Save the Goddess System

Chapter 720 goes to Dongpu

After an hour, the sales of "meeting" met more than 500 million horrific.

This grade shocked throughout the Chinese, almost everyone asked "why" Meet "can achieve such sales achievements?"

Strong curious heart driven, more and more people start logging in to penguin music payment to buy this song, and people who have heard the songs are full of this song.

This heat is even spread to abroad, and more and more kinds of fruit is in the social network.

Soon, someone sent this song MV in the tubing, then hit the volume and rising!

From this moment, "Meet" is in the world, and the companion of Murong Snow is also fire.

Countless reficed netizens posted the voice of Murong Snow, the value, and they lamented why they didn't find the excellent singer of Murong Snow.

As for the "Butterfly Dance" of Liu Mengde ... Almost has been forgotten, people will only remember who the champion is, have a few to pay attention to the runner-up?

Liu Mengde is exhausted and fry, but it has been a wedding dress for Murong Snow, which should be she never thought.

"Everyone is doing well, we don't drunk tonight."

After receiving the tone of the task completed, Li Feng took out the champagne that had already prepared early, and won the winner of Murong Snow.

Since the system judges that the task is completed, the victory between Murong Snow and Liu Meimei must have no suspense.

"So ... do you really brush a hundred million?"

Wei Shi Qing said with a complex tone.

One billion, even if she is the president of the future, I still feel a certain incredible.

"Otherwise? If you have to play, you will play big, anygate money is just a number."

Li Feng shrugged his shoulders, and he didn't care.

If there are other people here, I will define a resentment 13.

Nima, this is a hundred million, 99% of the world can't earn a billion in this life. Li Feng took a billion, and said that money is just a number for him.

But this is the fact.

There is still more than 7 billion cash on his card. Osweil's mobile cash has reached 50 billion. This is not his 39.6 million system points. If these points are all replaced by cash, it is 39.6 billion.

In this way, Li Fengguang is close to 90 billion, and this number will get more and more in this number with the ability of Osweil's enhancement.

What is the woman who took a hundred million her woman?

"Well, I suddenly be a little snowy."

Wei Bingqing sighed, half joke.

Murong Snow smiled, his eyes were pretty.

"Ice Qing, Li Feng, can help you still have 100 billion loans, you should say that we are jealous of you."

Su Wei said in the side of the side of the gas.

Song Yujun and others did not stop nod: "To say that Li Feng is most hurt, it is not a soft sister."

"That is, every time you have the longest time to practice with Li Feng, I have to die."

I heard them talking about this topic, Li Yuan thoughtfully left the living room.

A new young man is together, no one, who knows what they will say, she is a mother-in-law, it is not a net ...

Li Yuan walked, the atmosphere was more relaxed.

"I feel like this?" Li Feng swept away from Wei Yingqing and others, and then the eyes were bright, and the evil smiled: "Do you do it, do you practice together?"

Listening to this words, Wei Yingqing and others will be on the spot.

Take it together? This is not very good ...

It is only a decision in Li Feng's heart, and I don't care how to say Wei Bingqing and others say that the cloud hand has gripped them in his hand, then directly fly to the second floor ...

The next evening, Li Feng came to the place where the Dragon Soul Pearl Division was located, and he found Heze Pace under the reception of Jiang Yun bamboo, and brought him from the investigation room.

Although Li Feng has already withdraws from the dragon soul, he is a half-level strong, and you will take a serious time to take care of Li Feng, even if it is unreasonable!

Putting a book is taken away by the people he captured, no one dares to agree.

Seeing Li Feng's moment, Black & Zeping is going to cry.

During this time, what day is he passed, you will not see every day, the scope of the activity is then a little bit, eat and drink to sleep, sleep in this fart, wrist!

I think he is a super-level force, why is it so far?

And all of this culprit is Li Feng! I don't know why, I think that Li Feng has to leave himself, Hezpin is grateful to Li Feng.

Is this not considered Stockholm syndrome?

"I will take you back to Dongpu this evening. You have to listen to me on the road. If there is a violation, I will throw you away from the sky, ok?"

Li Feng grabbed Black Zeping, flew to the high altitude, caching the wind.

"Well ... I will go!"

Blackweed, just a mouth, was filled with his stomach, and quickly nodded.

Lying in the trough, flies from the pearl to Dongpu, this matter is the supreme strongman can do it?

If Black Zeping knows that Li Feng is actually a half-level power, I don't know why I think.

Night, Dongpu, hot Beijing.

It is already in the summer season, and the temperature of Dongpu is a bit hot. As the world's top five super metropolis, it is more hot.

Of course, it refers to life.

It is already 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, and the hot Beijing is still clear, especially near the landmark building, the road is also a car tall dragon, the neon light is connected, the business is super, the pub, the pub, the dance hall is full of people.

On the sidewalk, there are tourists from all over the world, and there are also rushing office workers, and the staff of the dance hall holding small advertising.

Just then, a team that was completely composed of black Bentley Mudui passed from the Golden Piece.

After seeing this team, the roadside of the road is curious, and even a few tourists also took out the phone to take pictures of this team.

However, at this time, several black people suddenly appeared, a mobile phone who had taken their mobile phone, tough pulling the photos just photographed, then fell to the ground, and finally crushed it with your feet.

These puffes are not happy, and they have a quarrel with these black people, and they will be big.

At this time, there was a hot Beijing to walk, and the whispered: "They are people who are three sides, you can't afford it, hurry to leave here."

Tourists know that the other party's identity, the two words are scared, and the head will go.

Sankou Society, Asia's largest, famous underground organization, don't say they are just a few people who come to Dongpu, even if the local people can't afford the three agency.

At this time, the team has turned away from the corner of the distant, disappearing in the sight of everyone.

After 10 minutes, the team entered a luxury villa, and Fujita Xiang, who was black in black, came out from the Mu Shang in the middle, and walked into the villa in a black man.

After the next person who came back, Fujita Xiang was replaced with slippers, came to the second floor bedroom to ring the door: "During the flower sauce, I am Fuji, can I go in?"

After a few seconds, a cold voice came from inside: "No!"

It is the voice of the flowers and fragrance!

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