After several hours of speed sailing, 055 drive came to the high seas.

The sun goes down the mountain, the night is coming, the moon is hung, the sea is sparkling.

On the sea, the 055 drive is slowly close to a cloud-level battone, and finally, the two sides are parked by 100 meters.

Under the leadership of Shen Ziyan, everyone went to the deck and went to the opposite cloud-level battleship.

At first, there was no one over the deck, and then a group of Dongpu people wearing a samuraic service led a mid-year man in a white warrior, went to the deck.

"I didn't expect it to be Zilong to be responsible for this person's hostage, I am very fortunate."

After the white warriors saw Shen Ziyu, he suddenly reveals the evil spirits.

"Hey, I didn't think that the shadow will send you this old metamorphosis. I doubt that your purpose is not to exchange hostages, but I want to die."

"You don't expect a soldier, you will die a big enemy, really playing a hand!"

Shen Ziyu's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and they said.

The middle-aged man who wearing a white warriors is called Aoi Xiangtai, one of the two major shadows, SSS level, and the Dragon Soul in Asia.

When Aoi Xiang is too varied to rumor, such as he will wear a person's skinned guest tour. Aviri is a very heavy, it is very heavy ...

So I saw that Aoi Xiangtai, Shen Ziyi felt very disgusting.

Within Asia, the only thing that can threaten the dragon soul, and only the Dongpu dim, and the two major shadows of Dongpu dim will all be SSS strong, strength and four dragons make it up.

Plus the spiritual leader of Dongpu Wujie, SSS +-level strong, Dongpu Sheng, these three people are the strongest force of Shadow.

It is also because the existence of these three people, Dongpu dark shadow can fight with Huaxia Dragon Soul for many years!

Before Shen Ziyan, I still feel that she is responsible for this action is a cow knife and killing, and she has never thought that Shadow is also sent to Aoi Xiangtai. This is a good steel to use the blade.

"If you really want to die, you will be a big job, but ... I still want to make a cross-country relationship with Zilong with Zilong in the year of birth, and you are not a pity?"

Aoi Xiang is too loud and smiles.

Shen Ziyan is a world-famous power, and it is a famous beauty, some people call her best to play, the most beautiful in the world.

What's more, I will directly say that she is the world's first beauty!

Aoi Xiang is too interested in the man who is a man who is a man, can I don't think about the beauty of Shen Ziyan?

"I am special ... You are really disgusting to die, I will be willing? Sister, cross the country with you? Then I am not asked to ask the sky, Ren Cangsheng fall in love, at least the two guys don't think I think nausea."

Shen Ziyan said a disgust.

Li Feng's mouth smoked, others are also facing the color.

Shen Ziyao this is two dragons to make two dragons? Do you want to talk to Ren Cangsheng, you should cry without tears?

"Hey, all the purple dragons of the dragon soul are mouth, today I see the name is unimagled! Gossip less, bring people, let's complete the exchange."

Aoi Xiang is too cold.

"Well, you will bring people in the first, let me have the number of people."

Before the two hand of Shen Ziyi, he said lazy.

"Why do I take people first, you first put Fujita Xiang, the flowers, and the shafts, I am sure that there is no problem to bring your people up."

Aoi Xiang said too uncomfortable.

"Well?" Shen Ziyu Xiuyi picks up, cold channel: "Aoi Xiangtai, do you want to exchange it? Ok, let's go!"

The voice is falling, Shen Ziyan turns his head, and the members of other dragon souls have been busy with a short bit.

Opposite, Aoi Xiangtai et al.: "???"

No ... After so many days of tricked negotiations, the hostages will be changed, Shen Zizhen said cancellation? Is such a rate?

"Hey, she must only do it, I don't believe she really dares!"

Aoi Xiang is too double-eyed, and the cold voice said.

When Aoi Xiang is very happening, the shadow members on the deck will stand up.

Since Shen Zi is not afraid, then they have to look at what is going to look back!

I think that the Dragon Soul purpel dragon makes it to face yourself, these shadow members are very excited.

At the same time, the members of the dragon soul also took the sweat for Shen Zi.

This action is that the faucet is decided, and the purple dragon makes the adults really give up?

If you return to China, will you be punished by the leading?

Even Li Feng was given to the whole thing, this special is not buying vegetables in the vegetable market, and the price will not use the twist to take the other party.

This is the transaction between the two special sectors. Once the other party does not sound, Shen Zi is unless to pull down his face, otherwise the transaction is directly broken.

Shen Ziyi really dare to make actions to terminate this?

Everyone is in mind, Shen Ziyu is unswervingly, and when I will enter the bridge, Shen Ziyan has said: "Listen to my order, return!"

The voice falls, the 055 large drive has a few roars, and it is necessary to drive away.

Aoi Xiang is too obvious. Shen Ziyan is really going, this woman is too embarrassed, don't pay according to common sense!

Key Fujita Xiang and the flowers in the flowers are the gorge of the sword. It is necessary to exchange it. How can Shen Ziyan go?

When the Aoi Xiang, the Aoi Xiang, I can't think of whether it is shameful, shouting: "Zilong makes, please wait!"

Shen Ziyan's foot, hit a thoughts: "Stop!"

Then, Shen Ziyu turned to look at the Aoi Xiangtai: "How, the old metamorphosis also wants to trick me?"

Aoi Xiang is too smoked, and it's cold: "Shen Ziyu, you are embarrassed, I will bring people!"

"The unlosal of the dragon soul will bring me up!"

The voice falls, several black martial arts are estrussed four people wearing hands, ragged, unclear people came to the deck.

In an instant of these four people, Shen Ziyan took a pupil, and there was a murderous divergence: "Do you use them?"

Even if it is night, even if there is no lighting, even one or two hundred meters, Shen Ziyi sees the four people with a slight moonlight - the clothes are broken, and the body is full of scars!

They are obviously sentenced!

"They are too hard, we want to know something, they can only be sentenced to them."

"But you can rest assured that they have not been disabled, and they can completely recover for a while."

Aoi said.

Wang Zhen's betrayal made the members of the Dragon Soul of Dongpu unfortunately exposed, these four were arrested by Wang Zhen's betrayal.

At this time, Li Feng also saw these four people's miserans, and he was a big life!

These people who killed thousands of knives have died!

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