Save the Goddess System

Chapter 700 Chapter During the flower

Half an hour later, there were 6 villas on Xinghui Community, in the living room.

"All the news you know about the flowers in the flowers, you can say that you can try it, but that kind of consequences ... I am afraid that you can't afford it."

Li Feng took out the Shenwu Jian from the system backpack, and he didn't stop in his hand, and he smiled and smiled.

Opposite, Black Ze wants to cry without tears.

Nima, this sword should not be so flashing, and the eyes of Laozi have to be full!

"I said, I all said." Blackze Pei did not dare to hide, and said all the best: "The Jian Sheng people took the flowers in the mountains and found that she was controlled by you. , The Sword of the Judan has used many ways to break your evil ... spell. "

"After, the Jian Sheng adults abolished the Dantian in the flowers of the flowers, and let her make her to Fujita Xiang, and two weeks later the Huangdaoji Day."

Li Feng pupil, the murderous murder is completely boiling!

I have said that Li Feng's feelings in the flowers of the flowers are very complicated. If the flowers are in the flower, he also makes her stay in Dongpu.

But after he heard the encounter of the flowers in the flowers, the anger of the heart was ignited in the moment!

"System, why didn't you give me a task when it is abolished in Dantian?"

Li Feng wants to understand that every time you encounter this kind of thing system is not the most active, the goddess that has not been seen will release the mission for a long time in advance, and I can have a few seconds or even longer in advance.

But this time, there was a waste of Dantian, and the system did not release the mission, the dead machine?

"Because the host brought some of the flowers in Huaxia back to Huaxia, the system has already removed the flower in the flowers from the rescue list."

"Do you turn the flowers in the flower to save the saving list?"

Li Feng: "???"

No ... The emotional problem appeared in Xiaoye? Also ... what save the list, how did you listen to the system before?

"Yes!" Li Feng thought that he did not want to select the flower plot in the flowers to reach the list.

Mad, the flower is also screaming in the flower, it is also called him for a while, and the Sichuan Yidong dared to abolish her Dantian. I have to give her marriage to Fujita Xiang that idiot?

Wait, Xiaoye wants to go to Dongpu, and put the Sichuan is a male with Fujita Xiang into the meatloaf!

"Hey, the flowers and fragrances are re-join the rescue list."

"Hey, host, you have a new task, is it right to see?"


"Task: Save the goddess flower to draw the fragrance (2)"

"Task Objective: Destroy the wedding of the flower and Fujian Xiang, rescue the flowers in the flower, the flowers, and take her Dantian after repairing her Dantian. If the task failed, the host is 10 million system points Punishment. "

"Task Reward: 2 million experience value, 10 million system points."

"Reward so high?"

After reading the task introduction, Li Feng frowned.

2 million rewards sufficient to enhance the experience in one quarter, this reward is not necessarily unlenty, and the rest of the refinement is difficult.

"It seems that I have to be more careful this time, I can't relax because I am a half-life."

Li Feng has a bill in mind, this asked: "Who is there in this list, is it even the goddess I have never seen before? Can you transfer it to me?"

"This list is a segment of the system, and the host has no right to access." The system's answer is simply.

Li Feng: "..."

Sister, Xiaoye is half a situation, some things are still unable to visit, some depressed.

Opposite, Black Ze Ping double knees, the head is low, and the shiver is shaking.

Nima, Laozi said in real, you have to respond, this silence is too torped!

At this moment, Li Feng quit the system: "Your performance is not bad, is there interest to go to Dongli to Xiaoyan?"

Black Ze is a shock, pretending to ask: "Mr. Li wants to travel Dongpu?"


Li Feng raised his hand to black Zeping, a chestnut, smiled: "Tour your sister, Xiaoye wants to go to Dongpu!"

Black Zeping: "..."

Wipe, you have to go to Dongpu to do something yourself, bring I do it, so that Laozi will not become a road gear!

Although I know that I didn't have a good behavior to Li Fengzhi, Black & Zeping or biting his teeth agreed to, Mad, did not agree to death, promised to live more time, did he have any other choice?

The next time, Li Feng was abolished with the Dantian of Hezing, Xiaotian Zongyue, and then filled the phone of Jiang Yunzhu.

Soon, Jiang Yunzhu rushed here with members of the Pearl Dragon Soul Department.

After the command, Lu Yuezhu left in the hand under his hand. Jiang Yunzhu left.

During this time, Jiang Yun bamboo must worry, and finally see Li Feng, she naturally wants to wait for a while.

After a mutual integrity, Li Yuan took Su Yu, Song Yujun, Xu Man, Wei Yingqing, Liu Shihan, Murong Snow and others from the second floor.

In this way, in addition to Jiang Mengyao, Xiao Ling, Xue Qing, Shen Ziyi, and Li Feng's woman gathered here.

Next, Li Feng's task is very heavy. He has to enhance the realm of Wei Yingqing and others. It is best to upgrade the realm of women before him to go to Dongpu.

However, the time is limited, he is afraid that it is unable to do this ...

In the warehouse of the big warehouse, the warehouse of Osville.

A middle-aged man wearing gold, wearing gold, handed out a smoke, handed a young man wearing a black suit, accompanied: "Chen Boss, did you get the news, What really want to restore Osweil's reputation? "

The young man took a smoke, I took a bite, I spit out a smoking ring and said: "Well, this news is absolutely reliable, the latest tomorrow is noon, the above will overthrow the redness, moistening these two products in conclusion."

"Osweil is going to turn over." Middle-aged man spit out a smoking ring, and the face is cloudy.

"Yeah, the destruction of the destruction has been down. I have never thought of the wind to mutation. I have all spending anything in this way." Chen surnamed a man nodded and complex.

The middle-aged man is called Wu Chenggong, the boss of the Dazu successful security company, and the family can be more than 100 million.

The young man named Chen Han, with the relationship between the family, opened a dangerous chemical processing company in Dadang, one or two million.

After the Osweil is seized, the warehouse will also be sealed, and the relevant departments hire a successful security company to guard the warehouse, which is not allowed to be near here.

Because Osweil's products are not in line with industry standards, the goods in the warehouse must be pulled down, and this business is gone by Chen Han.

Chen Han may not be simply to earn this destruction fee, but want to come to the pillars, swallow this batch of goods, then secretly handle this batch of goods!

This is a big fat meat!

I have never thought that he just got the destruction, and there was news that Osville had to turn over and played a manager Chen Han.

"Chen Boss, how can I spend any? Anyway, the destruction is already down, and Osweil is held, let's say that the goods are destroyed overnight, don't you?"

"The goods here are a few billions, so I am so unfortunately!"

Wu Chenggong spit out a smoking ring.

Why is it so polite to a person who is much lower than yourself? Still not to make a lot of money together!

If he can't do anyone in this sale, you must get Chen Han to cooperate!

Chen Han's eyes lit up, and even took a few mouthfuls of smoke, he threw the cigarette, and then he stepped on: "Okay, just do it!"

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