Save the Goddess System

Chapter 591 Save Shen Ziyan

Above the sea, the waves are turbulent, the roar is constantly.

To the end of the world, I will fall into the wind.

Mo asked Tian and Shen Ziyi were besieged by four people, and they also fell into the wind.

Alone, Cangsheng and Luo Taipai are two-to-two. The two are extremely strong, and it is difficult to understand.

However, after all, it is the first power of the dragon soul, even if it is in the lower wind, I have not lost like a while.

On the occasion of the battle of the battle, the four deputy deputy director of the Super Branch screamed each other, one of them wrapped in the sky, the other three people fully attacked Shen Zizhen!

"Ziyan is careful!" Mo asked the sky, and now we must get rid of the entanglement of the other party, before rescue Shen Ziyan.

The other party is the same as his realm, the war is quite, the experience is similar, and it is impossible to break away at all times.

In the distance, Ren Cangsheng also found the crisis faced by Shen Zikai. Although the heart is rescued, Coai Xiang is too powerful, unless he fights for injury, otherwise it will not be separated from the battle.

But once he is injured, even if you can't help you, you can't help you, there is a possibility of falling, and finally I have to give up.

The situation of Roth is similar to Ren Cangsheng.

For a time, I asked the three people only glanced at Shen Ziyan to be siegeed by three SSS level.

The four dragons made the power of the power, Shen Ziyan's power ranking, facing the three combat power and the deputy director of the super bureau, soon, she will fight.

Finally, under the siege of the three people, Shen Ziyi was hit, spit out of a blood, looking up and put down to the sea.

"Breaking her!" A deputy director exploded, and it is necessary to bombardize Shen Zi.

The other two deputy directors will intend to pinch the past from the left and right.

Who knows that Shen Zi is really lost,

Take his disease to be hit, the deputy director of the three super borset is prepared to work hard, and will bombard the fragment!

At the same time, 055 high drive deck.

"Hey, host, you have a new task, is it right to see?"

Li Fengbei picks up, there is a kind of premonition in his heart: "This time I publish the mission, shouldn't you let Xiaoye save Shen Zikai? Sister, Xiaoye is special to enter the first level!"

Worried is worried, but since the mission has been released, you have to see, maybe the mission gives the way to save Shen Ziyi? Then he can't save the hero!

Think of this, Li Feng Mo misses a sentence "View!"

"Task: Save the goddess Shen Ziyi (1)"

"Task Objective: Save the goddess Shen Ziyi from the danger, ensure the safety of the goddess Shen Ziyan, if the task fails, deduct the host 20 million system points to make punishment, if the system points are not enough, the system is tied."

"Task Reward: 200,000 experience value, 10 million system points, 100 conquer points."

Li Feng: "???"

This is over, don't give him a strong props or exercises, let him save the purple?

System, you are to deliberately died Xiaoye!

Heaven is the sacred force in the battle. He is going to the beginning of the beginning of the birth!

But he must save the purple, if you don't save, the mission failed, he will follow the rescue goddess system, 20 million system points, he is less than 10 million, it is definitely not buckled, it is not enough to mecribe .

If you don't say other, you can't resurrect Mama Li Yuan after I will not accept it.

"Rely, wealth in rich insurance, fight!"

Li Feng's teeth took a bit bite, he was going to save the saving.

These words are slow, faster, and when Li Feng decided to save the purple, the three deputy deputy director of the super bureau had come to Shen Ziyi.

In fact, they don't have to close, they can hit Shen Ziyan, but they must be in order to hit, this wants to go to attack.

"Zi Xuan!"

"Little !"

"Zilong makes!"

Mo I asked the sky, Ren Cangsheng, the dragon soul on the deck was all excited.

Just when the three deputy deputy director of the Supermanship is about to rush to Shen Ziyu, he is siege from the Sichuan Island, and the director of the Ratton of Ratton sword on the side.


A sword is suddenly broken, such as the mountains, generally in front of the three super bureau deputy director.

This sword gas exudes a fierce breath, as if anyone encounters it to be cut into crushing, which is very violated compared to its mountains.

The deputy director of the three super bodies did not dare to touch, and the figure stopped for a few seconds.

After a few seconds, this sword was broken in the middle of the well.

And the body of Shen Ziyan put into the sea in the sea in these seconds.

"To the end, you can save Shen Ziyan? Childish! You will only harm yourself!"

Taking advantage of the moment of the world swing swords, the Sichuan Island is a sword, and the road swords are scratched from all directions to the horizon.

At the same time, Rretun double fist is connected, and a group of energy bombs will be overwhelmed.

To the end, I dare to share my thoughts and saved the purple, which made Chuandao a male and Rretun have a small feeling, so they used to eat it when they attack, vowed Killed in the world.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

Although the sword of the world saved Shen Ziyu, it also made his figure stagnant.

The master passed, and the moment can decide to live and die, that is, this moment of stagnation is not allowed to completely avoid the bombardment of the two people.

The two swords passed through his body, and the three groups of energy bounced a few cents in front of him.

Suddenly, there was a horrible wound in the waist to the waist, and the clothes were also fried into the skin of the skin.

This sudden scene made Mo as heard the three people in their hearts, and the face became a little pale. The members of the Dragon Soul on the 055 high-definition board were even more exciting. I feel that the heart must jump out of the body!

However, no one noted that Li Feng, who just stood in the crowd, did not see it, in addition to the flowers between the cloud-level battleship deck.

"The owner suddenly disappeared, it was so powerful ... However, the owner is not a matter of escape?"

Most of the time in the flower in the flower is concentrated on Li Feng, which can find that Li Feng suddenly disappeared.

It's really sudden disappearance, just like invisible, I suddenly disappeared.

Others have focused on the fight against those supreme strong people in the air, so I didn't find Li Feng.

At this moment, in the cold seawater, Li Feng entering the stealth state has rushed to the place where Shen Zi is planted with the fastest speed.

Sea water is cold, paint black, if it is not Li Feng night vision, he is not able to look at the sea in the evening of the night.

"Shen Ziyao, you must not hang it, or the young master is miserable!"

Li Feng is anxious to find Shen Ziyan.

Suddenly, he saw Shen Zi, who was slowly falling in front of him. When Li Feng controls the body, arrows around, and grabbed the small hand of Shen Ziyan.

I saw that Shen Ziyan was closely closed, and blood did not stop extraction at the corner of the mouth.

Li Feng tried to try the pulse of Ziyi, and found that the pulse was slightly jumped. He didn't dare to delay, and the group transfer was opened.

Space fluctuations.

Li Feng didn't know, just in the moment, the body of the two gradually disappeared, a portal like a whirlpool appeared in front of two people.

Then, a gland flashed, and the two were sucked in by this vortex door!

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