Save the Goddess System

Chapter 718 Evil Plan

Xiao Lingha: "???"

After listening to Li Feng's story, Xiao Ling is in a state of being.

I rely on, it is hard to give her a call, the result is to help the woman? Too arrogant!

Even I know that Li Feng has a lot of women in Li Feng, Xiao Ling is still a little angry.

"Cough, you can help me get this thing, I will help you become the supreme peak power.

Li Feng also knows that this is a bit, but there is no way, Wei Shuangqing all shake people to help Xiaoxue, he doesn't do it, it is too uncomfortable!

"Are you sure?" Xiao Ling suddenly turned.

In fact, even if Li Feng does not make conditions, she will help Li Feng to get this matter, who makes her a woman of Li Feng?

But what haw ... If you have a good thing, she still have to fight, but all the martial arts are unveiled, they can't resist the temptation.

"Determine certain and affirmation." Li Feng smiled.

"Good, transaction!"

Xiao Lingqi did not ask Li Feng to help her improve the realm, anyway, she can't run, she only needs to wait patiently.

After hanging up the phone, Li Feng took the bedroom and came to the first floor living room.

Dear girls went to him, and there was a doubt and a little ridicule.

"Cough, the end, you are waiting to look at the drama."

Li Feng is very confident.

Just in the phone assigned to a million tasks, right, it is a hundred million.

He didn't know how many people in the wind and rain buildings, but he gave Xiao Lingyu a billion event fund, all members of the wind and rain, brought this billion to buy Murong Snow.

He wants to help Murong Xue created a record of vibrating the world!

But before this, he must first unify one action program: "My plan is like this ..."

Lee Feng went to Wei Yingqing and so on, and he told his "evil" plan.

Listening to his story, Wei Yingqing et al. The eyes are getting brighter, getting brighter and brighter ...

Sheng Tang Entertainment has long been began to promote the new single song of Murong Snow, plus the "Happy Party" broadcast, the heat of this matter has already got the top three of Weibo hot search.

Coupled with Liu Mengder's Weibo, the Weibo of the same platform, the heat is directly exploded, came to the first position of hot search, I don't know how many people are waiting for the release of the new monograph.

It is noted that Penguin music, which is noted in advance, issued a propaganda poster of "Meet", as for the new single "Butterfly Dance" of Liu Mengde, but also made a special production of penguin music because of the cause of Murong snow. Zhang Xuan Chuan Poster.

The publicity poster of the two songs turns in the homepage, attracting a large number of users click to browse.

Time passed by one minute, finally, the time of the new single release, "Meet" The two new single songs with "Butterfly Dance" are also released.

After 5 minutes, 24 hours real-time sales list, "Butterfly Dance" directly rushed to the first position, sales of more than 1 million!

More than 5 minutes, this is an extremely amazing figure, knowing the previous record is 8.5 million a day, "Butterfly Dance" is only 5 minutes to complete this record is more than nine!

As for the new single song of Murong Snow, "encounter", now there are only more than 200,000 sales, is one-fifth of "Butterfly Dance", "" "only" 10th place in the real-time sales list.

This gap is suddenly an uproar in the network!

"I am going, this Liu Meimei is the goddess, this sucking is too terrible?"

"So many people buy her songs, is this explaining that her song is very nice? I have to buy one to listen."

"If you want to buy, you can buy it, 3 pieces, there is not enough money for breakfast."

"Don't say it, I don't say it, I will buy one to listen."

Under the influence of the heat of the PK of Murong Snow, even those who have never heard of Liu Mengdi will also pay attention to her new song sales.

Seeing "Butterfly Dance" sold more than 1 million in 5 minutes, some people who are not Liu Meimei fans have to buy an impulse impulse.

It is very terrible from the effect, just like buying a car, the better and selling the model, the more people buying, even if the price increase is also available.

Some models with poor sales are miserable, even if the quality is in front of the same level, there is not many people who have not been sold.

This is the case, Murong Xue can be a happy day, and the new single song is released with Liu Meimei, but in sales of Liu Mengdee, what?

"Butterfly Dance" is better than "meeting"!

A song is enough, and the name of the singer is just a second!

It is undeniable that "Butterfly Dance" is the lyrics, and the songs are all multiplied. After all, Liu Meimei is brought to Murong Snow. The works of PK, how can I?

Therefore, those who have been sold to bought this song are praised after listening, which further gave birth to the "butterfly dance".

On the other hand, Murong Snow's fans also praised this song of "meeting", and even there is a sign of blowing it. The heat of "Butterfly Dance" is too high, and their boasts are not in the network.

After another 5 minutes, the sales of "Butterfly Dance" came to the horror of 3 million, and the sales of "meeting" will be 1 million.

The gap is further wide!

On Beijing, the luxury villa, Liu Mengde is excited to dance!

"Zhao boss, you are so great, I have to love you, wood, wood ~!"

Liu Mengde licked Zhao Shenghai, and then took out the mobile phone to send a microblog: "I have never thought about the sales of new songs exceed Murong Xue, I really want to explode, dear fans, you Really too powerful! "

"Murong Xue predecessors, you have to cheer, let us continue to work hard, create a new era of Chinese music! @ "

This Weibo issued, Liu Mengdi's fans have commented on the following.

"Dream Butterfly, I know that you are the best, you are more than one thousand times more than Murong Snow!"

Soon this comment has gained many comments, the first place in comments.

This Weibo followed the following comments caused the dissatisfaction of Murong Snowfans, and the fans of both parties began to attack each other.

Inside the Xinghui Community 6, Li Feng also saw this Weibo. When his mouth, his mouth has evoke a scratch, self-probing: "Is it started to expand? Interesting."

Opposite, Wei Shuqing and others are so angry that they have to explode: "This woman is really evil, and I don't forget to Xiaoxue when I am."

"Rely, I guess she is now laughing now!"

"Li Feng, can't let her go, let's start acting."

Looking at the people of the group, Li Feng nodded: "The action begins!"

Under the order, Wei Yingqing and others have picked up the mobile phone to decide: "Notify, start buying songs!"

"Li Gang, telling the brothers, opening the horsepower to buy buy!"

"The girder is always started."

Li Feng also picked up the mobile phone to Xiao Ling, the information: "Start actions!"

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