Save the Goddess System

Chapter 712, Lu Lotus Bloom

Li Feng pupil is shrinking, the face is surprised.

What happens, the lotus is swallowed with the swords of him? Lying in the trough, no!

"Wow, the seven elders of this stroke bloom is getting more and more god."

After the body, Liu Yu took his hand and said.

"That is also used, to say that our gods are the strongest in the nine elders of the old age, that is, it is not a seven years old!"

Ma Chao seizes the opportunity to send Wei Bin to Wei Bin again.

The sunset blooms, the trick in Jiuqi's skill, can release a sudden bloom, swallow the enemy's attack.

The terrible place is that the more energy it is swallowed, it will be more powerful, you can swallow more energy!

Almost no solution!

"Haha, kid, see no, this is our god", if you are willing to join Shenzong and worship me as a teacher, I can teach you. "

Wei Bin held a lot of luck in one hand and smiled.

Shen Zong needs talents, many talents, ordinary talents can take the furnace of cultivation, excellent talents can be the gods of the gods!

Like Ma Chao, Liu Wei is an outstanding talent that stands out from a disciple, and some disciples who have introduced them at the same time have long been a furnace they cultivate, they have been exhausted by them with nine gods.

Otherwise, how can they step into the mid-term?

Li Feng is so young, it is a strong sense, if he takes him absolutely a big work, greatly enhances his reputation in Shenzong!

If Li Feng does not want to join Shenzong, he can take Li Feng as a cultural furnace, sucking his arrogance, he has a great hope to enter the middle of the gods!

"Yes? This is not enough, I also have a lot of magical skills, but you are so old, talented is very bad, I really don't have to collect you."

Li Feng shrugged and said.

Shen Ziyan: "???"

No ... Just now, let me get close, how do you talk about this? Is it looking down, is my supreme peak, is it?

At this moment, Li Feng took out a red Dan medicine to handed it to Shen Zikai behind him.

"What is this?" Shen Ziyu took the voice of Dan medicine.

Li Peak didn't return to: "You can solve a hundred poisonous people, you don't have to get close up after you take it."

Just now Li Feng let the system analyze the toxicity of the isprunch of the air, and find a solution, it is to take a hundred toxic.

A hundred 1000 points, Li Feng bought two directly.

Opposite, Wei Bin's face is slightly changed, and Li Feng actually has a medicinal medicine that can be solved.

However, soon Wei Bin returned to calm, even if the nine stalls could not work, he can use his hard strength to crush Li Feng!

"It seems that you are iron my heart, it is necessary to work with Shen Zong. It is very good, then I can breathe your true gas without psychological stress, let you become the stepping stone on the road!"

The voice is falling, Wei Bin has a shot.


The blue long gun is like crossing the space, and the distance between the two people will come to Li Feng!

Li Feng lifts the sword, splash, splash!

A giant is coming, and Li Peaks have a three steps!

"Come again!"

Wei Bin roared, the long gun is bold from the side of Li Feng, and the gun tip is condensed, and the energy contained in it makes the void!

Li Feng did not dare to take the sword, and then fly after pulling Shen Ziyi.


A fried!

Li Feng stands in the place where it is standing for a large pit of about ten meters and deep up to two or three meters!

"You are far from the battlefield, so as not to affect you."

After that, after Li Feng released Shen Ziyu, the body is like electricity to Wei Bin.

Although Shen Ziyi is not willing, but only the position standing away from the battlefield, looking at Li Feng and Wei Bin fight.

"Kid, you hide very fast, but you can hide once, can you hide countless times?"

Wei Bin laughs, the right hand is shaking, the blue long gun is like the rain point usually from all directions Li Fengzhao.

On the front and back, countless guns will surround Li Feng!

More terrible is that there is a group of energy condense on the guns of each gun.

"Seven Elders"! "

"Seven long old cow!"

Liu Wei, Ma Chaoqi praised him.

Just when these guns will be overwhelmed by Li Feng, Li Feng disappears from the place.

Wei Bin pupil is shrinkage: "How is it ?!"

Liu Wei, who is cheering, Ma Chao is also like being suddenly caught in the neck.

Next moment ...

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" ...

A series of explosions sounded, and there were several deep pits before Li Feng!

It can be imagined. If Li Feng does not hide, the next game will be quite miserable!

"What is this call? It is very good."

At this time, Li Feng suddenly appeared in place, and the taste of Wei Bin said.

"Damn, how can you escape me this recruit?!"

Wei Bin did not dare to confuse.

This trick is a trick in the bottom of his box. You can wear the void from all directions from all directions. The enemy is not possible in addition to hard anti.

Can Li Feng disappeared from the guns in all directions, how is this possible? !

"It is a little mean."

The corner of Li Feng hooked a smile, and the body disappeared from it again.

Li Feng used the void flash to study after the half-disorder, can shuttle in the void, just in this trick into the void, escaped the rain of Wei Bin.

Wei Bin's face is slightly changed, and it turned to send the private lotus flower.


A golden sword tatched from the void, just by this private lotus.

The swordscent of the golden long sword are swallowed by lotus, and the blue is big!

Li Feng took back to the long sword, found that the sword of the long sword was slightly mighty. After sending into a true gas, the sword is reloaded.

"Not only can I swallow your true gas, can you swallow your entity?"

Li Feng is dark, he has reason to believe that if it is not the material material of Shenwu Jian, the top of the sword is swallowed by the blush lotus.

"Total Annihilation!"

Just as Li Feng secretly whispering, Wei Bin suddenly changed to sweep, and the long gun became a long stick, and slammed Li Feng.


This sweepsomely broke through the sound barrier and sent a deafening sound explosion!


Li Feng quickly broke this stick with the empty.

"This death, there is a kind of you don't run!"

I didn't hit Li Feng several times. This made Wei Bin were anger.

However, he is not anxious. Now, the situation is that he can't get Li Feng. Li Feng also broke through the defense of the lotus bloom, and he made a flat hand.

What's more, he cultivates the nine gods. The real recovery speed is much faster than the general practice. He can play Li Feng with Li Feng, live Li Feng!

"It seems that you can't beat you in this state."

Li Feng sighed, the expression on his face finally became serious.

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