Save the Goddess System

Chapter 707 Shen Zong Qi Elder

Because Shen Ziyan back to the door, did not pay attention to the arrival of these three people, even if he heard the sound, he did not turn back.

There are always many people who love big surprises in the world, do you need her to pay attention? She didn't have a leisure.

"Zilong makes that people seem to pay attention to you."

Li Feng saw that the middle-aged man was shocked, when the mids of the road.

You can secretly in the supreme look, so you can make sure that you said, you will not be listened by the second person, although the air barrier can block the spread of sound waves, you can not rule out that the read lips can judge what you said through your mouth.

Moreover, the real gas barrier can be broken at any time in front of the realm, and it is not insurance.

"Do you notice that I am not normal?"

Shen Ziyan once again drunk a glass of wine, the same matched road, the tone is very indispensable.

Please, she is a peerless beauty, even if it is just a back, it is attractive, not being careful, it is a surprising thing.

Li Feng browned micro-wrinkle: "I think this person is not simple. The two behind him are to respect, but I don't think what is his realm."

Can walk in front of the young maternal body, this middle-aged man should be a military strong, but Li Feng does not see this person's realm, what does this explain?

I heard this, Shen Ziyan's face has also been surprised: "Are you sure?"

The supreme strongman can be uncommon, and the one-time in this appearance is really not very normal.

During the speech, Shen Ziyi did not have traces and looked back, just saw the middle-aged man in a young men and women.

For a time, Shen Ziyi is more amazed.

The two young people who seem to be twiter are the respect for Li Feng? No!

Because Li Feng itself is the supreme look of twenty-three years old, his correspondence between age and realm is not very intended, but Shen Zi is different!

A Li Feng has already let her feel a long time, let alone two to Li Feng looks almost young to respect?

At a moment of Shen Ziyan, the middle-aged man is like a feeling of Shen Ziyan. The middle-aged man is in the middle of the middle-aged man nodded. After that, he also took his hand and generous people. Look.

Shen Ziqi's stomach is disgusting, turned over and turned his head after turning over: "Who is he is, anyone is here, I am not afraid, drink alcohol."

Don't look at the relaxing on her surface, but I have already been vigilant.

The dragon soul has a supervision of ancient military commandments. When you see the strange supreme strong, Shen Ziyi must pay more attention, but she can't show this attention, so as not to smash the snake.

The middle-aged man is picking up, and smiles and shakes his head, and then the waiter begins to let à la carte.

"Seven elders, you look at the woman?" The young woman broodered and asked.

"Is this a jealousy?" Middle-aged man smiled and asked.

Liu Yu's face was red, and the squat said: "What is the old man saying, the Ma brother is still here."

"You don't exist." Ma Chao dry cough, sound.

If Li Feng heard the dialogue of the three, it will be shocked by the chin.

He thought that this is a pair of young men and women. He didn't think that Liu Wei was a pair with the seven elders. This seven elders look like Liu Wei's father.

Destroyed three outlooks!

Liu Yu is ashamed, and this is said: "In fact, what can I eat without jet vinegar, the seven elders, if I see the woman, I can't help."

"It's still a small and good, I have a deep heart."

When I said, the seven elders Wei Bin sent a evil, and then she said: "I am not because the woman pays attention to her, but because she is like a legendary person."

When you come out, Ma Chao, Liu Wei is coming: "Who?"

"Dragon Soul, Zilong makes it." Wei Bin said with the goose, and his eyes said.

"Is her?" Ma Chao, Liu Wei is shocked, then turn to see.

"Don't look back, don't hunch." Wei Bin quickly sounded, stoping two people.

Ma Chao deep sucking, pressed into the impulse of Shen Ziyan, said weakly: "Is our actions exposed?"

At this time, the waiter took the dishes from Wei Bin, and Wei Bin took a plate of mutton and poured into the pot, stirring with chopsticks a few times, this only sounded: "No, this should be just a coincidence, fifty years ago After that war, everyone thought that Shen Zong was annihilated, and our existence they can't know. "

"This time, we haven't started doing things yet, how can it cause the dragon soul? Moreover ..."

"Her realm is just the peak, I have to kill her is like a confusing."

If Shen Ziyai heard this sentence, it will be very surprised. In the case of she does not show a breath, I can see her realm at a glance, I must be the supreme!

"I also think that the horse brother is very shocked. The dragon soul has no heritage. If it is not enough, we need to worry that there are only four families." Liu Yu took the bottle and gave Wei Bin to the wine and laughed.

Wei Bin's wine glamor was smelled before the nose, satisfied his sigh, this only looked at him: "Although the wine of the world is affected, this taste is to let me like it!"

"Since the seven elders like, let's buy more." Liu Wei picked up a few pieces of cooked mutton from the pot, put it in the dish of the kettle, and then put it in Wei Bin Small bowl.

Wei Bin nodded, holding the lamb, put it in the mouth, tasted, and the expression on the face can not satisfy.

This scene makes the surrounding diners are n-face!

No ... it is a special two-pot head plus lamb, this person still eats the feelings of Shan Zhenhai?

On the other hand, Shen Ziyi also gives Li Feng journal: "I will accompany me to play."

"Play?" Li Fengbei picks up, I can't understand the intention of Shen Ziyan.

"The three people have a bit weird, I want to explore their situation, but I am worried ... Worried that I am not the opponent of the goat Hu male, so you need you to accompany me."

"You will pretend to be a small white face, let them reduce your heart, understand?"

In the instant of Shen Ziyu Voice landing, a system prompt sound suddenly sounded: "Hey, host, you have new tasks, do you check it immediately."

Li Fengbei picks: "View."

"Task: Save the goddess Shen Ziyi (3)"

"Task Objective: Help Shen Ziyan to explore Wei Bin, Ma Chao, Liu Wei's identity, to ensure the safety of Shen Ziyan, if the task fails, deduct the host 10 million system points for punishment."

"Task Reward: 2 million experience value, 5 million system points, 20 conquest points."

After reading the task, Li Feng knows that Wei Bin's three people do have a weird, and I will nod: "Okay, I cooperate."

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