Save the Goddess System

Chapter 706, no, no, elegant, bad mistakes

Three days later ...

"I rely, how can I not do it, this is not scientific."

At the end, I have ended a cultivation, Shen Ziqi feels the realm of the shaped silk, and the face is unhappy.

Opposite, Li Feng is also a face.

Since 10 hours ago, Shen Ziyan said "I feel that I will break through", the two have cultivated several times, the result ... Shen Ziyan's so-called "breakthrough" has become a realm.

"I said, are you trying to cultivate a few times with me, so I deliberately card my level?"

Shen Ziyi looked at Li Feng with his face and asked.

She didn't even know that "mutual benefit" is unclear, in the process of cultivation, everything is Li Feng guided.

The previous cultivation is very smooth. She can obviously feel the improvement of the realm. When she broke through the supreme peak, she did not encounter any obstacles.

But this time she has already caught ten hours in the middle of the gods, which is obviously unsatisfactory!

"How can I be so bored?"

Li Feng wants to cry without tears, he is still anxious to go home to help Wei Shuiqing to improve the realm, how can it deliberately calm Zi?

"Then why did these cultivation don't work?"

Shen Ziyi does not believe, the appearance of the eyebrow is not very terrible, there is a bit of love.

"This one……"

Li Feng also felt some weird. I asked questions in the moment: "System Elf, why can't Shen Ziyao will not be further happening, is there any other reason for the practice of cultivation?"

"No, it is because" mutual benefit, upgrade version "is only effective for the strong people of the supreme peak, and it is invalid for the half of the world.

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... Said "The mutual gang upgrade has been released, how can I only help the other party to the supreme peak? Isn't this contradiction before and after!

"The system is BUG?" Li Feng asked in a bad voice.

System Elf: "Please don't doubt the system's ability. This is only a note when the system developer has introduced this book. It is a small mistake of no harmful and elegant, please do not overturize."

Li Feng: "???"

Not ... System, is you misunderstood about the word without injury, elegance!

Special, the young master told Shen Ziyan, even if she arrived at the peak, as long as she cultivated with him, she can still improve the realm.

The result is that the realm is not up, and what do you let Xiaoye's face? !


Li Feng slammed out a turbidity and asked: "The system will not continue to update the mutual benefit of the half-king?"

"Will, the host only needs to improve the kingdom, you can unlock the corresponding skills book." The system wizard replied.

"God ..." Li Feng's mouth smoked, crying without tears.

In the early days of the gods, it is 20 million system points in the middle of the gods. He must have to rise to the experience of the show, you can't break billions, then wait until the Monkey Year!

"Why don't you talk, is it a deficiency?"

Seeing Li Feng did not talk, his face was still constant, and Shen Zi did not help but ask.

"This ... is a bit of a bit, the situation may have changed."

Li Feng quit the system and said helplessly.

Shen Ziyu's eyebrows microstruck: "What changes?"

"Nothing is, it is a mistake of innocence and elegance ..." Li Feng touched his nose, some said: "At present, I can only help you upgrade to the supreme peak. If you want to step into the world, you may have to wait for me to break through God. After the situation ... "

Shen Ziyan: "???"

No ... emotional grandmother white with you for three days?

I rely on, my grandmother is stasify!

When I was in the next Shen Zi, Li Feng was exhausted, but she thought that Li Feng was no longer that Li Feng was no longer that she was able to clamping the slings below the mouth.

Now with Li Feng moving, only she is hitting this kind of possibility.

"Don't practice, depressed!"

Shen Ziyan wants to get too angry, get up and out.

Li Feng smiled and quickly chased it out: "Zilong makes it, you don't have angry, although this time I can't help you break through half of the world, but you also have a small harvest, isn't it?"

"What harvest? It's coming to the peak, now I am still awesome!" Shen Ziyu smashed Li Feng and said dissatisfaction.

Li Feng shrugged and smiled: "At least you will take a step back to the half-kind, if you rely on yourself, it is afraid to take this step?"

Shen Ziyi did not speak.

Li Feng said that, don't look at her current realm or supunity, you can talk to her to the peak of the peak.

I intuitively, it is a thousand steps before Shen Ziyan. After these three days of cultivation, she only needs to step on a step.

But she is still very uncomfortable, she came here to be in order to step into the semi-god!

"Don't say it, don't say it, go to drink, my grandmother is now Yu é!"

Shen Ziyan put his hand, and then took a step by step.

After half an hour, there is a hot pot restaurant near a commercial street.

Wearing a purple trip in a purple trip, on the bench, on the bench, left hand on the knee, put the chopsticks in the right hand, put a lamb in the mouth.

At this time, the waiter came to a bottle of 52 ° two-pot head.

Shen Ziqi did not say to pick up the bottle, Dundundundun poured two cups, and then said to Li Feng: "Don't eat meat, drink."

Li Feng touched the nose, helplessly took the wine glass and touched Shen Ziyan.

Haven't waited for him to send the wine glass to the mouth, Shen Ziyan has already looked up to swallow the wine.


After drinking, Shen Zi smoked, and continued to pick up the chopsticks to eat hot pot.

The diners in the hot pot store is full of body stiff, and the mouth is great to look at Shen Ziyan, and even the service staff of the hot pot restaurant stopped the work in his hand.

It should be a hot pot restaurant, but it is quiet to suck it!

They have never seen such a beautiful woman in Shen Zi, and have never seen such a beautiful woman so mad!

"Look at what, what should you do?"

Shen Ziyan glanced on the audience, snorted, and then poured a glass of wine.

The voice is falling, and the hot pot restaurant will restore the hot and boring atmosphere, but the diners are still sneaked into Shen Zi.

At this moment, the door of the hot pot restaurant came into two men and a woman. He looked at the four-year-old upper and lower, the thief of his life, combing the oil and light, and the chin left a hull.

The height of this person is about 170, wearing a gray in Zhongshan, with a big gold table on the left wrist, and his feet in a black big shoes.

This respect is matched with this dress, always gives people a sense of feelings.

The dress behind him is a little more normal, and the male wears a tide name, it looks very handsome.

The female appearance is sweet, wearing a white T plus cowshile shorts, which will be undoubtedly.

After these three people walked into the hot pot restaurant, they were going to sit down, but at this time, the middle-aged man saw Shen Zi, who was drinking, couldn't help but send a shocked!

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