Save the Goddess System

Chapter 710 Jiu Yi Zong

Damn, why Li Feng will know these things, this is impossible!

At this moment, Wei Bin really had a feeling of seeing ghosts during the day. They entered the world at the moment, they were indeed for replenishment, but they were the first time they kill this evening!

Previously, their behavior is normal, including going to the hot pot restaurant, go out to take a taxi, have a payment.

How long does Li Feng encounters them? How can I find that they are people who are god through these clues, but also guessed that they are here to grab supplement?

"Oh my God……"

Shen Ziyan smashed his hand, completely shocked by Li Feng.

It can be seen from the expression of Wei Bin's three people. Li Feng said, they are really the people of the demon!

Devil, the full name is Jiu Yuzong, and there is a history of more than 500 years.

It is said that Jiutong is created by a martial arts, a martial arts, a martial arts, and at the beginning, is also a fair to get along with other paramenors in the ancient martial arts.

But as Ren Jikou creates "Jiu Gu" and pass it to the door, Jiuhe's acts becomes evil.

After cultivating "Jiuqin Gong", you can improve your realm by absorbing the true gas of others. In order to improve the realm as soon as possible, the disciples of other paramenors of the ancient martial arts are shot.

After that, Jiuhe became the magic of everyone shouted, and the encirclement of Jiujing Zong continued for hundreds of years.

After coming to the modern times, Jiu Hong has been due to the strength of the encirclement, and some ancient Wu Zongmen gradually witnessed, Wang Sun, Xiao, Zheng, Lei Top Top ancient Wu Shi's horses have become a cattle ear.

Until 50 years ago, under the leadership of Wang Sun, Xiao, Zheng, and Lei Four, the Huaxia Ancient Wujie launched a vast encirclement and supplement, after that, the demon was completely disappeared in the world.

Everyone thought that the demon was completely annihilated, except for the woman, and now there is a magic of the world, they will also grab a large batch of life items to bring back the old nest as a supply!

This shows that there is still a lot of demon.

He is dead, she must tell the lead in this news as soon as possible!

"Kid, how do you know our identity, how do you know that we are here to rob this warehouse?"

Wei Bin pressed the fear, and asked in the heart.

He just wants to know that only Li Feng knows their identity, or said that their actions have already been mastered by the dragon soul, which is to succeed after the gods!

"Do I need to tell you?" Li Feng lifted his skin and was still a faceless expression.

If he is not to complete the task, he is too lazy to ask Wei Bin's identity, just as he said before, Wei Bin three people live a lot of seconds, are wasting air!

"Say, I will kill you now!"

Wei Bin directly released his own breath, and suddenly the breath of the earth and destroyed, and a giant shadow appeared behind him!

Shen Ziyi, even if you have already expected, you can't help but exclaim: "Sure enough is a half-king!"

Then, Ma Chao, Liu Wei also released the breath of the body, and their two breaths naturally unable to compare with Wei Bin, but the atmosphere of the mid-term is not ignored.

In the early days of the gods, the two supreme mid-term, such strength, even the top four top Guwu Shi must pay attention to it, the dragon soul even even a battle!

And Wei Bin is just a seven elders, and what strength is it in the six elders before him?

After 50 years of crouching, the strength of the demon is so strong?

For a time, Shen Ziyan shed into the bottom of the valley.

At this moment, Li Feng suddenly stepped forward to Shen Zi, and he took all the pressures for her!

Looking at this tall back, Shen Ziyan suddenly became calm.

What is the power of the demon? Li Feng can be a peerless enchantment, and the four top ancient Wu Shi people have eaten in Li Feng, and the demon is estimated to escape such fate!

"Ask you the last question, where is your old nest, what are you planning?"

Li Feng is still an expressionless asked.

Wei Bin is extremely laughed: "Kid, you think you are, what qualifications ask me? Now I ask you! Quickly tell me the answer, otherwise I boke you!"

While talking, Wei Bin took one away, and a long gun with a blue color was taken in his hand.

The moment of this handle appeared, and the nearby temperature dropped a few degrees, and at the same time, the air was filled with a different fragrance.

"Close! This is a weird!"

Shen Ziyan quickly gave Li Feng.

Shen Ziyu has seen weapons that can exudes different incenses, and more than once, and they have a common point, which is a vicious!

Some will have a paralyzed nerve, some will make people feel the freight, once the trick will lose the first hand, even the whole process falls into passive!

Wei Bin's color is very dangerous, as if quented in the poison, plus this different incense in the air, not awkward!

Who knows that Li Feng did not listen to his advice, self-prone: "Because I am too angry, I don't think about my problem?"

I have said that I have read myself is not universal. If the other party does not want to ask Li Feng, the information obtained by Li Feng is useless.

At this moment, Wei Bin is in an ambiguity. It is thinking about how Li Feng is thinking. Naturally, there is no other thought to consider the issues raised by Li Feng.

"It seems that I have to ask questions."

Li Feng sighed and sighed, then he saw the body of the security guard in the distance.

Wei Bin was completely irritated by Li Feng's ignorance, and he broke the long gun in the past.


The speed exceeds a shot of the sound of the sound generation, and the sound of the crowd is in the ear!

The blue gun tower condenses a white light white light, although the size is not large, but it can make the energy of Shen Ziyi!

"Li Feng is careful!"

In the frightening, the sinking Ziyan is busy to Li Feng, but Li Feng is just like it is still in place, and the eyes are still still staying in the security guard of death, which makes Shen Ziyu!

"Hey, this idiot, actually got this time, looking for death!" Ma Chao hired and smiled.

Liu Wei also wishes again and again, and the color of a contemptuous face is revealed.

Is this a man who looks like Shen Zikai? It turns out that only the silver sample of the silver!

"go to hell!"

Wei Bin flashed in the eyes of a disabled bloodthirsty, and the speed of the long guns and the sharp increase of three points, and the moment came to Li Peak.

At this moment, Wei Bin seems to see Li Feng, which is smashed by a shot!

On the occasion of this millennium, Li Feng suddenly whispered: "Time ... rush!"


A invisible aperture spreads around Li Feng, and everything in the world is in a movie retroffed!

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