Save the Goddess System

Chapter 701 is destroyed overnight

Early the next morning, Li Feng accompanied by Wei Yingqing and others after having breakfast on the first floor restaurant, asked Jiang Mengyao and asked about Feng Weiyan, Zhou Nansheng's trial.

After interrogation in the night, in front of the general evidence, Feng Weiyan, Zhou Nanki confessed to his criminal facts.

According to Liu Shihan's statement, although Feng Weiyan, Zhou Nansheng's purpose is not to defraud the future group's 100 billion, but their behavior will affect the change of the absolute control of future groups.

If you have a good word, both of them must be sentenced to more than 10 years.

And this is not all the top cards of Li Feng. He has collected many of the illegal crimes of the Pearl Bank with Feng's Group. He is handed over to Jiang Mengyao.

Next, the procuratorial department will file a criminal proceedings in Feng Weiyan and Zhounan, a number of crimes and punishment, waiting for the two people to sit in the flexible.

At that time, he would like to help Wei Bingqing took the actual control of Fengshi Group with Pearl Bank. From then on, the future group will become the first big group of pearls!

After the conversation with Jiang Mengyao, Li Feng took him from Xiao Zhen and others, and the white jade, and ice silkworms took it out.

Now Li Yuan and others know that Li Feng has space storage equipment, so there is no surprise after seeing this scene, but it will focus on these three treasures.

"Xiaofeng, what is these?"

"This flower is so beautiful, the fragrance is also very strange."

"Although this dress is in some retro, but the material is very good, it is good."

The girls are talking about it.

Li Feng smiled slightly, and the effects of these three treasures were described.

After listening to him, Li Yuan and others have not been able to go back.

Enhance the realm, prolong the birth, the face is always stationed, actuated ... God, there is such a magical thing in the world?

No matter what they change, the magical thing happened to Li Feng is too much, and there are still few more parts.

"I am going to give them a mother, do you have no opinion?"

Li Feng glanced at the woman and asked slowly.

The sunflower fruit, the ice silkworm has some chicken ribs for Wei Shuiqing, and there is hershable, and women have no need to eat the Tianwei Diwu in order to enhance the realm.

As for the ice silkworm ... Just improve the realm of Wei Shui et al. To the respect of the respect, what is the ice silkworm.

The only attractive thing for women is also white jade, but the white jade flowers have only one, and they can only give mom.

For this arrangement of Li Feng, Wei Yingqing and others have no opinions.

Li Yuan would want to refuse, but in Wei Yingqing and others persuaded, she had to collect these three days.

After this targeted product distribution, Li Yuan liked his son's girlfriend.

Just as everyone talked and laughed, a rushing mobile phone ringtone suddenly sounded.

Su Yu Xiupou is slightly wrinkled, and I apologize, I went to the side of the phone: "Hey, the Liang is always ... What do you have this?"

Hearing that Su Wei was suddenly pulled up, Li Feng and others wrinkled.

"Okay, I will go back to handle it."

Su Wei hangs up the phone and came back: "Auntie, the company has a problem, I need me to deal with it."

"Is it serious, do you need a small peak?" Li Yuan asked worried.

"Not serious." Su Wei didn't want Li Yuan worried, and she felt that she had the ability to handle it.

"It's not serious." Li Yuan nodded, then gave Li Feng made a look.

Li Yuan is smart, how can I see Su Wei is afraid that she is worried? She definitely can't break down in Sui, but she will not be relieved to let Su Wei go to deal with trouble alone.

Li Fenghui, got up and laughed: "I just didn't go to the company for a long time. I will come back with you back to the big warehouse."

"This ..." Su Wei has some hesitation.

She wants Li Feng to accompany Li Yuan.

"Since Xiaofeng has a heart, let him go with you, I will go to the street with your sister, and eat food." Li Yuan smiled with relieving.

Song Yujun and others also attached to Qi Qi, Wei Bingqing took the past to push Li Feng to Su Shi, and took his Mercedes-Benz key and said: "You drive my car."

Seeing, Su Wei did not stick to it again, and then the key took Li Feng out of the villa living room.

Sitting on the main driving position, Li Feng ignited the car out of the villa, and asked: "What is the problem?"

"After the company is sealed, Liang has arranged some employees to stay outside the company 24 hours."

"At two o'clock in the morning, those employees found more than a dozen big trucks to enter the company. At 4 o'clock in the morning, these trucks left the company."

"After receiving the news, the first time I asked the successful security company employees who guarded the warehouse. They said that the goods were pulled away by Chen Han, who was treated by the Dazu, and the current batch of goods have been destroyed. "

Su Yu Xiji wrinkled, a pretty face is covered with clouds.

The batch of goods worth 35 million, once destroyed, Osweil's loss is too big.

"During the night?" Li Feng brows wrinkled, and he received the phone call from Xiao, Zheng, Lei, who took the initiative to the future group, Osville, and Sheng Tang entertainment.

And they make commitments, to recover all the allegations of these three companies as soon as possible, restore these three reputation.

In this case, the relevant departments of Da Cang City have received the news yesterday. But what is the Chen Han, who is a dangerous chemical product treatment company in Dadang City, put the goods in the warehouse, destroyed?

There is a weird!

"No matter what the person has, I have to give me out!"

Li Feng's eyes flashed a cold light, and the heart has decided.

Three hours later, the two arrived at Osville.

When the two rushed here, they saw that someone who was demolishing the cornersk of the company. Liang Renzhong led the employees of Osweil, hidden at the door.

"Fast, it is Li He, Supreme."

"General Li, Soviet, our company can be returned!"

"The above announced, said that the previous test report has been wrong, our red, moisters have no problem."

"Li, Osweil, Snow, big, big!"

Osweil's employees saw Li Feng, and after supunizing, I was surprised.

In this month, Osweil's employees have been too hard. Good companies say that the global goods say that there is a problem, and it is an envious job, and suddenly it has been crusade. Laughing goals.

Now, Osville is cleared, they can continue to make money in Osweil!

Li Feng waved, he said he greeted with excited employees, and then went to Liang Renzhong asked: "Liang Shu, helping me about Chen Han."

Liang Renzhong nodded, took out the phone to call Chen Han: "Hey, Chen Boss, our Li Jin is big, he wants to see you ... What, you are not empty?"

Hearing here, Li Feng first glanced, and then took a tauntful smile.

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