Save the Goddess System

Chapter 711 Jiuqiao

The pearl windings, the traffic is retreating.

Just then, like the film suddenly returned to normal, the traffic suddenly became a forward gallop.

In the white BMW X6, Li Feng looked at the public taxi in front of a few hundred meters, and he stepped on a foot throt.

X6 issued a roaring and slammed forward and accelerated the chasing the taxi in front.

"Li Feng, you are crazy, this will expose our traces!"

On the car, Shen Ziyan is a face, completely don't understand why Li Feng suddenly accelerated.

"The situation is urgent, I don't have time to explain with you."

Li Feng said, continuing to step on the throttle, driving the BMW X6 forward.

Shen Ziyan: "???"

No ... What is this tone, is it impatient?

Rely, the early days are great? My grandmother is stasify!

Because of the sentence of Li Feng, Shen Ziyan's mentality has a little explosion. She can't wait to break through the half-shek, so I am so good to repair Li Feng.

Li Feng knows that because of his own sentence, it caused such a big resentment in Shen Zi. He is only considering one thing now, that is, before Wei Bin killed the security guard!

Perhaps some people can't understand this kind of behavior in Li Feng, is a security guard who has never seen before, why do Li Feng wants to save such a base card to save him?

However, Li Feng knows that if he doesn't do this, he will be self-blaming for a lifetime and regret it.

Everything in the world is happening every day, and the natural disasters are also in trouble. He is not God, it is impossible to all manage.

Since he encounters him, he has the ability to save, he will never sit out!

"Seven old, tracking our people accelerated."

On the taxi, Ma Chao found the situation of BMW X6 through the rearview mirror, and then gave Wei Bin.

"Oh?" Wei Bin's finish, opened his eyes: "Don't worry about him, let us act according to the original plan."

Soon, the taxi got off and parked at the door of the warehouse.

At the moment of Wei Bin's three people paying down, BMW X6 gave birth to them, and a brake stopped in front of the door.


In the door post, the security guard was shocked by the BMW X6 that suddenly slammed, jumped directly from the seat.

"My buddy, I am a boyfriend of your boss. I will have an emergency here. You will leave here."

Li Feng turned down the window, took out the mobile phone to transfer his photo with Wei Yingqing, and he said to the security guard.

Security: "???"

No ... this isn't a liar, the goddess of our boss? Embroidered a dog egg! You shouldn't want to think about it!

"It seems that you don't believe it."

Li Feng is somewhat helpless, and it is also, it is impossible for him to face such a thing.

However, he didn't have time to explain with the security guard, reached out and explored the cloud hand, the huge dragon claw appeared, in the hands of the poor, and then grabbed it in his hand, then gently slammed ...

The security guard is like wearing special steps, flying directly to the other side of the warehouse.

After safe landing, the security guard directly went to the question. "Who are I? Where are I? I am doing it in Sen Mo?"

Next moment, a dizziness in my mind came, and the security guard farten.

He is not scared, but Li Feng uses the system to tamper with his memory. When he wakes up, he will have a new memory ...

"So you suddenly accelerate just to come here before they will throw the security guards?"

At this time, Shen Ziyi finally saw Li Feng's intention, but it was a bigger doubt.

Why Li Feng knows that Wei Bin will get off here? Why is Li Feng feel dangerous in this security guard? This is not scientific!

"Roughly the same."

Li Feng model said two, he can say that I can't say that I am back from the future, know what will happen to happen?

Roadside, Wei Bin's three people mouth, which is also a face.

No ... How did the person throws the security guard? Is it also to rob this warehouse? That woman is not a dragon soul purpel, but their peers?

"Shen Zong people?"

At this moment, Li Feng suddenly looked at Wei Bin three, and he said.

Li Feng is to remind Shen Ziyu Wei Bin's identity, so he knows that he has indeed played the role - Shen Ziyan with Wei Bin three people discolored!

"Oh, I'm sure, you can die."

The voice is falling, and Li Feng put its own breath.


The stalls of the sky rushed to the clouds, and a giant shadow is proud of Li Peak.

"You are actually a half-level power, how can this?!"

At this moment, Wei Bin's face has changed.

Ma Chao, Liu Wei is even a big mouth, a face, no confidence!

In the inside of Shenzong, they are genius in genius, gaining the strong cultivation of Shenzong and the inclinement of resources.

Coupled with their cultivation of "Jiu Gu" can be improved by absorbing the real world, even this, they are now only the middle of the world.

Li Feng seems to be young than they are young, but it is a half-god, this is unscientific!

"Surprising? Surprising still is behind."

Li Feng smiled, his right hand was angry, and Jin Guang shiny gods were held in his hand.

Shen Ziyan: "..."

No ... This is a good flash, the outbreak is so temperament!

"Do you have space storage equipment?" Wei Bin became changing again, then the right hand called, the blue long gun in the handle was held in his hand.

At the same time, a breath that belongs to the early days of the gods broke out, and a giant shadow suddenly arrived behind him!

Shen Ziyan has changed again, the dead, the other party is really a half!

"Close, this gun has a weird."

Li Feng gave Shen Ziyu in the first time.

Shen Ziyi's conscious screen breathed, then stopped.

Just a moment of kung fu, Li Feng knows that this boot has a weird? Do you have to pay your hand with Wei Bin?

Rely, Li Feng hides what she concealed, this feeling is really unhappy!

"Kid, I admit that I have read you, but you also made a mistake."

Wei Bin waved a gun to pull a gun, mocked.

This gun is a piece of Jiujing Zongzhi's treasure of Zongbao - Jiuqi gun, is a nine-use land ore, with Jiuqi spring water infiltration for three thousand day and night before.

This is unborn. After exposure to air, it will automatically distribute a paralysis of paralyzed nerve. Even if the half-level strong, it will be recruited after hello, and the reaction speed will slow down for about 0.01 seconds.

Those who have cultivated Jiuqi can immunize this incense!

Li Feng definitely didn't know the "special" effect of this gun. At this moment, it will have already been tricky, and the master is overcrowd, and the reaction of 0.01 second will be sent!

Li Feng is too lazy to take care of him, and the sword is a horing horizontal!


A fierce, unparalleled sword rushed out, close to Wei Bin, this sword is changing, go straight to Wei Bin's chest!

Wei Bin's mouth hooked a tauntful smile, the left hand draws a weird pattern, a quiet blue lotus is pointed out in his left-handed food!


The moment of lotus bloom, just greeted the fierce swordsman.


Sound, the sword disappears!

That lotus suddenly rose a lot!

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