Save the Goddess System

Chapter 590 determines the battle of the Dragon Soul Destiny


Li Feng pupil, couldn't help but exclaimed.

Even if I have a hundred meters away, even if the sword attacks are contrary to this, I can feel a strong murder.

Li Feng can imagine that if he is hit by the sword, it is sure that the slag is not left, in addition to using the invincible and sending, he absolutely no second choice!

So strong sword attack, can Ren Cangheng be blocked with Romatai?

Li Feng's worry is not a worry, this sword is a sword in the Sichuan Island, and uses the strength of the hands.

In a moment of pulling the knife, it will be released together with the strength of the bits!

This is the strongest sword in Sichuan Island. This sword, he vowed to kill Ren Cangsheng, Luo Taimei!

"Swordsman is mighty!"

"Swordsman must win!"

In the cloud-level battleship, the shadow members once again called the blood.

It is a sword, this sword is shocking, the two dragons of the dragon soul are dead!

Ren Cangsheng was locked by the sword with Luo Tai White, could not be dodge, maybe I can't resist this sword, two people gave up resistance, and theft is generally suspended in half.

However, the expression on the two faces is very light, just like looked with life and death, but also in the eyes of this sword?

Li Feng is in his heart: "Do they have a basement?"

Just as Li Feng's mind, a figure suddenly flashed from the half-air, blocked on the road of the sword!

Then, a cold light flashed, and the same sword was embarrassed, and he greeted the sword of Kawao.

There is no more power of this sword, and it is not like a male in Sichuan, which will shock the sea, but it is so far!

If the Sichuan's male sword is like sweeping everything, then the sword is a sharp blade that is enough to cut everything!


Between turning between, the two swords collided together, the loud sound roared, the space shocked, the waves were iv!

Waiting until all dissipated, everyone looked up, and found that the old figure that suddenly appeared was a middle-aged man wearing a black robes.

The man is tall, and there is no need, holding a long sword aming the void, like an emperor.

"Is the faucet!"

"The faucet is coming!"

"We have to save!"

On the 455-driven deck, the shadow member can't help but cheer.

Li Feng first surprised, then he relieved, it was able to block the people of the East Jianjian, the whole dragon soul, who can you still?

Today, I really didn't come. I didn't see the black and white dragon, I also saw the BOSS of the Dragon Soul to the end of the world.

Just don't know that I can get the world to Tianxionnd, if I am defeated, the music is very big.

"To the end of the world, I know that you are also hidden!" Sichuan Island flashed a highlight.

Failure to kill Ren Cangsheng and Luo Taibai, did not let Chuandao a male disappointment, but there is a kind of intensive joy.

Just now, the sword seems to be, Ren Cang, Luo Taishi is on the sword. In fact, he is in order to force the horizon.

Dragon Soul Silong makes insufficient, he is only a person who is jealous, it will not come out to the world, even if you kill the four people, the plan will not be completed, only to kill the end of the world, it is worth a big victory Return!

"I didn't expect you to come here, why, do you want to make a decision with the dragon soul?"

To the end of the world, in the empty space, the cold voice said.

"The decisive battle can't talk, just want to take your five a network." The Sichuan is a male play.

"Hey, you will rely on you? I don't think about it. I can take three out of you alone!" Said to the end of the world.

In this way, there was a short silence between the parcels, followed by the dragon soul members on the 055 large deck burst out a cheer.

"Faucet might!"

"Dragon Wins!"

"Dragon soul invincible!"

Just now, everyone was oppressed by the momentum of Sichuan Island, and his heart was very wronged. At this moment, he spurted his heart through the faucet's domineering declaration.

"Lying in the trough, the boy is batch, it is a dragon soul, talking to this overbearing."

Even Li Feng is infected with the momentum of the world, and the heart is long.

When will he be like a horizontal knife, it is invincible?

"After all, it is the SSS + level, the world's highest level, I am a problem and useless, but can I rapidly improve the realm?" If I follow Shen Ziyan, can I rapidly improve the realm? "

"It should be ok, mutual benefit, can not just pay, Shen Ziyi is higher than my level, I can also have something to gain."

When I think of this, Li Feng is a little excited. Since Shen Ziyan said that Xiaoye is her man, he can't make black pot, helping him improve the level.

However, Shen Ziyi is very embarrassing, he is not as good as Shen Ziyu, I am afraid that I am not hopeless to work with Shen Ziyi. Therefore, this is only thinking about it. He continues to make a task upgrade. ...

On the occasion of Li Feng, the sea is above the sea, the Sichuan is a red laugh: "To the end of the world, you are still so mad, but it is because you are mad, this time you will die here."

"Remember the Director of Retton, helping me to kill the end!"

The voice is falling, and a portrait is broken from the sea in the distance, and the blink is flying to the Sichuan Island.

Then, there were four shadows to fly from the sea, and they would be in the sky, Shen Zikai group.

At a moment of these five people, I would like to have a color of the world, and even the face of the horizon has exposed a bit of horror.

The people of the Milano super bureau have come, which is completely exceeded!

Ratton Bains, the Director of the Millennium, and the SSS + level, the remaining four people are the deputy director of the superior, SSS level.

Relton and others are obviously in touch with the shadow, and you have to kill them here!

"To the end of the world, I didn't expect that we would participate in the war?" Ratton Bains looked at the horizon and ridicule.

"You think I don't know if Fujian is going to Huaxia is a nine dead life? I just want to design this hostual exchange to let him go to China."

"I didn't expect you to hook this simple, to the end of the world, have you regretted to promise this hostual exchange?"

To be here, the Sichuan is a lot of hiking, and the laughter can't say a madness.

"Waiting for you, the dragon soul is also named, I still dare to sing against us!"

"Sichuan, a piece of shot, kill them!"

The voice falls, Rretton Bains is a lot of Kawago to the end of the world.

Then, Honda really stepped, Aoi Xiang is too killing to Ren Cangsheng, Luo Taibai, and the four deputy deputy director of the super bureau will kill the heavens.

Determine the battle of the Dragon Soul ... broke out!

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