Distance, Shen Zikai is directly in the ecstatic state!

From the beginning of Li Feng, Wei Bin was pressed against, and after Li Feng suddenly broke out of the four consecutive feet. Wei Bin was killed. Shen Ziyan's mood is like a mountain car, a slush to the bottom, then a big return straight rush cloud!

The big life of life is really exciting!

On the other hand, Ma Chao followed Liu Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi Qi in the stagnation state.

The seven elders are so dead? No way!

That is to cultivate the nine gods to the ninth floor, the Shenzong seven years old, how can you be so late?

It's too special to die!

Just when the two were in a daze, Li Feng turned his head to see them.

Ma Chao, Liu Wei has gone a chill, and then the horse will run!

On the revealed Liu Wei, after the initial fear, she directly slammed the knees and kneeling Li Feng. "The little girl knows wrong, please ask the brother to live."

Li Feng first glanced, and then tick a smile in his mouth: "You can be smarter than your brother."

The voice falls, Li Feng's right hand, one of the dragon claws that have been condensed by the true gas, turned out, turned to Ma Chao, and the dragon claws closed Ma Chao in the hands!

Ma Chao crazy struggles, but he lowered Li Feng a big realm, let him use all the best, and it will not be able to break away.

Then Li Feng returned to the pull, the dragon claw recovered the Ma Chao to him.

"Li Feng, why do you know that they are the demon?"

At this time, Shen Ziyi flew to Li Feng and asked.

"Devil?" Li Feng first glance, then he didn't understand: "Isn't it a god?"

He learned that Wei Bin's three people were learned. He also thought that the sect of Wei Bin's three people called Shen Zong, where this is the self-proclaimed claim to Jiu Jing, and the appearance of the outside world has always been a demon.

Shen Ziyu turned a white eye: "That is, I still understand you, otherwise I have to think that you are a member of the demon."

When I'm sinking Ziyi gave Li Feng's origin of the demon.

After listening, Li Feng suddenly realized: "It turned out to be like this."

"Now the problem is coming, you can't even make anything unclear, why can you say their identity?" Shen Ziyu became suspicious.

"Cough ... If I say I will read the heart, do you believe?"

Li Feng wanted to think and said.

Shen Ziyan first, then smiled: "You said you will read the heart? Haha, this joke is not a laugh. Forget, everyone has their own secrets, since you don't want to tell me, even if you don't want to tell me."

Li Feng shrugged and his expression was helpless.

This year, telling the truth, no one, the most basic trust between people and people?

"But I want to remind you that the Devil is the taboo of the Huaxia's ancient military borders. Anyone who is taking melo will lead to the disaster of the top, especially you ..." Shen Ziyu said.

"What?" Li Fengbei picks up.

"Your realm is too fast, this is a bit similar to the magic member." Shen Ziyan complicated.

If the devil member appears, no one will suspect that Li Feng is related to the demon, after all, the demon is annihilated as a well-known thing.

The appearance of the three people of Wei Bin has become different.

Li Feng called the Devil for the gods, the realm is so fast, and it will not be doubtful!

If she doesn't matter that Li Feng cultivates the mutual benefit, not Jiuqin's work, she also mistakenly thought that Li Feng was a member of the demon.

"Hey ..." Li Feng touched his nose and smiled: "The realm is in turn into a bad thing?"

Shen Ziyi glanced at him: "Wood show in Lin Feng must destroy it, you still pay attention to a good, good to kill the magic seven elders, there is such a thing, there should be no one will doubt you with the demon It is related. "

"Well." Li Feng nodded, put this in his heart, then he pointed to Ma Chao, Liu Wei: "Do you have anything to ask them?"

Shen Ziyi nodded and turned to the two: "I ask you, how many members of the demon, where is your old nest, what is your favor this time?"

At this time, Li Feng said by: "Remember, this is a question, who is the answer to me."

While speaking, he used Liu Wei to read the heart.

He is very optimistic about Liu Wei's rack, this point can be seen from Liu Wei's clean and downstream surrender.

"I say!"

Sure enough, I didn't wait for Ma Chao to react, Liu Wei said: "The magic now has a total of nine half of the old age, 108 to respect the disciples, get into the Sheng, extraordinary, the number of people add up to 1127 people."

I heard this number, Li Feng, Shen Ziyi all the mouth of the mouth, a face.

Nine half-gods, 108 to respect? This strength is against the sky!

Wang Sun, Xiao, Zheng, Lei, these four top ancient Wu Shijia added to a few half-gods, even if they added the dragon soul, it is not a demon righteous opponent!

Ma Chao has a big change: "Liu Wei, do you know what you are talking about? Even if you can keep your life now, you will definitely be chased by the god!"

Liu Wei's brids: "You can live more, I will die now, if I don't say it, I will die now! The antity is still, and what is it?"

"You ...!" Ma Chao said that the dumbs were speechless.

"You shut up!" Li Feng said a flash, directly pinching the throat of the horse, and then asked: "Where is your old nest?"

Under the reading, Li Feng knows that Liu Wei did not lie, but so many strong people live together, even if they are in the mountains and Lao Lin, should I be discovered?

"The place where our lives is a hole in Tianfu, according to the seven long statement, this is where our god origin is."

"There is a world, you need to pass a rinative, every time you open the knot, you need a lot of energy, so we rarely come to the world in addition to the purchase of the purchase of the world."

"We came to the pearl this time, it is to purchase replenishment."

Liu Wei replied with a photo.

At this time, Li Feng follows Shen Ziyan to face the color!

Tong Tianfu Land? Into the comics? How can you listen to the same space!

Can you enter and exit at any time? If this is true, the previous question has an answer!

As for the purchase of purchases ... Oh, is it to rob supplement?

"Since the magic master is so many, then you have been turtle in the Tong Tianfu, not to enter the world to find four top ancient Wu Shi people?"

Shen Ziqi pressure down his heart and asked.

It can be said between the Emperor and the four top ancient Wu Shi, and in the absence of an absolute advantage, the devil is still hiding, and there must be weird!

Liu Wei said: "This is because the ninegest order has been lost for many years. The Devil has not elected the primary, and the nine old age is not convinced, the sound of the demon is unable to get a system."

"So these nine elders have been looking for the falling of nine characters in the year. Once they find the nine characters, the demon will have new Zong Lords. At that time, it is the day of the ancient weapon!"

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