Save the Goddess System

Chapter 583, then see Shen Ziyan

Fortunately, Li Feng thought about how to answer. He just said a little bit: "Qinglong makes adults, I don't think about it, I have no ability to relieve the influence of the hearts of the flowers in the flower, and I can't restore her memory. Can you exchange this? "

Mo asked the Tianshi: "I really can't be relieved, or ... are you not reluctant?"

"Ah?" Li Feng is a bit awkward, Mo Mo will also read the heart, otherwise do you want to know how he is not willing to relieve the slave print?

Although the time is not long with the incense between the flowers, such a cute woman will not like it. Which man does not like? Another man is willing to give it an arch.

"I heard that the Dongpu woman is very beautiful, even if it is not weak compared with Wei Shuangqing."

Mo asked the sky and smiled.

Heroes are sad, even if he is also difficult to see one word, otherwise, how can he make your darling for many years?

So in this respect, he still understands Li Feng.

Li Feng noodles slightly changed: "Hey ... Who is you saying?"

The flowers of the flowers are not too many when they see people, is it two people who have been discovered when they stay at the hotel?

Say it back, the sky is in the dark, and it is really very eye-catching.

"You think you have a flower to paint incense to go to the hotel, no one knows? If you don't know if you just kill the East, you have to be used as a traitor to catch back the dragon soul to accept the trial!"

Mo I said that he didn't say good luck.

The movement of Li Feng and Qiudian's real war is very big. It is basically a probation of people with people. The Dragon Soul Pearl Division knows the matter almost the first time.

Later, Li Feng took the flower in the flower, brought to the hotel opened in the hotel, naturally being discovered by the colleagues of the Pearl Division, and reported to the day.

If you don't want to press this, the flowers are not like Wei Sibia.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, explained: "Hey ... we have not done anything."

Don't look at him, I have already scared a dog's blood shot.

Relying on, Laozi opened a house and was also monitored, and there was any privacy?

The people of the dragon soul become a gone, I always stare at the young master? Mad!

"Oh, a male girl is living together, who knows what you have? You are doing anything else."

"Also, don't think that you have been monitored, what you have made is too moving, it's not bad."

"Let's go to the hotel next time, remember to do camouflage, lest the backyard."

Mo I asked the sky with a ridicule.

Li Feng: "..."

What is the strange woman to the hotel? The backyard is a dog egg! Is the young master be a kind of person?

Mo as he said that the topic said in the sky was quite serious, how did it suddenly turn it?

Is the old driver car?

"Okay, this is a small thing in the subordinate season, as long as you don't make a principled mistake, or the good member of the dragon soul."

Mo asked Tianhe, said.

Li Feng: "..."

The principle of the god is wrong. Can you say anything else? I don't know what people are young!

I didn't see the day before, Li Feng thought that the sky was a heroic man, the peerless master, must be very cold, after the face, Li Feng found ... It turned out that there is a little wretched, and there is a bit of teasing ...

"No wonder Shen Ziyi can't see him ..."

Li Feng is in the heart.

After the cold field, I would like to return to the initial topic: "It doesn't matter if you can't recover, you can't remember that you can do it."

Li Fengbei picks: "Qinglong means?"

Mo asked the sky, "" You come over ... "

Ten minutes later, Li Feng got out of the courtyard, and trucks to the airport.

In the next period of time, Li Feng once again rushed to each city and helped his woman raised its realm.

Under the unremitting efforts of Li Feng, all his women broke through the extraordinary initial.

At the same time, the negotiation of the dragon soul and shadow has been continuing.

On this day, Li Feng received a call from Jiang Yunzhu.

"The negotiation is over, exchange hostages tomorrow night, this negotiation is made by Zilong, you are also followed together."

On the phone, Jiang Yunzhu said.

Li Feng first glanced, and then the figure of the purple high-opening long dress was thrown in his mind.

Shen Ziyi actually personally be responsible for this action, it seems that the dragon soul really attaches this action.

"Li Feng, you are the first time to participate in the dragon soul, be careful."

Jiang Yun bamboo millennium is like a wife who is in an upcoming husband.

On noon the next day, Li Feng came to the Harbor of Blue Island and sat on a 055 destroyer.

The 055 destroyer is the most advanced destroyer in Huaxia, which is also a leader in the world.

This destroyer's ship has a length of one hundred and eighty meters, the boutonieth is 23 meters, and the standard drainage is 10,000 tons. The full load of drainage is 12,500 tons, and the power system is all combined. And four UGT25000 gas turbines, maximum speed can reach 30.

Its weapon system has also reached the world's leading level with the phase control radar system, which is a veritable big murder.

"I am going, the dragon soul has a task. I actually used the 055 big drive, too exaggerated."

After boarding the battleship, Li Feng couldn't help it.

Until this time Li Feng really realized the energy of the dragon soul, we must know that the 055 big drive is only 8 ships. The dragon soul can make a task.

Under the leadership of the staff, Li Feng came to the bridge and saw a Zi Zikai of a purple dress.

"Hey, is your little guy?"

After seeing Li Feng, Shen Ziyan has a moment of surprise.

Although she is the person in charge of this action, she didn't have a lot of things at all, I didn't see the list of people in this action.

The last time Li Feng left her a little impression, so I was a little surprised after Li Feng.

Li Feng: "..."

No ... who is a little guy, I have been 24 okay a few days!

But then say, Shen Zi is very old, she looks very young, about 30 or so?


Just then, Shen Ziyi was shocked again.

Li Feng couldn't help but smoked, and he was so angry, so that people were in the heart.

The bridge can not be only two, others see Shen Ziyan so reaction, I'm curiously of Li Feng's identity.

It is not average person who can make Zi Long twice.

"Take Li Feng, I have seen Zilong to make adults." Li Feng hugged, squatted.

"The little guy is very good, the last time I met, it was still super-exciting, and now it is already in the holy, I don't want to save you once."

Shen Zikai praised the colors and patted Li Feng's shoulder.

In this way, the sound of tap-cold air was lounged.

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