Save the Goddess System

Chapter 708 Killing does not blink

Two hours later ...

"I rely on, how long have they n't eaten hot pot, why didn't you finish it?"

Shen Ziyan has been waiting for Wei Bin's three-person meal, so he is so looking at their details behind them.

As a result, this is two hours, the middle Wei Bin is called the dishes, and the big mouth is too small, and the trend is not stopped.

Shen Ziyi can't look back, I listened to Li Feng's introduction. I know that Wei Bin has already had 20 cow mutton, fish ball, beef pill, vegetables more than dozens of dishes.

Nima, is the stomach of these three people?

It is true that if the martial arts strong, if it is open to eat, the amount of meals is much more than ordinary people, and it can even be eaten from early to late. But it is necessary to use the air to accelerate, and there are more to go a few times.

But there is generally no martial arts, which will be so bored, because the martial arts do not rely on food, but to absorb the energy between the heavens and the world.

Otherwise, what kind of food can provide an energy that is a strong and even a strong?

The martial arts is to eat, and the second is to taste the food, and Wei Bin has been crazy to eat the sea for two hours, and he will definitely be full.

They are tasting food!

"It is estimated that they haven't eaten hot pot for a long time?"

Li Feng's face is weird.

He can see that Wei Bin is really enjoying food, whether he is drinking a glass of wine, or eats a few mutton chewed slow appearance, no explanation.

Li Feng admit that many people in the world have not eaten hot pot, but Wei Bin three people are also said to respect, what kind of mountain is not eaten, eat hot pot, is it necessary to eat this picture?

After half an hour, Wei Bin finally put down the chopsticks, and said: "Check out!"

Opposite, Ma Chao took out a wallet, took out a hundred dollar bills and patted it on the table, said: "No need to find it."

Then, Wei Bin stood up and walked out.

The surrounding diners have been completed.

No ... look at this thickness, this stack of banknotes have 10,000 pieces?

Here is a big fat goose hot pot, not a high-grade restaurant, they don't want high-grade drinks, and I don't have to find it? Too much 13!


Shen Zizhen shook his head smiled, and Li Feng made a look, Li Feng quickly got up to Shen Ziyi, took her, and then he laughed and left the hot pot.

"Hey, from this buddy experience can be seen, the handsome is indeed advantageous."

A middle-aged diners shook their heads and quite said.

Opposite, his friends are also complex nodes and nodes.

Just now Li Feng does not stop the sinking, the wine, the service is very thoughtful. Before I left, I still took the initiative to help Shen Ziyu, which can be seen from these aspects, Li Feng is a sweet dog.

During the process of the two, Li Feng's full step is in a passive state.

But what happens, at least Li Feng can be with the peerless beauty like Shen Zizhen, change others, it is estimated that the beauty will not look at it.

There is only one reason, Li Feng is handsome, and it will be sweet.

Where did these diners know that Li Feng deliberately cooperates with Shen Zikai, for it, it is to let Wei Bin have a small look at Li Feng.

When Li Feng, Li Feng saw Wei Bin, when he came out of the hot pot restaurant.

"Dear, is we going to the bar or go back to the hotel?" Li Feng pulled the arm of Shen Ziyan and asked.

"I have a little lack, first get on the car and make a decision." Shen Ziyu hurt, turned to a Mercedes-Benz that stopped on the roadside.

At this moment, Wei Bin hit a taxi and entered the car in the main road.

"Back up."

Shen Ziqi lifted the tiredness, change the direction to Li Feng stopped in the BMW X6 at the door of the hot pot shop, opened the door to drive.

Li Feng has a thumbs up in the darkness of Shen Zi, just now Shen Ziyu deliberately went to Mercedes, just wanting Wei Bin to think that Mercedes-Benz is them, so that they will drive the BMW X6, will not cause Wei Bin three people's attention .

Of course, the strong who wants to pass Wei Bin is not so simple, they must be careful to be careful.

Soon, Li Feng launched BMW X6, which entered the rolling traffic.

Although it is already 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, the pearl is an international metropolis. There are still many traffic on the road. It is good at Li Feng car skills. This will keep the taxi who rides the taxi by Wei Bin.

"Do they leave the pearl?"

Looking at the traffic on the road is getting more and more scarce, Shen Ziyi is not familiar with the road of pearl, this is only one.

"This is a round of the city, and I walked 10 kilometers before going to the five rings." Li Feng said.

"Seven old, we are tracked."

On the taxi, Ma Chao took the back of the BMW X6 after the right rearview mirror, giving the sound of Wei Bin, sitting behind the row.

Wei Bin pulled Liu Wei's little hand, closed his eyes and said: "Is it a woman who is suspected of purple dragon?"

"The light is not good, it is not very clear." Ma Chao said with cautious.

If it is during the day, you can see who is a few hundred meters away from a few hundred meters, but now it is at night, the street light, the light light shine, he simply can't see who is sitting in the car. Who is it? .

And when I got on the bus, he had paid to it, and Shen Ziyu went to a black Mercedes-Benz car. It can be a white BMW X6 behind it. This is the reason why he feels uncertain.

"Wonderful, let them follow it." Wei Bin is very calm.

With the strength of his half-god, even if the four dragons of the Dragon Soul gathered together, there is no need to avoid him.

After opening 10 kilometers, the taxi got a high, and stopped before a large warehouse.

Wei Bin's three people payded and got off the bus, and he stood at the door and got up this warehouse.

This warehouse is affiliated with future shopping malls in the future, there is a large number of goods, meat products, daily products, rice noodles grain, clothes, electrical appliances.

Just when I was in the three people, the security guard in the door saw that it was not right, and I opened the window and asked: "Who are you, what?"

Wei Bin has a smile: "What can you do, of course, look at what you like, then pack it."

"What?" The security guard is a bit.

On the occasion of the security guard, Wei Bin suddenly raised his hand to him.

"" has a long sword that a cyan atrogen is went straight to the head of security.


The security guard has not yet been able to respond, and the cyan long sword has burst his head!

At the same time, a white BMW X6 rushed to the elevated, and Li Feng on the car was far away from Shen Ziyi.

In an instant, Li Feng, Shen Ziqi broke out!

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