Save the Goddess System

Chapter 705 eliminates traces

"Li, I don't want to take responsibility, we don't know what responsibility should be taken."

Wu Chenggong took pain and said that there is no tear.

Chen Han also quickly attached to: "Yes, Li, you tell us what responsibility needs to be taken, we will never go."

What is a big gorge, Li Feng special!

I didn't say a few words in a meeting, I will first give the hands of the two, but I don't know if Li Feng wants to take any responsibility! He is drawing out!

Li Feng is so full of a chair to sit down, saying that Erlang legs said: "Give the goods to the original painted."

Wu Chenggong and Chen Hanqi are quiet!

Send it back, Li Feng knows the goods? !

"If you want people, unless you want to send it back, if you send the goods, I will spare you, if you insist on swallowing this batch ... It is impossible."

"I have a hundred ways to chase this batch, and you ... only dead road, you can gamble, I will give you ten seconds."

During the speech, Li Feng took the Shenwu sword from the system's backpack, and he was in his hand.

Wu Chenggong hit a chill with Chen Han. They now don't want to guess how Li Feng knows that the batch is still there. They only want to ask now ... Special Sword, Li Feng, where is it from? of? !

This is unscientific!

"3, 2 ..."

"Stop, I am trick, I all trick!"

Chen Han first couldn't hold, raise his hand and surrendered.

Li Feng is too gentle, and there is no saying that he will not say it before, and the big sword of one meter can change. Chen Han can conclude that if he is hard to take it, Li Feng is really a sword to give him him.

If the money is good, you have to have a life, if you have no life, what is your weight?

Wu Chenglong also wanted to test Li Feng dared to kill them. Chen Han did he moved his breath, said: "Li, Sorry, I am sorry, it is my pig's oil, I will call it. The goods come back! "

Wu Chenggong is also a crisp. After the decision is determined, pick up the phone to all call.

Soon, Wu success in the phone will let the freighter go back.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Chenggong said: "Li, the trip before 12 o'clock this evening, the freighter will return to the big warehouse, then I will return the goods to Osville, I have already said according to you. Do it, you can see us? "

Chen Han also nodded again.

Since things have been blocked, Chen Han now doesn't ask for another else, only to live.

"Of course, my person has always been speaking, but ..."

It is said that Li Feng is a cold and smiled, and it is difficult to escape! "

The voice falls, Li Feng suddenly took out a few silver needles, and the right hand quickly lost in Chen Han, Wu Chenggong poked a few times.

When he returned to the silver needle, Wu Chenggong had changed with Chen Han's expression. I will cry for a while, just like two madmen.

"What happened?"

Su Wei was surprised.

"I used the silver needle to the media to their brain into their brain, put their mental shock disorders, from which two bosses were less than the big warehouse, more madmen."

Li Feng took the silver needle and said with Shenwu Jian and his face.

Su Wei is slightly tight, and a face is stunned: "Although they are sinful, they can't escape the dryness."

Private anosville is worth 350 million goods. If the crime is implemented, it can be sentenced to two people who have been imprisoned, so Su Wei said that two crimes should be truthful to Li Feng.

But Li Feng crushed their right hand and turned them into a madman, and Li Feng was also responsible.

"Don't worry, no one knows."

Li Feng took a small hand of Su Wei, and said full of confidence.

Su Wei: "???"

Don't someone know? Looks like the front desk girl in the tea building knows that they come to Wu Chenglong?

Although I can't understand, since Li Feng said so, Su Wei did not ask more, after so many things, Su Wei was almost burst into Li Feng's confidence.

"System, erase all of my traces that I have come here."

After leaving the tea house with Su Wei, Li Feng issued such a command to the system.

"Doing this command you need to consume 100,000 system points, do you implement it right?"

The system wizard asked.

Li Fenglian did not consider: "Executive!"

It is only 100,000 points, and Li Feng with more than 30 million system points is the nine bull.

"Hey, 100,000 system points deduct, traces eliminate success."

With the sound of the system, Li Feng is all traces of Su Wei, including road monitoring, tea house monitoring, front desk sister's memory, and Soviet footprints, fingerprints, etc. I have got tampering with the footprints left in the tea building. .

After tampering, even if someone investigates this, it is basically not found on the head of Li Feng and Su.

Shortly after Li Feng, the staff of the tea house found Wu Chenggong and Chen Hanfa crazy. They quickly reported that they immediately launched the investigation.

The results of the survey are naturally unpredicted. Even if the batch of goods in the morning of the morning is sent back to Osville, some people suspect that Wu Cheng is, Chen Han's madness is with Osville. Related, but suffering from there is no evidence, Osweil is also the taxar of the Da Cang City, and this case has become a hanging case.

After this, it was even in the opening and even shrouded a layer of mystery.

The next day, Li Feng is intended to go to Beijing to deal with the trouble of Tang Estate. As a result, he did not wait for him. The news came from the news. All aspects were all lifted, and the work of the artists were also got. restore.

At this point, Li Feng disappears the impact of a month to get all recovery.

After that, Li Feng returned to the pearl, and he began to help the people to improve the strength.

On the second day, he just completed the cultivation of mutual benefits with Liu Shi Han, Shen Ziyu called: "Hey, three days have passed, when will you come to me to cultivate?"

Li Feng can't help but laugh: "Hey ... or wait two days?"

There are so many women waiting for him to help improve their strength, he is not very suitable at this time.

On the phone, Shen Ziyan did not give Li Feng to bargain room: "No, I have to enter the half-king, you don't have to come to Beijing, I went to Pearl to find you."

"Hey ..." Li Feng touched his nose: "Well, when are you, do you need me to pick you?"

"No, I have already arrived, now I am eating hot pot in the big fat pan shop near the Pearl Hotel. You hurry up."

After saying that Shen Ziyan hangs up the phone.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... Shen Ziyi in order to enhance the realm, is it so urgent?

Li Feng sighed, explained with Liu Shihan, and quickly drove the villa and drove to the big fat peak shop.

Just when he was about to arrive at the big fat pan shop, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded: "Hey, host, you have new tasks, do you see it right now?"

Li Feng browned slightly wrinkled, quickly viewed, then he was surprised to find that this task actually want him to save Shen Ziyan? !

Shen Ziyu is supreme peak, who can threaten her?

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