.

After the top, this high person hangs.

This is completely different from the weight of the treasure!

Others can't always make him a half, let him fill the top? I really have this kind of person, the world is chaoting!

Mo I asked the sky and lifted the eye, playing: "Otherwise, do you have a better explanation?"

Li Peak is hysterested, don't talk.

Indeed, this is the best explanation at present. Maybe one day he will say system bindings, but it must be that he is invincible to the world!

"Okay, this is a small thing in the sub-branch, you are my hand, those people are greedy, and I have to put it in the amount of people. What kind of end."

Mo asked the sky to put down the tea cup, domineering.

Li Feng expanded to this, and how to say it is also the presence of the 20th of the world's strong ladder list, this deterrent is still there.

"Today, I will find another thing. I want to ask you, I have prepared to replace a few important members with the flowers in the flower." Do you want to stare at Li Feng and slowly said.

Li Feng's heart is tight, secretly, "Sure enough!"

Before he came, he guess it was related to the flowers of the flowers, and the fact proved that he guess.

Want to use the flower to draw a fragrance? Even if he agrees, the system is afraid that it will not agree!

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