Save the Goddess System

Chapter 597 is a dream

I haven't known how long, Shen Ziyu woke up from coma.

Her head is a little sour, and it has slowed a little bit after the temple, and she has energy to view their own situation.

At this point, Shen Ziyi suddenly screamed: "How can this?"

Looking at the shots of scattered, Shen Ziyu was completely shocked.

Then she also looked at Li Feng around him, when she is pretty face!

Until at this moment she still can't believe in this, until she saw a red blood in not far away.


At this moment, Shen Zi is roaring!

I don't know how long it took, Shen Ziyi woke up from the shock. She looked at Li Feng for a while, and she raised his right hand after half.

She has already perceived that the injury in the body has been completely recovered, but not only that, her realm has increased to the late late, and even met the threshold of the supreme peak.

This should be the trial of the jasper fruit, but she is not happy at all, because of this fruit, she follows Li Feng ...

"Killing him, killing him, I can be used as it has never happened."

This sound rang in Shen Zikan, let her raise her hand to Li Feng's Tianling cover.

With her supreme late realm, don't say that Li Feng is still in a state of coma, even if Li Feng is still awake, it can be killed by her.

Just Shen Ziyan hesitated, the jasper fruit made her lose awareness, Li Feng should be like her, all the way of ji jade fruit.

In other words, Li Feng is as innocent as she, and is it somewhat excess?

Besides, she let Li Feng pick the fruit, and she let Li Feng eat with themselves.

If you want to say who is the initiator of this, it is not her Ziyi.

In this way, she is now killed by Li Feng now?

"For, it is a dream, forget, the little guy has not awake, as long as I destroy the scene, he will not know what happened just now."

Shen Ziyu shook his head and slowly put his palm.

The next time, she put the clothes and fog, and helped Li Feng to put on the clothes. Finally, the red blood was cleared, and then sat on the ground to hold the knee.

After a long time, Li Feng finally woke up from a coma.

"it hurts……"

Just a blink, Li Feng found his body pain, just like a strong battle with the same level.

After he was completely awake, I found a Shen Zikai holding a knee.

When I saw Shen Ziyan, Li Feng stayed, he felt that the woman on Shen Zikai did not seem to be strong, is it an illusion?

The charm of Shen Ziyan is very big. This woman is not a strong, and the charm value is rising straight.

"you're awake."

Shen Ziyan turned his head and looked at Li Feng.

"Well, wake up." Li Feng took the sun to learn, and some questions: "What happened just now, why will I faint?"

Li Feng only remembers the jasper fruit, then loses awareness.

Rely, should the jasper not to be poisonous?

"I don't know, I have just fainted." Shen Ziyan's tone is still light.

Li Fengbei picks up, Shen Ziyi is also dizzy, it is really poisonous?

It is terrible to put the fruit of the holy strong.

"Don't guess, it is the problem of the fruit, but the fruit should be no poison, I have returned the injury, and the realm has improved a small stage."

Even if you say this, Shen Ziyan's tone is still light, and there is no excitement.

My sister, my grandmother has folded to Li Feng, what else is so excited?

This loss is big!

"The realm improved?"

Li Feng first glanced, then took it to the personal property interface to view it.

Host: Li Feng

Level: SS +

Experience: 1300000

System Points: 8460000

Conquer point: 429

Skills: "Kunyuan Gong", "Qiankun 1", "Square", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", "Rage", "Exploration Hand" ...

Waiting to completed the task: Eight-party wind and rain for me

Li Feng can't believe his eyes, he actually raised to SS + level? Before he or SS-, and it is half experience to upgrade.

I ate a fruit, I actually even lift two levels? What is the fruit of the fruit? Is it so effective?

By the way, Xiaoye has a jasper fruit. If you eat it, can you break through the supreme?

Li Feng has been upgraded by completing the task, now you can upgrade something, just don't be too cool!

"First look at how to eat a jade fruit to increase how much experience."

Under the pressure of Li Feng, I immediately eat a jewelry thought, and the system message was seen.

"Congratulations to the host, complete the" mutual benefit "cultivation with the gods Shen Ziyi, and get 50,000 experience value."

"Congratulations to the host, complete the" mutual benefit "cultivation and get 50,000 experience value."

"Congratulations to the host level, the current level is SS level."

"Congratulations to the host, complete the" mutual benefit "cultivation and get 20,000 experience value."


"Congratulations to the host, the level increase, the current level is SS +."

The system message is recorded here, and there is no prompt to increase the experience after eating jade fruit.

Just this is not important, it is ...

"How did Xiao Master cultivate" mutual benefit "with Shen Ziyu, I am not well impressed!"

Li Feng is now a face.

Before he thought that his rapid improvement was because of eating jasper fruit, the result was to cultivate "mutual benefit" and more than once!

This special ... There is no impression at all, is this not a big loss?

It is no wonder that he thinks that the woman on Shen Ziyao has not been strong, it is the same.

Li Feng turned his head and looked at Shen Zikai on the side, and his eyes were greenery, just like she gave her average.

Shen Ziyi was made by him, and I couldn't help but ask: "What?"

She always thinks what Li Feng has found out, but she shouldn't, Li Feng is indeed in a coma, and she will eliminate all traces.

Unless Li Feng is already early than she wakes up, then he fainted himself.

Just this is not possible, it is not so easy to be dizzy, and Li Feng is really dizzy, and the body will leave a scar.

Can Shen Ziyan just read ... Hey, although it is just a glimpse, you can have no scars on Li Feng, this is still determined.

So what is Li Feng this is?

"Is there anything before?"

Li Feng's face is weird to look at Shen Ziyan and asked.

Shen Ziyi must know what happened between the two, otherwise he can't be intact, it must be Shen Zikai to pick up.

Since Shen Ziyi eliminates these traces, he does not want to know yourself!

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