Save the Goddess System

Chapter 719 Rolling

At this moment, Liang Renzhong, who is a temporarily created by Osweil, issued a message: "Start buying, buying 700 people, Tomorrow's purchase record to financial reimbursement."

At the same time, in the high-level work group of the future group, Wei Yingqing's assistant said: "One thousand people in the high level, one person in the middle, 100 ordinary employees, start buying!"

Soon this news passed through the future group's work group layer, the future group staff is like a hungry wolf, seeing the moment, log in to Penguin music, buying the new songs of Murong Snow. Buy.

Ok ... Some uncle's aunt does not know the quantity before buying, just a crazy buy ...

On the other hand, Li Gang has issued this order in the thirteen too.

He Qiu, Hong Le Tao, etc., immediately distributed orders through their own groups, soon, the neighbors of Song Yujun also began to buy.

Mountain City, Xiao Lingyu landed in the internal chat procedure of the wind and rain, "all the members who have no task have no task, immediately log in to Penguin music, buy Murong Snow's new single" Meet ", one person buy at least 10,000, You can be reimbursed in the building. "

A killer that just implemented the task is being relaxed in the bar. At this time, he felt that the mobile phone was shock, and he quickly got up to the toilet.

After reading it, the killer fell into a short-time state.

Not ... The landlord is the magic. I actually let me buy a new single song of a singer, whose wind and rain is going to do water?

Although I can't understand, this killer still downloads penguin music according to the command, and starts to help Murong Snow brush.

At this time, the sales of the single have passed 20 minutes, and the sales of "Butterfly Dance" have been coming to 6 million, and the sales of "Meet" have come through 2 million.

"The overall situation has been fixed, this same PK Our dream is victory!"

"The best, butterfly dance is the best!"

"From today, our dream butterfly is the first female singer of Chinese music, I don't accept it? Take sales!"

"Sales 20 minutes have broken 6 million, this is the miracle of Chinese music!"

Liu Meimei's fan is crazy, and keeps talking on the Weibo of Liu Meimei.

Murong Snow's fans must be unhappy, but sales have been crushed by Liu Mengde, and they want to speak for Murong Snow.

It is very wrong!

On Beijing, the luxury villa, Liu Mengde is still excited.

"I am proud, I am really like a little girl who has not grown."

Zhao Shenghai really likes the pure, cute temperament of Liu Meimei, of course, cute in front of the surname, just because Liu Meili integrates these two temperament into one, this is the place where Zhao Sheng is fascinated.

In order to completely control Liu Mengde, Zhao Shenghai is willing to smash 30 million real silver.

"People are happy, the sales list is the first, and it is died after the small days, and this is the thing I don't want to think. Now I really want to explode. Hey!"

To speaking, Liu Meimei also wood, ah, I got a while, provoke Zhao Shenghai laughed.

"Oh, the sales list will be updated, I see how big it is from the gap between Murong Xue."

Liu Mengde quickly picked up the mobile phone, refreshed the sales list, and then went to the first sales.

"Wow, 10 million, good ... Hey? Why is the first isn't me?"

Liu Mengde was originally excited, but when she saw the first song name and suddenly stopped.

No ... "Meet" How to suddenly rose to the first, sales is still an amazing 10 million? This is a special past 5 minutes, the sales have risen by 8 million? !

It must be her eyes!

After the eyes blink, Liu Meimei found that it was not her eyes, but true, "Meet" boarded the sales list first with 10 million sales!

Look at her "Butterfly Dance", the sales have also come to 9 million.

25 minutes broke Murong Snow's sales record a year ago, this grade is already very happy, but Liu Meimei is not happy! Because she is the first, I have to step in Murong Xue on the foot!

"Zhao boss ~ You see, people have been more than, and people are now unhappy now, what to do ~"

Liu Mengdi walked to Zhao Sheng's maritime, holding his arms spoiled.

Zhao Shenghai has some distressed and a little fun: "It doesn't matter, this is only 25 minutes, followed by your" Butterfly Dance "at least 11 million sales, open Murong Snow is a late morning."

"If the sales of Murong Snow have more than 20 million?" Liu Meimei worried.

The sales of "meeting" is over 8 million in 5 minutes. This momentum is too fierce, and she is not worried.

"Then I will continue to add!" Zhao Shenghai looked at the hands, he domineering.

Liu Meimei suddenly happily: "I know that Zhao boss is best for me, wood, wood ~"

On the Internet, Murong Snow's fans saw that after refreshing the sales list, suddenly played the blood, and ran to Liu Mengde's Weibo.

"Seeing that there is no," Meet "sales have skyrocketed 8 million, and ask you to accept it?"

"Xiaoxue is the best," Meet "is the best, advise you to listen to" Meet ", this song is really a song this year!"

"The things that create a new era of Chinese music are still handed over to our small snow, you are too tender ~"

Liu Meimei's fans are not willing, and I will return to myself: "Rely, happy, this time, wait," Butterfly Dance "will definitely exceed" Meet "after the sales list update!" "

Because the quarrel of the two fans, the attention of the sales list is higher!

After 5 minutes, the sales list is updated again. "Meet" is still in the first position of the sales list, sales is more than 50 million!

Look at Liu Meimei's "Butterfly Dance", "only" in the second place with 12 million sales!

After another 5 minutes, the sales of "meeting" have come to a billion, while the sales of "butterfly dance" is only 15 million.

In less than an hour, the sales reached a billion!

This is a brand new, it feels an incredible record! There is no singer in the world to reach this record!

It is completely fried on the Internet!

Murong Snow's fans were crazy, and the fans of Liu Meimei, who had to go, have become dumb.

Under this comparison of this rolling, they have no fans with Murong Snow.

Liu Meilie also fell! "A hundred million, how will there be a hundred million, this is impossible, absolutely impossible!"

After a loss, Liu Meimei looked at Zhao Shenghai: "Zhao boss, you said to continue to add to help me to win the first, you have to append, people have to take the first."

"As long as you append, you make me do anything, good, Zhao boss ~"

Zhao Shenghai's face is smoked, and the arm pushed Liu Meimei to one side, and he said: "Hey, is you a lot of money?"

This moment, Zhao Shenghai's mentality is also a bit imbalance.

Made, he just wanted to hold a three-line singer, and there were already a lot of 30 million, let him smash one hundred million? Do your dream!

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