Save the Goddess System

Chapter 709 Leak Net Fish?

They guess the behavior of these three people, but they didn't expect that these three people kill them.

A super military strong, actually bombards an ordinary person's head with the innocent? This is like a full-deputy armed person, facing a unarmed baby, directly using the rocket!

Visit people like a mustard! The nature is extremely bad!

"Oh, really caught up?"

Wei Bin turned his head to the BMW X6, rushed to the waving, just like a old friend.

Li Feng slammed into the throttle, and BMW X6 issued a roaring to Wei Bin three people.

Seeing, Wei Bin's mouth evoked a tauntful smile, after the back of the back, waiting for BMW X6 to hit.

Just then, a sharp harsh brake sounded, BMW X6 stopped at Wei Bin's two- or thirteentime.

Although anger, Li Feng did not be stupid to take a car to hit a strong sense of suspected half of the world. The consequence of doing the same thing in addition to the car becomes a cake, there is no second possibility.

After the vehicle stopped, Li Feng, Shen Ziyi slowly got off the bus, and the murderous to Wei Bin saw.

Wei Bin kept the posture after the back of the back, laughed: "Welcome to the purple dragon to give the big driving, Wei Mou has a far-reaching, but also hope that the purple dragon makes it."

Shen Ziyi was originally killed, heard this sentence and suddenly squatted: "Do you know me?"

"Haha, I can't know, but I have heard the name of the dragon soul purpel dragon."

"The long-awaited beauty, the body is top, one attack on the purple starting dress, plus your supreme peak strength, isn't the dragon soul purpel?"

Wei Bin said with a light striker, and the eyes blink.

Shen Ziyi couldn't help but pupil, and the other party could see her strength at a glance. The realm of this person is terrible!

"Who are you, why do you want to kill this?" Shen Ziqi pressed down his heart and asked.

"Is there anything important? Important is that he is just an ordinary person, in the eyes of my strong, it is a fire, killing, and killing." Wei Bin shrugged, and he didn't care.

"The seven elders said good! I will wait here, the man will ask us if the thief will ask us, don't you kill him still stay in New Year?" Ma Chao sent a horse fart.

"Wow, the Ma brother is very fast about the popularity of the world, the little girl admires." Liu Wei said in the sickness.

"Customs world?" Shen Ziyi hole, a few speculations on Wei Bin's three people, but she quickly pressed the heart to guess, cold voice: "I don't care, where is it, here is Huaxia, Huaxia is going to abide by Huaxia law! "

"So you want to kill us to revenge for the ordinary person?" Said that Wei Bin couldn't help but laugh.

At this time, Liu Wei lived his mouth and smiled: "Seven old, this is the legendary dragon soul purpel, it seems that the brain is a bit unhappy."

"Beautiful woman generally has no brain. Of course, there are except for Xiaoyu." Ma Chao seized a chance to send Liu Wei to a horse fart, tease Liu Yu, and the branches were chained.

"Is it a lot of laugh?" Shen Ziyi felt that he couldn't suppress the murderousness.

These people killed a innocent person and the mood was laughing here. She still didn't put her in the eyes. It is really that she is Shu Ziyan ...?

"It's really funny, because if you want to revenge for that person, you will only put your own life on it." Liu Wei nodded very seriously, and then smiled: "Of course, you want It is also very simple to think about life. "

"Well?" Wei Bin's brow is slightly wrinkled, some are unfortunate.

Only he can decide to Shen Ziyan's life and death, Liu Wei said that there is some torque!

Just then, I only listened to Liu Wei and said: "Your skin bag is still good, very good, the old appetite, if you want to live, it is better to do the seven eldest old little, I will take you Like the sister. "

To be here, Liu Wei smiled "giggling".

Seven long old brows, a lot of comfort!

Listen, listen, what is the right? This is!

Ma Chao shook his head and looked at Li Feng's eyes.

This small face is in the hot pot store, but it has been giving Shen Zikhen, but he should looked at the interaction between Shen Ziyi.

The woman who is sweeping for a long time is to be taken away by other men. It is estimated that this buddy wants to die.

" "

Shen Ziyi pinch the double boxing, the fingertid festival issued a sound, enough to see how angry at the moment.

Seeing, Ma Chao, Liu Wei two people collapsed, look horrified, always ready to shoot.

If you need the role of Shen Zikai to deal with the seven elders, what is the two?

At this moment, Shen Ziyao suddenly turned to Li Feng: "What should you say this time?"

"Well?" Wei Bin's brow wrinkled, Ma Chao, Liu Wei is also finishing.

Li Feng is a sweet dog around Shen Zikai. Why do you want to ask Li Feng's opinion?

"I have nothing to say, like them living in the world for a few seconds, they are wasting air, killing them is to make contributions to alleviating the Earth."

Li Feng said that there is no expression.

I know that Li Feng knows that whenever he has no expression, he is really angry!

Next, Li Feng's behavior is afraid of it ... very brutal!

Ma Chao is a glimpse, then it is anger: "Lying in the trough? Kid, you dare to marry us ?!"

Li Feng lifted his eyes: "Yeah? No, you are not qualified to be embarrassed, you will only die my mouth, now I will give you a chance, tell your identity, the purpose of this, and I will stay. You have a whole body. "

Wei Bin three people first glance, then smiled Qi Qian.

Give them a chance to leave a whole body? Who says this to him!

"Kid, do you know who I am?" Wei Bin's face is very ugly.

Even if Li Feng is just a small butter fish in his eyes, it can be felt angry by a small butter fish.

"You call him seven years old, so you are a master, right?"

Li Feng looked at Ma Chao, while talking, he used to read the heart on Ma Chao.

How can Ma Chao tell Li Feng's own identity, when he is a cold, he will take a dry away Li Feng.

Just then, Li Feng suddenly said: "The people of Shen Zong?"

When you come out, Ma Chao is stunned!

Wei Bin, Liu Wei also pupil, and the face was shocked.

"Devil ?!" Shen Ziyu's same face, the face did not reply: "The Devil is not too early 50 years ago, how can I have a fish ?!"

Li Feng did not take care of others, asked with self: "Here is the warehouse in the future shopping mall, stores a lot of life necessities, so you come here to be robbed this warehouse, as Shen Zong's supply?"

"So, have you have space storage equipment, right?"

Hearing here, Wei Bin's face has changed completely!

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