Save the Goddess System

Chapter 703 Do you want to be so embarrassed?

"Chen Boss, this card has two million, the password is six six, you should take it first."

Listening to the rain Xuan private room, Wu Chenggong took out a gold bank card from the leather clip and pushed to Chen Han.

Chen Han is happy, and even the card will be carefully connected in the hand, and the eyebrows said: "Wu Boss is really atmospheric!"

He opened the company's hard work for a year to earn one or two million. Now it hasn't sold it yet. Wu Chenggong directly divided him more than two million. This money is too easy!

"Then I will accept the money first, and I also hope that Wu boss will take it as soon as possible."

When I think about hundreds of millions of income behind, Chen Han smiled happier.

"Chen Boss is relieved, that batch is a little hot, I also hope to take a moment, wait for the goods, I will pay money to Chen boss before talking."

Opposite, Wu Chenggong also laughed, but he kept laughing.

He has already set up ideas to independently swallow this batch. These two million are just given a little sweet, and seal his mouth.

After waiting for the limelight, he will turn his face and don't recognize people. Chen Han still can eat from his mouth?

Chen Hanxin also played a small abacus, and I know Wu Chenggong so much, and I should have a little more.

In this thing, he will take more, do you have to pay 60?

Well, it seems that he is going to find a chance to talk to Wu success again ...

Just like the two people, knocking on the door suddenly sounded.

Wu Cheng successfully wrinkled, and asked: "Who?"

The waiter of the Quan Xuan Tea Building very much attention to the privacy of the guests. If the guest does not press the bell, it will not have a waiter to come over.

No one answered, knocking on the door continues.

Wu Chenggong has changed again, and Chen Han will get up and get up and get to the door. Through the cat's eyes, I just saw a big eye bead!

The cold sweat in Wu Chenggong is now down!

Wu Chenggong is afraid that some people are looking out, but this is too horrified, and whoever goes on the eyes of the cat, seeing a big eye bead, you have to be scared!

After the god came, Wu Chenggong worked from the heart and won the gallbladder, raised his hand and opened the door, and he said: "Lying in the trough, you are special, put it in my door, Letter do not believe in Laozi ... "


If Wu success has finished, Li Feng raises his hand and pushed it on his face.



Wu Chenggong flew out, fell directly to the chair, and put the chair created by the red wood directly into the chair!


Chen Han was shocked to stand up and pointed to Li Feng said: "You ... who you are, why do you play?"

Li Feng lifted his skin, and Chen Han was busy holding his mouth.

Nima, this is a slap in which Wu Chenggong pushed the flying, he or not to provoke each other.

After Li Feng, Su Wei took his hand.

I didn't say the last sentence just asked, Li Feng gave someone to fly, and his ability to do it is still not awkward.

"Lying in the trough, do you dare to hit me? Do you know who Laozi is? Laozi is ..."

At this time, Wu success slowly came to the air, and it was started to break up from the ground.

I want him to succeed in the security company boss, and there is nearly a thousand younger brother's fierce. Why was there been a face?


When Li Feng rushed to Wu Chenggong, he raided the chest of Wu Chenggong, and he was high. "You are Wu Chenggong?"

Wu success struggled, found that it was struggling at all, and suddenly he knew that he had encountered his scorpion, and he did not help but face it: "Yes, I am Wu Chenggong, who?"

This person looks like Sswen, how is it so much, and it is like a man's play!

"He ... he is Li Feng!" At this time, Chen Han listened to Li Feng's voice, and did not help but exclaimed.

Nima, before Li Feng threatened him in the phone, he was at your own risk. He thought that Li Feng was bragging, and he didn't think that Li Feng was really looking for it!

Now the problem is coming, how do Li Feng knows that he is here, is he tracked?

"You are Chen Han?" Li Feng looked at Chen Han and mocked.

Chen Han nodded, and the face was ugly: "Li, you are also a person with a face, why do you have a mix with a mix? If there is anything, can you say it?"

Li Feng shrugged and ridiculed: "I have given you a good opportunity, but you don't cherish it."

Chen Han's face is slightly changed, and then he smiled: "Li is always misunderstood, I am really working, it is Wu Boss's urgent matter to talk to me, I don't believe you ask Wu boss."

At this time, Wu Chengmin also calmed down and squeezed his smile. Osweiler can be returned, and it is grateful! "

"Yes?" Li Fengbei picks up, and smiles and laughs: "Why do I am not happy at all?"

Wu Chenggong's face is slightly changed, and she said: "That ... Lee ... Is there any misunderstanding?"

"Xiaoye is worth 3.5 billion goods by you, you tell me that it is misunderstood? Are you teasing me?" While talking, Li Feng's feet is gently milling.

"Pain ... pain, PHIE is always stepped on, we also do things according to the chapter." Wu Chenggong only felt that the bones must be broken, the pain of the pain was pale, cold sweat.

Chen Han looked at the mouth, even quickly explained: "Yeah, Li, is Syjj's destruction order, in order to complete the task, I sent people to pull the batch to pull away, if I know Osvi The product is no problem, I will definitely try my best to leave this batch of goods! "

"Unfortunately, the wood has become a boat, I will do things with Wu Bo, if I have a definite place, please ask Li."

"Of course, if Li is, Li is always an angry ... You can go to Syjj, after all, the destruction is what they are approving, we have no way."

Li Feng smiled: "So Xiaoye's goods are gone, do you have a little responsibility?"

Push all the responsibilities to Syjj, Chen Han fights really a handful abacus!

"This ... I personally feel that I am not responsible." Chen Han thought about it.

"I just watched the warehouse, Chen Boss took the destruction to move the goods, I couldn't stop it, so ... I am not responsible." Wu Chenggong took pain.

My sister, what is the truth?

The responsibility is definitely there is no responsibility. It can only say that Li Feng said that an accident and a few points of sympathy, Li Feng is no longer unhappy, can you eat him?

The smile on Li Feng face is more concentrated: "So you would rather die, and I don't want to take responsibility, right?"

Wu Cheng: "???"

Chen Han: "???"

Not ... Li Feng this is to threaten them directly with death? Do you want to be so embarrassed!

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