Save the Goddess System

Chapter 704, people don't speak

"Li, you don't have a joke with us. Who doesn't know that you are millions of people, where can kill this small matter."

Wu Chenggong played a haha, compliment Li Feng on the surface, actually reminding Li Feng.

If the light is not afraid of wearing shoes, Li Feng is all milli-rich, will it become a murder for a little goods? Just kidding!

Who will put a good day, don't have a prison, is this unilateral?

"Yeah, Li, this joke is not a little bit of laughing." Chen Han hit haha ​​said.

"So you think I am joking, right?" Li Feng hooked a smile.

Wu Cheng did nodded, don't look at Li Feng flew him, but also smashed the chair, but he really didn't hurt.

This is definitely that Li Feng uses a clever when it is shot, and its purpose is just to scare him, not really hurt him.

After all, it is a billion rich, and the feathers who love their own are normal. From this point, I can see that Li Feng didn't kill him!

"Oh, okay."

Li Feng nodded and recovered the right foot.

Seeing, Wu Chenggong flashed in the eyes of a touch, obviously a hundred billion rich, he didn't learn the street small confusion, this is right?

However, Wu Chenggong, still piled up, laughing: "Thank you, Li Zi's hand, the captain, you don't want to be there, hurry, please take the seat, let's meet, we must drink a few more cups."

Chen Han also returned to God, and the face was weird: "Li, please sit, let's drink tea first, I will do it in the evening, let's go to the night will not be drunk!"

However, his city is obviously not as good as Wu Chenggong, even if he is very hidden, there is still a little hidden in the face.

Wu Chenggong felt that Li Feng took them with Chen Hailu, and things have passed. Only Su Wei is clear, but it is the quiet of the storm.

"Drinking tea?" Li Feng hooked a little laughter, mocked: "What do you drink tea with me?"

Wu Cheng: "???"

Chen Han: "???"

No ... What else is there? There is too much for rich people!

Just on the occasion of the two people secretly, Li Feng suddenly raised his foot!

"" a crisp sound of bone break!


"Ah! My hand!"

Wu Chenggong issued a miserable call, and his face was blinded.


Chen Han did this only saw that Li Feng was on the right hand of Wu Chenggong!

The sound of the skeleton is the voice of Wu Chenggong's palm bones!

"Some of the broken, I am afraid that I can't restore." Li Feng bowed Wu Chenggong lying on the ground, playing: "Do you want me to help you?"

"What?" Dramatic Pain made Wu Chenggong's brains lost his ability to think, and he only asked in a consciousness.

"This situation you must not die, I want to go to the hospital to treat, isn't it waste money, as long as ..."

Speaking of this, Li Feng turns the right foot and crush!


Wu Chenggong sent a scream that did not like the voice, and then the head was dull.

"In this way, he can give up the treatment, save money?"

Li Feng looked at Chen Han, smiled and said.

Chen Han hit a cold, and he said on the side: "You ... you are not a person, you are a devil!"

Why do you give up treatment? Save money to a dog egg, you are going to abolish Wu Chenggong!

WQTMLGBD, how is Li Feng so embarrassed, how can I bear my hand into a meat pie with a feet?

"This is the devil? Your psychological endurance is too bad?"

Li Feng laughed, and a arrow was rushed to Chen Han, he clung to his right hand before Chen Han was not asked to make a reaction, and then slammed.



Like Wu Chenggong, Chen Han sent a scream that did not like the voice, and kept fainting.

Look at his right hand, it also became a meatloin like Wu Chenggong.

This situation has only one treatment method, that is, cut off from the wrist, and then plays the prosthesis.

It is not as good as the most advanced prosthesis in the world!

"Li Feng, this ... this is a bit big."

Su Wei is a little crying, and there is no clear situation. Li Feng crushed their right hand, this ...

However, Su Wei knows Li Feng, knowing that Li Feng is not the kind of brutality, if there is no reason, Li Feng will not do this.

And Wu Chenggong is destroyed by Chen Han according to the destruction of the goods, and it is not enough to be punished, so they do other things?

Wu Chenggong is swallowed with Chen Han?

Su Wei Snow is smart, even if Li Feng has never said, she also guessed this possibility.

At this time, Li Feng said: "On the surface, they will take the batch of goods to be destroyed. In fact, they used to stop the column, put our batch of goods."

After listening to Su Wei's story, Li Feng felt that it was not too strong, then spent 10,000 system points found Wu Chenggong and Chen Han's black-.

After reading the video, Li Feng confessed his judgment.

"My God ... how is their courage?"

Su Wei shouted with his hand and shouted.

"Two reasons, first-destruction order. If you are destroying in your hand, they have a bottom gas that pulls the goods, as long as you do clean, Osweil will not find what it will be found."

"Second, it is - money. Artificial curse bird is dying, this is not a little money, even if they can't ship in the market price, with a high degree of redness, moistening, there is a big batch People want. "

"350 million goods, 88 million income, there are too many people in the world who are about 280 million". "

After listening to Li Feng's analysis, Su Wei is all understanding.

Now the problem is coming, the batch is transferred to the two, can Li Feng come back to the batch of goods?

Li Feng has stepped into this way, and it is impossible to report it. Is it necessary to use private penalty? God, following Li Feng can always meet this crazy thing.

At this moment, Li Feng suddenly picked up the teapot on the table, directly put the water in Wu Chenggong and Chen Han's face.

Water in the teapot is a long time, no longer hot, or this will be hot on the face of the two people!


Under the stimulation of hot water, Wu Cheng, Chen Han woke up, wake up, the pain in the hand, let the two call again.

"Repeat again, you are really sincerely, you are not willing to take responsibility?"

Li Feng stood in front of the two, and asked highly.

Chen Han, lying on the ground, Wu Chenggong saw the indifference on the face of Li Feng, and then hit a chance, this time, the threat of death finally hovered the hearts of the two.

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