Save the Goddess System

Chapter 584 departure

I am going, Zilong makes adults actually rescued Li Feng? It seems that the relationship between the two is not simple!

Also ... Li Feng looks so young, is it a strong force? Niu boss!

Participating in this action is exhausted from Shen Ziyi's hand, in addition to Li Feng, these people don't know Li Feng.

Of course, Li Feng is not a nameless child, and he has heard of him.

"Li Feng? You are the big Jiangnan Wang family, let Wang Sun Zhong want to join Wang Sun's super genius?"

Li Fengbei picks up, and the people nodded.

Everyone should perform a task together, he can't express too much cold, or let others see him unhappy and affect the task.

"Hey, it's really you."

The man is surprised, and I can't help but read the eyes of Li Feng.

"Old Zheng, this is the slave you said?"

"It is that he killed Heilong to make the people's hand under the king city, causing Heilong to violent anger?"

"He is Osweil's boss, Tong Yanshui is his product?"

"Lying in the trough, how do you know him? I don't seem to be ignorant."

"Haha, the old king, the old king, have you finally discovered that he is ignoring?"

"Rolling one side, Laozi is self-deprecating, you are still a very real."

"Haha, actually, this is even chance, this kid is doing his personal information confidential, there is no photo on the Internet, I just have heard of him, I really have to meet it. he comes."

"Yes, this is only circulating in a small circle, knowing there people, after all, there is a relationship between two dragons, and the two dragons will be with our draft ..."

"Cough, today's weather is really good."

When a brother said, the whole, I met Shen Ziyu, I almost made her with Black Dragon, and Qinglong made a triprote love, fortunately, I was interrupted in time.

Said to be a triangular love, in fact, Qinglong makes the wishful wish, Shen Ziyan doesn't have the meaning of them, or she can sit on two people for so many years?

Under the bucket of the two people, they got the inside of the dragon soul, and even the dragonfly was somewhat dissatisfied.

Shen Ziyu glanced at the person, scared that the face was pale, left outside, did not dare to look at her.

"Hey, who will make the tongue root, I will throw him into the sea to feed shark, rest assured, I will use the steel bars to bundle his hands and feet."

Shen Ziyi snorted and said.

In this way, the temperature in the room plummeted, in addition to chasing the people of the tongue, others are also frightened.

They know that Shen Ziyan didn't talk about it. If it was heard by her, the people who speaking will definitely be thrown into the sea to feed shark.

Li Feng couldn't help the mouth, and the heart was a little more about Shen Ziyan.

However, Shen Ziyu said that he still makes him very cool, sister, let you chew the tongue root of Xiaoye!

Talk to ... The young master is so famous in the dragon soul?

At this moment, Shen Ziyan said: "Li Feng, is there interest to leave Mo ask, join me? If you want to come to me, just take a bottle of childhood water, I have enough, I don't dare. Find you trouble. "

Li Feng: "???"

No ... Just now, he thought that Shen Ziyi was love talents. I want to dig Mo I asked the sky, so I used to seduce him "Jumping", but I have never thought ... Shen Ziyan actually got a benefit to him!

The emotional young master has risked to the risk of asking the day, but also a bottle of childhood water with you? What is the young master?

"Why do you use this kind of eye to see me, do you know how many people want to mix with me, even if you have a chance to come, I will come here, and I will have more hesitation. Do you believe? "

Shen Ziyan stared at Li Feng and said it was uncomfortable.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, holding boxing: "I believe, just Qinglong makes adults to meet me, I don't want to betray him."

"Of course, I have always admired the Purple Dragon, and I would also like to thank Zilong to make the adult to save me in the crisis last time, so this bottle of the childhood, please ask the Purple Dragon to make adults."

The voice is falling, and Li Feng took a bottle of children's Yan in his arms and handed it to Shen Ziyan.

At this time, I didn't believe it. Shen Ziyu frightened it was just now, he didn't send Tong Yan, what else?


Everyone in the field couldn't help but suck a cold, worth 200 million Tong Yan said to send it? The boy is batch, can't afford it.

Wait ... Li Feng is out of executive task, do you carry a bottle of childhood water with you, he is not afraid of accidentally breaking Tong Yan?

Still ... he wanted to shoot a purple dragon to make the horses?

This kid is very treacherous!

Shen Ziyu Xiuyi took a pick, deeply looked at Li Feng and said: "Little guy will come, not bad."

The voice is falling, Shen Ziyu is connected to the child's water and drink it.

Everyone slammed breathing and carefully observed.

Under the concerns of everyone, Shen Ziyan's skin begins to change, the wrinkles are rapidly reduced, and there is not much dark spot to disappear with the speed visible.

Soon, the original looks around the Shen Zikai, the skin is reduced to a teenage, if it is not a great body of Shen Ziyan, and the mature, lazy temperament, saying that she is a teenager girl Someone!

"Tong Yan water is really unimagled."

Shen Ziyan touched his face, feeling, then she looked to Li Feng, said: "I can only use a bottle? I have a bottle in the past ten years, can I have an effect?"

People are always old, even if the skin has been aged, the wrinkles will appear again, and the redness is easy to be old, the hero is late, I can't avoid it.

If you can use it, you can use it.

"Hey ... can't, one can only use 20ml, there is no effect."

Li Feng's mouth, I can't help but explain it.

"Really?" Shen Ziyan's eyebrows, then patted Li Feng's shoulder and said: "I will study and develop a new generation of Tong Yan, I can look at you, I will not look at you."

Li Feng: "..."

Just when two people spoke, a shadow came in, and suddenly caused the attention of everyone.

The key to the woman wear a body, and he shouted his master in Li Feng!

Come is the flower dress!

The two came from different cities to Blue Isles, so they did not arrive together, but Li Feng did not expect that there was no wearing a skin mask in the flowers in the flower, and worried.

"Don't look, this is what I mean, not so wear, the shadow people will not have to exchange people with us."

Shen Ziyan looked at the two, then she said: "People arrive, departure!"

Soon, the 055 big driven away from the port, so far away ...

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