Save the Goddess System

Chapter 702 is a psychological preparation

I heard Chen Han said that I have no time, Li Feng is even more confirmed to have problems, if there is a ghost, why do Chen Han have to avoid?

"Hey, Chen Boss, I am Li Feng, I want to talk to you, talk about what you destroy Osville cargo in the morning."

Li Feng took Liang Renzhong's mobile phone and said straight to the subject.

In the phone, it was a silence first, then he listened to Chen Han to fight. Haha said: "It turned out to be Li, long time, this matter is an observation, there is nothing to talk about."

"I am now meeting, I will first like anything."

When I finished Chen Han, I hang up the phone.

Listening to the busy tones in the phone, Li Feng's eyes gradually became cold.

"Why, he still doesn't want to see you?" Su Wei asked.

"He doesn't want, but not." Li Feng smiled and once again died Chen Han's phone.

There is a saying that the king is so fascinating. Since Li Feng got the Tiri Peng in Wiji Town, some of the big people in Da Cang City know that the background of Li Feng is very simple.

Chen Han is just a small boss, which may not know very well on the background of Li Feng, otherwise, the ten courage to Chen Han did not dare to hang Li Feng.

The phone is again connected. I only listened to Chen Han. I have some impatient: "Li, I really don't have time now, and I am working, please call me again."

As Li Feng guess, Chen Han didn't know that Li Feng had a great truth of the Town, but Chen Han did not really didn't have a brain. Of course, it would certainly know that the riche of Li Feng will definitely belong to its own relationship.

But what is it? He is an observance, and the destruction is all, what is he still?

After the event, he had hundreds of millions of wealth, which can earn too much three bodes than him, and it will not go abroad, bring these money to the world.

He is still young, no marriage, what is too fear?

"I will give you an hour, I will come to Osvilly, otherwise ... the consequences are at your own risk!"

After saying that Li Feng did not happen directly.

In the office of Datang City, the general manager, Chen Han listens to the busy sound in the mobile phone.

No ... Li Feng took the initiative to hang, and threatened him? How can you force this cow? !

"Hey, you can't afford to have money, can you pay for what you want? Made, I will not believe it!"

Chen Han felt that Li Feng was in a bluff, but he thought it was still unhealthy, and he took the car key.

After half an hour, Chen Han saw Wu Chenggong in a VIP package of a tea building.

"Wu Bo, I always feel a bit unrestrained." Chen Han faced the face.

"Reassured, Chen Boss, this batch has been out of the sea, Li Feng's book is also found, as long as he can't find this batch, what do you say?" Wu Chenggong took a smoke to Chen Han hand , Helping him, laughing.

Although the time is a bit tight, he has more people under his hand. After pulling the goods from Osvilly last night, he took someone to go straight to Daguha harvesting.

After that, there have been another more than a dozen big trucks waiting, unload, re-loaded, and then more than a dozen big trucks opened to the terminal, and the goods were all put on the freighter before the black.

Now the freighter has left the big warehouse.

In order to put the truth of the play, the two have also found some discarded glass bottles and destroy these glass bottles on the spot.

People involved in the whole process are under the hands of their two, and Osweil is pursued afterwards. It can only find that batch of goods is indeed destroyed.

When the wind is over, the reputation of Osville is recovered, and after returning is hot, they will slowly sell this batch of goods.

When hundreds of millions of Huaxiandin arrived, it is so simple to make a fortune!

"Yes, as long as Osweil can't find the goods, we have no problem!"

Chen Han smoked his smoke and spit out a smoking ring and said: "Li Feng went to the big class, saying to see me."

He said in the moment that Li Feng threatened his things.

"Hey, tender cattle?" Wu Chenggong first, then smiled: "Strong Dragon is not pressing the land snake, he will again, the big warehouse is a dragon to give me a plate, it is a tiger to give me a At the end of the old man, there are nearly a thousand younger brother, afraid of him? "

Wu Chenggong's position in the big warehouse, like Song Yujun in the pearl, this is a bottom.

With the guarantee of Wu Chenggong, Chen Hanxin is more in the heart, as for the threat of Li Feng ... he has already thrown into the Jiuyi cloud.

One hour later, the Osweil's president office.

Li Feng looked at the time, then it was a sigh: "I have already said that it is clear, but some people always love."

The voice is falling, Li Feng stands up and walks.

On the one side, Su Wei also got up and said: "I will accompany you."

Li Feng sinks a little, and said with a smile: "Okay, you have to prepare your psychological."

"What?" Su Wei is a bit.

"The scene will be a bit bloody ..." Li Feng thought about it.

Su Wei: "... Don't you play so big?"

If Chen Han is really a chapter, the goods are indeed destroyed, and she can only be biting this loss, but can't be angry. Chen Han.

Is Li Feng already know what?

Li Feng mysterious smile, no more explanation, holding Su Wei got out of the door.

After half an hour, Mercedes parked under a high-end tea building.

"How do you determine Chen Han here?" Su Wei looked at this tea building called Pinyi Xuan, asked.

"Let people find it." Li Feng shrugged and opened the door.

Su Wei: "???"

Let people find it? When I am, why didn't I see you do this?

Although the doubt, Su Wei didn't think more, and I entered the tea building after Li Peak.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?"

The two people just entered the door, the front desk girl in the tea house asked.

Pin Xuan is a high-end tea house. It is a big boss to come to this tea. If the business is quite hot, there is no room.

"Listen to the rain Xuan private room, Wu Boss is my friend."

Li Feng said with a smile.

The former gans suddenly stunned, Wu Boss is indeed a friend in the world, but he didn't say there were other friends.

Under normal circumstances, if you have a tea, if you have a friend, you will generally talk to the front desk, so the front desk girl is hesitant.

Seeing the front desk sister did not speak, Li Feng suddenly angry: "How, Wu Chenggong is not here? Rely, put the young pigeons? Always talk to the young master, dream!"

The voice landing Li Feng will turn around.

The former girl panic: "Sir, please wait, Wu Boss is indeed listening to the rain Xuan bag, I ... I just got a god, please two on the second floor."

If she is sinful because of her slow, she is sinned to a business partner, that is, it is not the problem that she lost work, and it is possible to lose her life ...

"You don't say it early." Li Feng smiled and smiled, and then went to the second floor.

Su Wei: "???"

No ... Which tricks from Li Feng have been very powerful!

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