Opposite, Ma Chao is uncomfortable: "Kid, you can make it! You think that the seven elders just have to use it! Wrong, the seven elders are just warm up!"

"Wait to see it, when the seven elders are serious, it is your death!"

Hey, it's better than his handshake, the realm is better than him, the woman around him is more beautiful than him, and the young teacher who has been secretly loved. It is also very beautiful, but also let people live?

Now he is looking forward to the seven elders to crush Li Feng as soon as possible, let his eyes are not annoying.

Ma Chao's words made Wei Bin very satisfied, I saw him mock: "Do you still have other states? Let me guess, is the secret of improving the war? Sorry, if you are this kind of plan, then I will let me You are disappointed. "

Originally, he still wants to slow down Li Feng, since Li Feng is so arrogant, then solve the battle as soon as possible!

"Nine villains!"

The voice is falling, the breath of Wei Bin suddenly skyrocket, directly came to the middle of the god! Even the virtual god behind him has also become solid!

Not only that, but the right hand has even condensed a long gun, then a shot, the sound is like a thunder, go straight to the top of Li Peak!

Surprisingly, Wei Bin did not launch an attack with the god of God, but the man was standing on the spot, it is like waiting for something.

Before the gods grew up, Li Feng lost from the place.

"Sure enough!"

Wei Bin's mouth hooked a tauntful smile, this only hurts forward!

After a few times, he had a bit more understanding of Li Feng's way of operation. He let the virtual god will shot first. The gun will pick it up!

The nine stoves flashed with a heart, and turned to a safe place.

At the same time, Li Feng's figure appeared here.

"go to hell!"

Wei Bin smiled and loud, the gun tip of the nine glasses was big, and the horrible energy was condensed on the gun tip, and then stabbed on the chest of Li Feng.



Ma Chao, Liu Qi Qi is crazy!

"Li Feng!"

Distance, Shen Ziyu sent a sound!


The energy of the gun tip is fried, sending a deafening loud noise, and the glare flashes like a day!

The impact wave generated by the explosion spread around, and pushing the wall of the warehouse directly, it is not allowed to stop the warehouse door.

The place where Li Feng stands has long been shrouded, and the surrounding cracks are like a seismic just.

"Haha, hahaha, arrogant kid, you are still too tender, it is good to reflect in hell!"

Wei Bin laughed and laughed, and then turned around to deal with Shen Zi.

The touch of the gun tower made him sure this shot of Li Feng, and this shot is the most powerful stroke in the nine-killement method - Nine Focus!

This trick can accumulate all the real gas in the gun tip, and the injury can be directly seriously injured in the same realm.

Li Feng is still lower than him at this moment, so he does not need to wait for the smoke, it can determine that Li Feng is dead!

Distance, Shen Ziyi flows in the eyes of two lines, and the eyes are the eyes of hatred!

I have never been to the relationship between myself and Li Feng, and she feels that she has experienced several life and death between her and Li Feng, and then take the required.

Until Li Feng was stabbed by Wei Bin, Shen Ziyi found that his heart had already left Li Feng's figure. At this moment, she was distressed!

"Is the warm-up end?"

At this moment, a sound came from the smoke shrouded.

Wei Bin's face turned into the turmoil, just saw a wind, blowing the smoke dust.

Then, a figure in a golden armor reflects his eyes - it is he thought that Li Feng, which must be killed!

"You don't die? How is this possible ?!"

Wei Bin sent a scream!

Ma Chao, Liu Wei is more smile, and it is not a confidence.

In their sight, Li Feng did not say hurt, even even the armored armor did not break!

That is the strongest trick of the seven elders, how can I even don't break the armored armor? !

Say it back ... When is Li Feng wearing a strong armor of the body?

"Li Feng!"

It is done to the tears of tears to become excused!

Li Feng was originally free. Seeing that the tears on Shen Ziyu were suddenly stunned.

So ... just shed Ziyi for him? Is this a representative of Shen Ziyu?

But now it is not considered this, because I don't know much about Wei Bin's way of operation, Li Feng has been smashed by Wei Bin, just not to open an invincible aura in time, that shot can really have his life.

This makes Li Feng very bad, very unhappy!

"I also ended up."

Li Feng recovered his eyes, whispered.

Then he has skyrocketed on his body!



After opening two big cards, Li Feng's realm came directly to the middle of the god.

Hand-held Shenwu Jian, wear Godwug, at this moment, Li Feng full body is shining, like a war!

Wei Bin's face is slightly changed, and the gods behind the gods will once again, and they will force Li Feng again to use the body.

Who knows that Li Feng's mouth has hit a scratch and smile, and it is not flashing to meet this shot to Wei Bin!

Just when this shot is going to Li Feng, time hourglass is open!

Suddenly, the running speed of things around Li Feng's eyes suddenly drove ten times, before the long gun came, Li Feng hidd the past.

Then, Li Feng rushed to him in front of Wei Bin, a punch!



Under the influence of time hourgap, Wei Bin did not come to control the quiet lottery, and he was bombarded in the chest by Li Feng!


Wei Bin is directly opened by the hundred meters, and the blood is spray in the mouth!

"Stepping on the sky!"

Li Feng controls the gods to raise the right foot, step on it!


Void tremor!

Wei Bin just adjusted his body shape, he was stepped on by a big feet of the sky!

Next moment, the big foot lifted, exposed the deep pit below.

"Ah, I want to shin you!"

Wei Bin, tattered Wei Bin flying out of the deep pit, and some distorted angry.

WQnmlgbd, take the virtual gods to step on people? He also hid? What is this impact!

The key to the big feet can not be swallowed with the lotus, only hard to resist, good damage to this feet ...

Li Feng smiled and controlled that the god took a step again.


"Lying ..."

Wei Bin made a miserable call, and once again stepped into the deep pit by the right foot of the god.

"I surrender!"

A fear of shouting from the deep pit, then seeing the face of Wei Bin flying out from the deep pit.

At this moment, Wei Bin seems to be even more miserable, the mouth is blood, the clothes are broken, and the eyes are frightening.

What is this moving, what is the injury suddenly doubled? If Li Feng comes to a few feet, he is afraid to die here!

"Sorry, I don't accept your surrender!"

While talking, Li Feng controls the gods again to step on the two feet.

Third walk triple damage, fourth step four times hurt!

Under the two steps, the void is broken!

Wei Bin was shocked, and the whole body was flying out, but he was only ten times in the impact of time.

"Boom" "Boom"

Two consecutive loud noises, the ground is not trembled!

When the big feet lifted, the smoke is scattered, Wei Bin is lying in the pit, and there is no time, and the giant shadow behind him is completely dissipated.

Jiu Huanzong seven old, the early days of the early days, Wei Bin ... fall!

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