Save the Goddess System

Chapter 598 The task is completed!

"What have you done, I don't know what you are saying."

Shen Ziyao said in the heart, pretending to say.

She is not sure if Li Feng knows something, but she has to pretend that things have not happened, otherwise, she is afraid that she can't help kill Li Feng, or kill himself!

"Really, why I feel the body weird."

Li Feng got a few steps, then supported the chin: "The body is sore, it seems to have done a strenuous exercise, but I have no impression, so strange ..."

You can guess with an from toe. He loses his consciousness after eating jasper fruit, and then cultivated "mutual benefit" in unconscious state.

And Zi Zi should be awake than him first, then she cleared the traces of "crime scene" in order to cover the truth.

Since Shen Zi is not wanting to let him know, he can only be stupid now, otherwise it will cause Shen Ziyan's disgusting and even disgusting.

Just in my heart, there is a bit uncomfortable. Li Feng can only knock on the side, try to look down in Shen Ziyan, maybe Shen Ziyan suddenly changed the idea, and frank? Then he can't continue to have a pleasant mutual benefit from Shen Zikai?

Shen Ziyan: "..."

Rely, this mixed beam, true fake, is it to enter the holy strong force, it will be physically sore, or if the body should be so empty?

In Shen Ziqi, I thought she had only cultivated "Mutual God" with Li Feng. Where did she reach more than a dozen times with Li Feng cultivation?

"Sister, are you not awkward?"

Li Feng touched the chin, and looked suspicious of Shen Ziyan.

Shen Ziyu Xiuyi picks up, and smiled: "The grandmother wants to hit you still need to be coma?"

During the speech, a stallful breath raised from her!

Supreme late atmosphere!

"The injury has fallen, and the realm has improved, and there is a lot of breath than before."

Li Fengbei picks up, surprised, there are still some depressed.

Why did Shen Ziyi eat jasper fruit to improve strength, but he eats, but use it?

Can't say that it is not used, at least let him fall into unconscious state, and cultivate "mutual benefit" with Shen Ziyan.

But why didn't Bi Ji fruit did not give him a realm?

"System, is it invalid to me?"

Under depressed, Li Feng directly asked the system.

"Yes, the host wants to improve the strength, can only find ways to earn experience value, there is no second choice,"

"Tianmodi is unable to increase experience to the host unless there is a task to ask the host to find or eat the treasures."

The system wizard one-on-one answer.

Since the marriage of Zhiling's sister, Li Feng asked the system to replace the sound of the system elves to electronic synthetic sounds ...

"... Sure enough."

Li Feng's mouth smoked, and some depressed while understanding.

It is a good thing for others to be a good thing. It may be just a more delicious fruit. How can I not let him feel depressed?

But then, if there is no system, he is still the most struggled person in the society, so I think he is balanced in his heart.

"I also said that I am my sister. Now I claim to be a grandmother, my sister, you change it."

Li Feng said in a complaint.


Shen Ziyi also wanted to take the opportunity to report the hatred by Li Feng, which was said to Li Feng, and her fire suddenly disappeared.

"It's not that I become fast, but before, my grandmother, I can't play you, now I can play your teeth now."

The voice is falling, Shen Ziyi reaches a hand, and he grabbed him in his hand before Li Feng did not respond.

"Sister, do you want to do?"

Li Feng is a little fear, should I don't kill him, or kill people?

"Hey, what did you do before you forgot?"

Shen Ziyi snorted, raising jade hand, to play Li Feng's shares.

Li Feng will let her play, really want to be hit by Shen Ziyan, isn't that a husband?

"Don't hit, I am your man!"

Li Feng also didn't care, and called it directly.

Shen Ziyan's hand is still in half an air.

What is this mixed kid say, what is her man? Then she is playing or not?

"You have said we have said that we are flat, you can't talk, you can't make a purple dragon!"

Li Feng is hot, saying.

Shen Ziyu is a number of times, and finally the laughs: "The grandmother is not afraid of you, my grandmother is just a letter!"

After the sinking Ziyi is like a sack, Li Feng will take the hand.

Li Feng wanted to take advantage of the waist in the air, stand firm, but who knows Shen Ziyan's use of secrets, he can't force it hard, and suddenly fell a dog.

"Relying on, Shen Ziyan, you dare to treat you so much, wait, there will always be a heavy resilience!"

Li Feng is dark, and the mind is imagined in the mind, and it is not so uncomfortable when I cultivate "mutual benefit" in my mind.

At this time, the system prompts sounded.

"Hey, congratulations, save the goddess Shen Ziyan (1) task is completed, the task reward is released ..."

"Hey, congratulate the host, get 200,000 experience, 10 million system points, 100 conquer points reward."

"Hey, congratulate the host, completed the first" mutual benefit "cultivation with the goddess, and won the 50 conquest point reward."

"Hey, congratulate the host, just serving the goddess Shen Ziyao progress, the current progress is 29% (slightly good)"

Li Feng: "???"

No ... all cultivate "mutual benefit", is he just 29% of the progress of Shen Ziyan?

To know that he is similar to that of Xiao Ling, it is 51% of the progress of Xiao Ling.

Of course, this is not a key point, the focus is that the task is complete! So, isn't he earned enough to buy a resurrection Dan?

Thinking of this, Li Feng quickly got into the system mall to see it.

Host: Li Feng

Level: SS +

Experience value: 200001300000

System Points: 18300000

Conquer point: 579

Skills: "Kunyuan Gong", "Qiankun 1", "Square", "Qingshan Guardian", "Scorpio Thirty-six", "Rage", "Exploration Hand" ...

Waiting to completed the task: Eight-party wind and rain for me

"Sure enough!"

Li Feng is tight, and it is excited.

After getting the system, Li Feng's greatest desire is to make enough to buy a resurrection of the system points, resurrection mother Li Yuan, now this goal is reached, how can he not excited?

If it is not Shen Ziyu, Li Feng is exciting!

"Call, calm, calm, I must calm."

Li Feng deeply sucking, forced yourself calm down.

It is not happy now, only after you go out, he can resurrect Li Yuan. If he has been sleepy here, he is afraid that he bought a resurrectionan and unable to resurrect Li Yuan.

I think of this, Li Feng asked: "Zilong makes his sister, you know how we can do it from here?"


Shen Zikai said faintly.

Li Feng: "???"

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